Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1320: Whose fist is hard

In addition, the famous man saw that Ma Jiu, who was also a subordinate, was split into two halves by one knife. He could not help but scare the soul, and said, "I am the master of my house ... my master is Song Yan. Recklessly!"

"Who is Song Yan, have you heard it?" The guardian asked the companion.

The three distracted guards all shook their heads, and one of the distracted guards said, "I haven't heard of it, it should be a nameless soldier!"

Of course, they haven't heard it. Song Ye came to the capital for a few days. They have left Emperor for more than ten years. How could they have heard Song Ye's name.

"Since it's an unknown soldier, it's easy to handle. We can make a fortune while helping the little county king to return to the mansion!" The former guardian of the gods flashed a little greed in his eyes, facing the guard of the palace.

In their opinion, being able to spend money to buy a mansion like Wangfu, Makino-gun must be extremely rich, and it is natural to extort such a fat sheep.

More than ten years ago, the king of Makino-gun relied on the favor of the female emperor. In the emperor, he was famously arrogant and arrogant. As the so-called owner has the kind of dog, the group of people under his hands are naturally eye-catching. Seniors.

After spending more than ten years in the bitter cold place, they have already had enough. How can they make up for the more than ten years they have suffered after returning to the emperor?

Palace Guard is the main person in this matter, but after all, he is a big master in the late stage of the fit, and naturally has to hold back. He brought these four distracting guards to let them act as thugs. Of course, the final benefit he obtained was that Get big heads.

Therefore, facing the inquiry of the guard, he nodded slightly.

After receiving the approval of the palace guard, the expression of that distinguished guard became more and more arrogant, pointing at the inferiority of Songfu: "You, hurry in and call out your **** master."

Qin Xiaoyu is Song Yan's professional girl-in-law. After buying the mansion, she acted as a steward, and for a few days, she directed the hundreds of servants to take care of the whole house in an orderly manner.

On this day, she is preparing for a banquet.

Since moving to a new home the day before, many people in the capital have received gifts, so Song Yong planned to invite those who gave gifts to the banquet. The first is to express their gratitude to them, and the second is to expand communication. The meaning of the circle.

This incident naturally fell on Qin Xiaoyu.

"Butler Qin, it's not good! Someone came to our house to make trouble!"

A maid came hurriedly, panicking.

After hearing the words, Qin Xiaoyu froze, and then angrily said, "Which one dares not come to our house to make trouble?"

Under the continuous ferment of Song Ye's reputation these days, he is also regarded as a great figure in the Imperial City. How could anyone come to the house to find fault.

"Xia San, the guardian of the portal, came to report and said that a group of people who claimed to be the King's Mansion of Makino-gun came to ask for the mansion and ordered us to move out here, and Ma Jiu, the gatekeeper, had been killed!" Road.

After a few days, Qin Xiaoyu had erected the majesty of her big housekeeper, so every little maid was extremely afraid of her.

Qin Xiaoyu couldn't help wondering that the other party was actually the mansion of Makino-gun. Isn't Makino-gun's mansion allotted to the bitter cold place, and was ordered by the emperor to never return to the imperial capital?

Why did you suddenly come to find fault?

Of course, at the same time as the accident, Qin Xiaoyu was also angry, and the other party dared to kill the people in Songfu.

However, this matter involves a wide range. If the other party is really from the Makino-gun palace, she will not be able to handle it, so she sends someone to report to Song Kun while rushing to the gate of the mansion.

The servants and maids presented by the palace were all from Jindan to Yuanying, so Song Xuan summoned from the temple two early stages of integration and ten late gods to serve as guards in the mansion.

Naturally, they all obeyed Qin Xiaoyu.

Soon, Qin Xiaoyu came to the gate with a fit guard and six late guards.

When she glanced at her, she saw Ma Jiu split in half. She could not help but stare at the sidewalk of the King's Mansion in Makino-gun: "Did you come to my Song Man to make trouble?"

"Hey!" The distracting guard who smashed Ma Jiu laughed strangely, staring at Qin Xiaoyu with a playful look: "Chick, are you Song Yun's woman?"

"Excessive, I am the big steward of the Song House!" Qin Xiaoyu's face grew more and more gloomy.

The other party slaps their lips, and shoots two radiances of wickedness in their eyes, and unbridledly looks at Qin Xiaoyu: "The housekeeper of Songfu has no future. Seeing that you are a little bit more beautiful, you might as well follow me in the future to make you fragrant Spicy! "

"You're looking for death, take me down!" Qin Xiaoyu was so angry that he was so angry.

A distracting guard from Songfu responded, and flew straight at the guard at Makino-gun's palace.

"Dare to do it, I don't know how to die!"

The other side sneered, the sword in his hand suddenly bloomed, and chopped to the Song Fu guards.

This Song Fu guard is called Wing Yuan, which Song Ye brought from Taiyi Religious Prison, and was taught by Song Yi to repair the fairy tales. He has worked hard in the temple for many years. His strength has reached the peak of distraction and half of his feet have stepped in. During the fit period, his strength is extremely strong.

Looking at the bladed sword light that came from the split, the wings were not afraid, and they stepped up into the air to meet the bladed light, while the right fist followed the bombardment.

Listening only to the sound of "嘭", the seemingly powerful sword light was actually smashed by a fist, and at the same time, his fist continued to kill the distracting guards at Makino-gun's palace.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The other's face changed, and he waved his sword against each other. A series of bursts of vigorous blasting sounded suddenly, but the other party just resisted the five punches and was hit by the fist of the **** in the chest. Then the other party spit blood and flew into the street. on.

Seeing this, Gong Shiwei's eyes flickered slightly, because he found that the true strength of the wings was extremely pure and mysterious, and the explosive attack was very powerful, so he could defeat the same realm in just a few moves. County King's Guard.

At the same time, he also compared that even in the late part of the distraction, the true element of his body could not reach this intensity, so it can be seen that this Song Fu's guard must have practiced some powerful exercises.

At this moment, the flanking stepped out again, intending to catch up with the guard, but the three distracting guards standing on the side moved, the body shot out, and launched an attack at the same time.

The companions lost a few tricks, making them realize that the guard in Songfu was very strong, so they acted with all their strength.

In a hurry, the flanks were a little messy under the joint attack of the three, but quickly stabilized. At the same time, a physical power was exhibited, which caused the combat power to increase sharply. The three were defeated, but the three were beaten. Defeated.

After the ten strokes, the wing sang softly, his long arms rolled, and his punches were like electricity.


A guard was badly wounded and unable to fight again.

The three were under siege, not to mention the two.

Therefore, after more than ten moves, the other two were also severely wounded by him and lost their combat effectiveness.

At this time, Song Ye also received a notice and rushed to the gate of the mansion.

[Digression by the author]: One more, thank you [run for a long time] [Zhu Xiujin] [Deng treats a purple chess trace] [Sindh] These four great rewards

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