Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1324: The person who killed you in your presence

Half a quarter of an hour later, Ma Qiqi, a man from the Makino-gun king's house, rushed to Song Mansion and surrounded the entire mansion. However, they did not start immediately because the small county king had not yet arrived. ()

"Well, there are more than 50 fit masters, of which there are eight late fits. Unless there is a master from the robbery, Song Ye today is definitely dead!"

In the small courtyard, Bei Gongxi drank tea leisurely, with words of glee and joy.

the other side.

"Song Yan is dead this time, and no one can save him!" Nangong Yue shook her head, as if regretful.

Inside the box.

Shangguan Glory slowly retracted his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Miss, the man in the Makino-gun Royal Mansion is coming menacingly, I'm afraid Song Yan ...!"

He did not say the next words, but the meaning revealed is obvious, he is very pessimistic about Song Yan.

"Maybe there is a turnaround," Shangguan Haitang chuckled.

At the same time, the practitioners who came to watch the war were shocked and shocked when they saw the lineup of the Makino-gun king's palace. None of them were bullish on Song Kun, and they all thought he was dead.

Time passed slowly.

Finally, half a quarter of an hour later, a palace-like frame came slowly.

When the horses and men of the Makino-gun palace saw the frame, they bent down and saluted: "Welcome the king-gun!"

"Hmm! I really think that the current Makino-gun Royal Mansion is still the old one!"

Kitamiya sighed coldly, and his eyes were uncomfortable because he had risen after the King of Makino Prefecture left the capital. He had a hunch that he would have to confront the King of Kings sooner or later.

"Let's all get up!"

A lazy voice came out of the frame, and then I saw the handsome, white-faced little Jun Wang slowly walking out of the frame with the help of two maids, followed by the Wuda steward of Makino-gun Wangfu.

"Xie Xiaojun King!" Everyone thanked in unison.

The next moment, the small county king walked slowly and finally stood in front of the gate of Songfu.

"Huh, this Song Ye is so big, the small county kings are here, but they haven't come out yet to drive. Such arrogant people are dead!" Said Wu Da's housekeeper with a murderous voice.

However, just as he spoke.


The closed Songfu gate opened suddenly.

Song Yan stepped out calmly, his eyes fell on the king of Xiaojun, and behind him were only six people, two early stages of integration, two middle stages of integration, and two late stages of integration.

"You are Song Yan?" Said Xiao Jun Wang, ignoring Song Yan, with a playful tone.

"You are the little county king!" Song Yan smiled.

"Bold daredevil, why is it rude to meet the little county king?"

"Why salute?" Song Yan looked strangely.

Hearing that King Xiaojun's face was cold, but the Wuhan University ’s housekeeper looked cold: “In front of you is the small county king of the current Makino-gun palace, and the future king of Makino-gun, should n’t you be a courteous one?

"is it?"

Song Zheng's expression was even more doubtful: "I remember that there was no such title as" King County King "in the Emperor Zhou Dynasty. Is it too ignorant?

Hearing the imprisoning words of Song Jun, Xiao Jun Wang Wu Siyang's face became extremely ugly, and a pair of Dan Feng's eyes shot two vicious eyes, staring at Song Jun coldly, "Alas! Are you ridiculing Xiao Wang?"

Although he is now the king of the county, the female emperor has hinted that he will cap him as the next king of Makino, but he cannot be called the king of the county until the female emperor has captive him.

"Dare not, dare not! I am a grassroots man, how dare to ridicule Xiaojun Wang?" Song Zheng laughed, but bit the small print extremely heavily.

For a moment, Wu Siyang's face was pale.

"Giggle, it's funny, it's fun!" In the private house, Zhao Yue chuckled.

"What's the benefit of babbling!" Kitamiya sneered.

"Well, this Song Yan dare to openly sneer the little county king and admire it!" Some spectators whispered.

"Song Ye!"

At this moment, the housekeeper of Wuhan University took a step forward and said in a deep voice, "This mansion was originally the palace of Makino-gun. If you surrender the mansion now and ask for forgiveness from my little county king, maybe my little county king can spare you A life! "

I heard that Wu Siyang was very dissatisfied and he was about to speak, but the Wu Da housekeeper suddenly said: "The king of the county is a little calm and impatient. Before the emperor has seized you as the king of Makino, we try to keep a low profile. Today, our purpose is to get back to the mansion. , When the dust settles, it is not enough to pick up a grassroots like Song Yong! "

Wu Siyang's eyes flashed, and in the end he said nothing, apparently acquiescing to the recommendations of the housekeeper of Wuhan University.

Song Zheng reiterated: "It's really a robber tone. I bought this mansion for hundreds of thousands of superb Lingjings. In one sentence, you want to take it away and ask me to beg for mercy, haha, this is too much Domineering! "

"What about domineering, Xiao Wang wants to get back to his mansion, it is just and righteous, whoever opposes Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang will make life worse than death!" Wu Siyang couldn't help but speak again.

"Hehe!" Song Yan smiled sarcastically: "Then I will also send Xiao Jun Wang a sentence from my hometown. If a friend comes, I have fine wine, and a bully comes to my door. I have a knife and gun! If Xiao Jun Wang comes to visit, welcome, if Xiao Jun The king is here to get in trouble, so I won't get used to you! "

"What?" Wu Siyang was almost mad when he heard Song Ye's words. The other party dared to call him a bully and shouted at Song Ye: "Whoever slaughtered this pariah, Xiao Wang gave him a thousand superb crystals! "

"King of county, his subordinates are willing to go!" A guard at the beginning of the integration stepped out.

Seeing this, the other guards could not help but feel disappointed, and actually let the other party take the lead.

"Well, Xiao Wang will give you a cup of tea time. Xiao Wang will use this pariah's head to make a wine glass to drink!" Wu Siyang whispered.

"Look at the sub-kings!"

The other turned around and strode forward, staring fiercely at Song Yan: "Little dalit, come up and die!"

Seeing this scene, some spectators said: "Did you say that Song Yun dare to kill this guard?"

"Don't you dare, didn't he kill one before?"

"That's different. Before the small county king didn't come, now the small county king has come. If he kills his people again, there will be no room for turning back!"

Song Yan did not speak, but replaced his words with actual movements. I saw that he stepped a few steps ahead, and then tickled the guard at the beginning of the fit.

The guard was furious when he saw Song Yan's insulting action.

"Go to death!"

At the beginning of the fit, the guard sang aloud, and his body burst out like a streamer, crashing into Song Yong.

The two sides were separated by more than ten meters, and the speed of the combined master was extremely fast. Therefore, even in the blink of a thousandth of an hour, the opponent ran into Song Yan.

But at this moment, a small sword light flashed away.

The sound of "噗", the streamer flickered, revealing the body of the guard in the early stage of the fit. At this moment, the other party's eyes were staring round, staring at Song Yan, showing unwillingness and unbelievable inside.

The next moment, the opponent's body fell to the ground and lost his vitality.

For a moment, the audience was silent and silent.

[Author off topic]: Two more, thank you [My dream flying] [Dream into Nanke] [Also in the account] [Selec] [Run away for a long time] [kevinh] [West King] These great rewards

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