Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1323: My cheap is not so good

People in the Makino-gun King's House have long been surrounded by spies of various forces waiting to monitor their movements. Therefore, as soon as the men and horses in the Makino-gun King's House start, the people behind them are informed.

In an ordinary small courtyard near Songfu, Hiroshi Kitamiya teased the tea set gracefully. He had just brewed a pot of spiritual tea, and a man came hurriedly: "My son, the king of Makino has already left the palace. The people of Wangfu also followed the assembly to Songfu! "

Hearing that, Bei Gongxi hurriedly poured a cup of fragrant tea for himself, and did not care about the hot drink of tea, and then laughed: "A good show will start!"

Coincidentally, in a nearby courtyard, Nangong Yue, Dongfang Yubai, and other dried-ups also gathered there. Their source is no slower than that of Beigong.

"Nangong, do you need to remind Song Ye?" Dongfang Yubai hesitated.

He knew that Song Zhe had already nasty Nangong Yue in the picking star tower.

"You send someone to inform him!" Nangong Yue smiled.

I heard that Oriental jade cypress could not help but let Nangong change his temper, but soon he understood that the current situation is the same without notice to Song Kun.

Thinking of this, he was disappointed with Nangong Yue again. If the other party's father was not his father's boss, he would not even want to hang around with him anymore.

At the same time, in the private room of a restaurant, the gate of Song House can be seen through the window.

There are only two people in this box.

One man and one woman.

The woman is Shangguan Begonia, and the man is Shangguan Glory.

"Miss, why are you so concerned about Song Ye?" Shangguan glory said curiously: "Although Song Ye's qualifications are extraordinary, he is too high-profile and prestigious, and is destined not to last long!"

Shangguan Begonia smiled and said, "Just watch the changes!"

She is a blue-hearted woman with strong insight. Although there is not enough evidence and the owner of Yinhu County refuses to admit it, she has a hunch. Silver Fox seems to care about Song Yan. So, she Curious, I want to see what kind of person Song Yan is.

At the same time, a phantom figure appeared in a private house.


A young couple lived in a private house, and they were extra vigilant when they saw the sudden appearance of a figure.

"Giggle, let's sleep first!"

The illusory figure shook his fingers, the two spirits did not enter the two, and the two fainted. The illusory figure gradually began to condense and turned into a beautiful woman. If Nangong Yue Oriental Jade Cypress is here, he will be excited Exclaimed: "Girl calling the moon!"

Yuezhao's gaze penetrated the void and looked towards Song Yan's mansion, muttering to herself: "Since this girl's debut, you are still the first person not to be deceived by the demon dance. Today, this girl will take a good look What are you capable of! "

Inside Song Fu.

"Grandpa, what are you doing?"

Looking at the grandfather who was going to pull him away, Murong Hongdou said eagerly.

"Silly girl, that kid is about to have a big catastrophe, and we won't be able to leave if we don't leave!" The old man said angrily.

After hearing the words, Murong's red beans suddenly changed his face, and his eyes flashed with worry: "Grandpa, do you mean that Son Song can't overcome this difficulty this time?"

The old man sneered: "Hey, there are more than 50 masters in the upper and lower courts of Makino-gun, including eight in the latter part of the union and sixteen in the middle of the suit. What do you think the boy can resist?"


After hearing this from his grandfather, Murong Hongdou's face turned pale: "No, I'm going to notify Song Gongzi and let him prepare early!"

"Stupid girl, people do not die for their own sake, let's run away as soon as possible, so as not to be endangered by that kid!" The old man held Murong Hongdou.

After hearing his grandfather's words, Murong Hongdou was extremely disappointed: "Grandpa, I didn't expect you to be such a person. The place where we didn't live was hosted by Song Gongzi. Now Song Gongzi is in trouble and you have to leave Do you deserve Song Gongzi? "

"You can't say that, but the boy invited us to live!" The old man pleaded.

"You have to go, I will not go!" Murong Hongdou suddenly made a decision.

"Girl, you can't be so wayward!"

Hearing that the old man's face suddenly burst into tears.

"Mr. Murong, in fact, the old gentleman was right. I invited you to stay. This time, you are affected by me. While the people of the King's House in Makino-gun are not here, you can go!"

At this moment, a sudden noise sounded, but Song Yong came slowly towards this side.

"Song Son!"

Upon seeing Song Yan, Murong Red Bean rushed up: "The people in Makino-gun's palace are too strong. My grandfather said that there are eight late stages of integration and sixteen mid-stages of integration, or should we flee together?"

"This mansion I bought for more than 200,000 Need for Lingjing, how can I be willing to do it!" Song Yan smiled, seemingly not worried at all: "However, I still want to thank Girl Murong for reminding me!"

"Song son, money is something outside of you, why are you ...!"

Murong Hongdou would like to persuade again, but Song Ye waved his hand: "Mr. Murong doesn't need to persuade, I won't leave."

The old man on the side suddenly drew a few seals, and then looked strangely at Song Yan: "Where did your kid get so many masters?"

Hearing that, Song Weiyi looked at the old man. He just released some masters from the temple. He didn't expect that he could be measured by the other party, and his heart moved. He stared at the old man and asked, "Who is the senior?"

The old man smiled calmly: "Isn't the old man telling you, am I an expert in the game?"

Seeing that the other party was not willing to tell the truth, Song Ye did not continue to question, and laughed: "Since the seniors don't want to say, I am not reluctant, and if the seniors are not afraid to be involved, they will stay in the house. What is the need? ! "

"With those masters, the people at the King's House in Makino-gun can't help you anymore, then the old man will just make it difficult for a while," the old man said with a lip.

"Girl Murong, thank you for reminding me, this bottle of elixir is my thank you!" Su Song suddenly took out a jade bottle and stuffed it to Murong Red Beans.

"Don't use it, you'll take it back!"

Murong Hongdou refused, just then, a big hand reached out to take the jade bottle, but it was the old man.

He opened the jade bottle directly, but when he saw the ten cold spirits in it, he couldn't help showing the unexpectedness, and then said to Song Yi: "Looking at the bottle of elixir you sent, the old man can save you once!"

"Grandpa, how can you do this, quickly return the elixir to Song Gongzi!" Murong Hongdou stomped.

"What is sent out is like water poured out, boy, are you willing to take it back?" The old man looked at Song Ye and asked.

"The predecessors were right, not to mention the precious elixir. Well, I have to arrange the staff and leave first!" As soon as the words fell, Song Ye turned and left.

When turning around, Song Yan's mouth could not help showing a smile. He secretly said that the old guy can let you be savvy, or he was caught by the young man. I thought the young man's cheapness was so easy to occupy. If it wasn't for the old man's face, he Can't wait to laugh three times.

[Author off topic]: One more

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