Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1319: Ogori King

A few days passed and Song Ye's fame continued to ferment. ()

But it is surprising that Bei Gongyu suffered such a big loss, and he didn't have the trouble to come to Song Yun immediately, but everyone knows that this loss Bei Gongyu will definitely not eat for nothing. Greater revenge is brewing.

Just that day.

Thousands of teams appeared in the sky outside the Imperial City, and all of them were made up of powerful black armor monks, and there were even dozens of them.

In the center of the team, there is a huge luxury chariot like a palace, and the pull is a high-end spirit beast with nine heads to reach the level of distraction.


The entire team descended from the sky and landed at the gate of the city.

"Who is coming?"

City guard generals with vigilance strode forward and questioned loudly.

"Flash away!"

A black whip turned into a ray of light, and the city guard gave it directly to the smoker.

When a Gancheng guard saw this, he drew his sword and aimed at this team, and even the elven city guard sent a message to report upward.

"Blind your dog's eyes, even Xiao Junwang's frame dare to stop, don't leave me!"

An arrogant voice sounded.

Then, a middle-aged man in a blue robe walked out of the line with his hands on his back, staring at a guard with a poor look.

"Dare to ask that little county king?"

The pumped-up general had stood up and asked a little bit angrily.

"What kind of thing are you? You also have to question my little county king, and quickly let go. My little county king will enter the city to meet the emperor!" Said the middle-aged blue robe with a disdainful expression.

"It turned out to be a martial arts steward on the royal house of Makino-gun. Why do people like you care about a group of soldiers and young men?"

Just then, a big man wearing a white tiger armor appeared at the gate of the city.

"Who am I? It turned out to be the invincible third son of the Wang family. I didn't expect to see you for decades, and you have also become a defender!" The middle-aged blue robe known as the housekeeper gave the other a sneer, sneer Road.

"Let the housekeeper laugh!" Wang Huairen's face suddenly chilled, and he waved his hand, "You all go away!"


The Wu steward snorted and returned directly to the team. The stagnant team moved again, and entered the imperial city with a big swing.

"General, hasn't King Makino been expelled from the capital by the emperor? Why are you back again?"

The teenager who had been beaten asked Wang Huairen in doubt.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and be on duty!"

Wang Huairen said indifferently, but his eyes fell on the team. Although the emperor sent out Makino-gun, but Makino-gun was her grandson, and Makino-gun was dead. Before he died, he wrote Letter back to the capital, hoping that his only son can return to the capital.

So the emperor agreed to King Makino's request and allowed the small king to return.

It just surprised him that, after the incident, it has been said that Makino-gun ’s mansions have been assigned to more than ten years. It should have converged, and it should be a low-key. So high-profile arrogance.

Don't look at him as a five-pin defender, but his grandpa is also a member of the court.

Although he could not be favored in the royal family, after all, he was a member of the royal family, but the housekeeper of the Makino-gun king's house gave him no face at all and mocked him directly in front of everyone.

"Hey, if you don't die, you won't die!" Thinking of this, he couldn't help sneering: "The emperor called you back for the sake of the dead King Makino-gun. If you don't know the convergence, the empress may not You keep driving away! "

The entry of Makino-gun's palace attracted many people's attention.

Inside the palace-like car, a handsome young man in a silk robe was putting a pair of long, fair-skinned legs on the pillow, and another beautiful girl was chuckling and putting a spirit fruit into his mouth.

At the same time, there are a group of beautifully dressed young girls dancing tempting dances in the car.

Suddenly, the housekeeper pushed in the car door and walked in, stooping, "King of the county, we have arrived at the capital. Are you going to the palace to meet the emperor, or return to the county palace first!"

"You look at the arrangement!" Said Xiao Jun Wang.

"The old slave thought that the small county king should go and meet the female emperor first." Wu steward suggested.

"Well, okay, you housekeeper, you follow Xiao Wang to meet the emperor. The others go back to the county king's house first!" Having said that, Xiao county king stood up, then opened his hands, and the woman beside him quickly changed his clothes.

"Xiao Jun Wang, you may not know something, we had sold the Jun Wang Fu when we left the imperial capital!" Wu steward said a little awkwardly.

"No matter how it is sold, is there anyone who has taken over the Makino-gun Royal Mansion and failed? Just let them get away!" Xiaojun Wang Wenyan waved disdainfully.

"Otherwise, let's find an inn to stay first, and the old slave will send someone to organize the county king's palace!" Wu Butler suggested again.

"You go, don't bother Xiao Wang about such trivial matters in the future, you just have to do it!" Said Xiao Jun Wang impatiently.

"Yes, that old slave retires first!"

Wu Butler stepped out of the frame and waved a fit expert.

The other side is the old guard of Makino-gun's palace, and has the cultivation of the later period of integration.

"Guardian of the palace, you take a few people to the county king's house to clean up the mansion!"

"Yes, butler!"

The palace guard nodded and took the two early days of integration, and the four distracted spirits flew towards the original Makino-gun royal palace in the late period.

Soon, the palace guard and others reached their destination.

When they saw that the plaque of Makino-gun's palace had been changed to Song's palace, the palace guards and others could not help but be furious.

"Look at me hacking him!"

A distracting guard suddenly drew his sword and pulled it out, and a narrow knife flew out, splitting the plaque in half and dropping it.

Although there is no guard outside the mansion, the front yard of the mansion is also garrisoned.

The plaque was split so much that it could not hide the ears of the subordinates, so the two subordinates opened the door and walked out. They saw that the plaque that had been split in half and dropped to the ground suddenly changed his face.

One of them even pointed at the guard of the palace and asked: "Who are you, why do you split off the plaque of my Song family?"

"Shit family, this is my Makino-gun king's house!"

The distracting guard who split the plaque sneered: "You two, hurry and ask your master to get out of the county king's house, otherwise don't blame me for waiting!"

"Why, this mansion was bought by my master Hua Lingjing, why did you tell us to move away!" The subordinate argued reasonably.

"court death!"

The distracted guard's eyes were cold, and the long knife that had not returned to the sheath suddenly split. When the knife flashed, he heard a bang. The villain's body was split into two halves, then split open from it, blood and internal organs scattered Ground, suddenly a strong **** smell permeated.

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