Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1315: There is a problem with this house

Since you want to buy a house, you must seek advice from everyone.

So Song Ye summoned Lin Waner, Shi Hao Shi Ling and Qin Xiaoyu into the room.

"I plan to buy a house in the imperial capital. What's your suggestion?" Song Yan said directly, without the habit of turning corners.

"Master, I heard that the house in the imperial capital is very expensive, and an ordinary house needs hundreds of superb crystals!" Shi Hao was a little worried.


Hearing that Qin Xiaoyu could not help laughing out loud.

"Sister Xiaoyu, what are you laughing at?" Shi Hao rubbed his head thickly, puzzled.

Qin Xiaoyu laughed: "Don't you know, your master is a local tyrant? Don't say hundreds of Needy Lingjing, even hundreds of thousands of Needling Lingjing are not in his eyes!"

"Local tyrant? What is local tyrant?" Shi Hao asked again.

"It means very rich." Qin Xiaoyu explained that he has been with Song Yan for a long time, and has learned some new words, such as local tyrants, high and handsome, Bai Fumei, Nima, and pit father of.

"Oh, I see." Shi Hao nodded.

Song Yan said again: "Okay, let's get back to business. Everyone expresses their opinions on what kind of house they want."

"It's best to buy a bigger one, not too remote, so that it is worthy of being a son!" Qin Xiaoyu suggested.

"I think there should be a garden and a pond." Lin Waner added.

"There should be a performance martial arts field for my sister and me to discuss." Shi Hao thought for a while.

For a while, everyone expressed their opinions and discussed with pleasure.

"All right!"

Song Yan raised his hand: "After synthesizing everyone's opinions, the house must be large enough, with a garden, sugar, and a martial arts field. Is the environment beautiful?"


Everyone nodded in unison.

"Tianluo, what's your suggestion?" Song Yan looked at Tianluo who had never spoken.

"I all listen to my husband." Li Tianluo chuckled.

"Okay, let's go now!"

"Okay, buy a house!" Shi Ling cheered.

After going downstairs, Song Ye went to the innkeeper and asked where to buy a house in Didu?

Overnight, Song Ye was already famous, so the shopkeeper's extra enthusiasm explained Song Ye in detail.

If you want to buy a house in Didu, you can ask about it everywhere, but it will take more time and energy. Second, you can go to Yahang, because there are many owners who want to sell their house. Finding teeth will charge a certain fee.

Three, just go to the government.

However, the government houses are usually large mansions, the prices are relatively high, and the government is not very good, and the efficiency is not as high.

After inquiring clearly, Song Ye directly passed the first method and decided to go to Yaxing first to inquire about it. If there is a suitable house, he should buy it directly from Yaxing. If there is no suitable one, go to the government office.

The emperors of Da Zhou were very large, and their area was at least comparable to that of a large province in the main world.

According to the shopkeeper's introduction, the recent dental shop is also two hundred miles away.

"Will you go in a spirit car or walk?"

Song Ye asked for their opinions.

"Let's walk, you can just see the scenery of the Imperial City." Li Tianluo said.

"Okay, let's go!"

Everyone is a cultivator. The distance of two hundred miles is really nothing.

The entire emperor has a large array of support. The heaven and earth in the capital are extremely strong, so even ordinary people, in this environment, living a hundred or two hundred years old is not a problem.

However, after all, the imperial capital was the center of the Great Zhou Emperor. Even ordinary people did not worship any sects. At the age of six, they could receive a practice method from the government that could be practiced to the Jindan period.

Therefore, even on the streets, even seven-to-eight-year-old dolls are cultivated.

Adults among ordinary people generally have the practice of building the base period. In the real world, the base period can already be the king and dominate, but here is the most ordinary bottom-level people.

Because of the aura, there are lush trees all around the street, and there are even many low-level spiritual trees, and there are spiritual fruits on it.

Li Tianluo often lived in the capital of the Tang Dynasty, but compared with here, the capital of the Tang Dynasty was too far away, so even Li Tianluo was interested in the surrounding scenery.

Therefore, at an hour, Song Ye and his team went out of the seventy or eighty miles.

When Song Yan and others turned into another street, they suddenly saw a pair of grandchildren coming from the front.

The broken line that reads "Tianji Shenshu" is too familiar.

"Several little dolls, we met again, it's really destined!"

The old man raised his head and said with a proud look.

"Yes, old gentleman, I can't think of seeing you in the imperial capital." Qin Xiaoyu smiled, seeming to point.

"I've seen Son Song, Sister Tianluo, Sister Waner, Sister Xiaoyu, and Shi Hao Shiling!" Murong Hongdou stepped forward happily and greeted everyone.

After some greetings, the old man stared at Song Yan: "Little baby, where are you going?"

"Sir, my master intends to buy a house." Shi Ling said indifferently.

"Buy a house?" The old man's eyes lightened: "It is a coincidence that the old man has also studied the art of Fengyu Shui. It is very important whether a house lives well."

"Really? Or if the old gentleman would go with us, we might as well give us pointers!" Lin Waner invited.

"This, my husband is very busy." The old man touched his beard, his face full of embarrassment.

When Murong Hongdou heard the words, she rolled her eyes. Her grandfather's lies really came out of her mouth. The so-called busyness was just shoving, and it was true to want Lingjing.

"Let ’s go, Mr. Old, please follow along. I ’ll give you ten pieces of superb Lingjing. How hard is it?" Song Ye Wenge knows the elegance. How can he not understand the old man ’s intentions? Feng Shui is worthy of the art, even if Feng Shui is worse, as long as he fiddles with it, he can transform it into an excellent place of Feng Shui.

However, the obscure power outside the old man's body was never clear to him, so he simply came along to push the boat.

The old man heard ten superb Lingjings, and his turbid eyes suddenly flashed, but his face was reluctantly, and he waved his hand: "Just because everyone is an acquaintance, the old man would I'll take a walk with you, if you can. "

For the next trip, Lin Wan'er, Shi Ling and Murong Hongdou gathered together, and speaking privately, they seemed quite speculative and happy.

The old man walked in front of him with a broken puppet, Song Yun and Li Tianluo were slightly behind, followed by Qin Xiaoyu, and behind him was the loyal servant of Shi Hu.

After more than half an hour, Song Yong and his party finally arrived at the Yaxing.

A dark-faced young man in a cyan segment gown greeted him, his gaze fell directly on Song Yan: "This boy, I don't know what you need?"

"I want to buy a house." Song Yan said directly.

"What requirements does the son have for the house?" During the talk, the dark youth asked Song Yan and others to take their seats, and ordered the people to bring tea and snacks.

Song Xun informed the other party's request, and he heard the request. The dark young man couldn't help but rejoicing, because the higher the price of the transaction, the more achievements he made, and at least tens of thousands can meet the type of house that Song Xuan requested Superb Lingjing.

Even if he can only raise one thousandth of the transaction price, he can get ten superb crystals.

As a result, the attitude of the swarthy youth became more enthusiastic.

"Song son, according to your request, we have three mansions here to accompany your request, please wait a moment, the younger one will take out the images of those three mansions for your reference!"

"Go." Song Zheng nodded.

The dark youth walked away quickly, and soon returned with three jade slips.

When he saw a trick, Yu Jian was in full bloom, releasing a three-dimensional image of the mansion.

"Song Son, this mansion was originally a mansion of a wealthy merchant, covering an area of ​​more than 50 acres. There are more than 300 houses in it, including ... In addition, there are rockery pavilions, small bridges, lakes, etc. ...! "

The eloquence of the black youth was very good. At one quarter of an hour, he introduced the mansion into a transparent one.

"Song Son, are you still satisfied?" The black youth asked nervously.

"Look at the other two first." Song Yan said calmly.

So the dark-skinned young man put away the three-dimensional image of the mansion and opened the three-dimensional image of the second mansion.

The original mansion of the second mansion was a court official. Because he was transferred to another country as an official, he planned to sell it. Apart from the area, the mansion was not as good as the first mansion in terms of area or construction.

It is the third mansion, which is far larger than the first and second mansions in terms of area and various types of buildings. It is said that the original owner of the mansion was an elder of Zongmen.

Later, the elder went out to grab the treasure and was killed. In addition, the elder had no sons and no daughters, and even his apprentice did not have one. Therefore, the house where he was located sold his real estate.

"Go to this mansion first!"

Song Yan confronted the black youth.

Hearing that, the other party was overjoyed, because the price of this mansion reached more than 23,000 superb crystals. If he succeeded, he would get a commission of 23 superb crystals.

After half an hour.

Under the leadership of the young man in the dark, Song Yan and his party came to the mansion.

The entire mansion covers an area of ​​more than 80 acres, and various types of buildings are relatively complete. The most important thing is that this mansion also has a large spiritual gathering. In addition to this, there is also a martial arts field and an alchemy room. It can be said that the equipment room, exercise room, etc. are quite complete.

In addition, there is a spiritual field at the back of the house. The high-level elixir in Lingtian has been removed, leaving only some low-level elixir.

"how about it?"

After walking around the whole house, Song Ye asked everyone's opinions.

"Master, I like it here." Shi Ling nodded first.

"Brother Song, I like it too!" Lin Waner expressed her opinion for the second time.

Then others expressed their opinions one after another and expressed their satisfaction.

Song Zheng nodded, and said to the black youth: "If so, then talk about the price!"

The other side heard the words, but it was ecstatic, and did not expect that things would be so soon.

But just then, the old man who had not been snoring suddenly said: "Slowly, there is a problem with this mansion."

As soon as this word came out, the dark young man's complexion suddenly changed.

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