Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1325: Strong in the end

"One trick? With just one trick, Song Ye killed an early stage of the fit!" Even though everyone has heard of Song Yong's ability to cut and kill the mid-fit, he saw a master of the fit die instantly in him It still makes people feel inexplicable.

"No, he didn't even use a trick!"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed, because the sword qi shot by Song Yong was not a trick at all.

In that small yard, Bei Gongxi's eyes were slightly narrowed, and there was a surge of murder in his eyes. This scene reminded him of the scene where his guard was killed.

"Kill, the more you kill, the more you and Wu Siyang's contradictions will become unsolvable!"

"This Song Yan is really decisive in killing and killing people. It is ruthless to kill people!" In the other yard, Dongfang Yubai said with a complex expression.

In the private house, Yueyueqiuquan's eyes faintly flooded: "This boy's shot is so decisive, but we have some style of Mozong."

"You dare to kill my people!"

Suddenly, an angry roar sounded all over the place. It was Wu Siyang. This time, he didn't call himself Wang, apparently he was extremely angry.

"Why not?" Song Yan responded lightly: "He came to kill me, I can't stand there and let him kill!"

"But he is from the King's House of Makino-gun!" Wu Siyang's eyes were bloodshot.

"So what!" Song Yan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Good! Good!" Wu Siyang calmed his emotions a little, and said in a gloomy tone, "You have thoroughly angered Xiao Wang, so Xiao Wang will make you die in despair today!"

Speaking of which, Wu Siyang's fingers crossed the four guards at the beginning of the fit, and said coldly, "Four of you, kill him!"

"Do it!"

The four guards were all decisive, and were ordered to shoot.

A long, flaming fire dragon with enough temperature to distort the void, a surging sword light containing the supreme sword, and a black spear turned into an afterimage with a fist that can easily break the sky and earth. Xiang Song.

The four shot very tacitly. The attack appeared to be scattered, but it formed a continuous momentum and blocked the possibility of Song Ye to dodge. In their view, Song Ye was able to kill the former guard, relying on That weird sword light, so, forcing him to stubbornly resolve his advantage.

But where do they know, although Song Xunxiu has only the late stage of distraction, the purity and quantity of the true elements in his body are not weaker than the late stage of the integration. In addition, he has taken a lot of Han Ling Dan. The late Yuanshen is even stronger.

and so……

In the face of the siege of the four, Song Yong did not do anything at all.

Seeing the attack of the four people was about to devour him, Song Kun suddenly raised his right arm, and then blasted out.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The seemingly ordinary fist contains supreme divine power and powerful to terrible destructive power.

With one punch, the fire dragon goes out.

The second punch, Jian Guang burst.

In the third punch, the black spear was blasted out and made a crisp sound, then there were dense cracks on it, and then several clicks broke into several sections.

The fourth punch hit with the fist of the fit guard, and then the opponent's body exploded directly in the air and turned into a mist of blood.

Seeing this scene, everyone showed an extremely shocked and stunned expression, and lightly punched four punches to defeat the attack of three of them and killed one more.

Too cruel, too sturdy.

Even if the siege of four people is not possible in the middle of the fit, let alone a late distraction.

At the same time that everyone was shocked by this scene, Song Xun moved.


A faint afterglow flashed, and even most people felt that Song Yong had never moved while standing in place.

at this time.

"噗通! 噗通! 噗通!"

The sound of three beeps fell, but the three combined guards fell to the ground, and their vitality dissipated at a very fast speed.


"This is definitely a spike!"

"If you can't breathe, you can kill the triad early. Can this be done in the late distraction?"

Even if they see it with their own eyes, many people find it unbelievable and unacceptable.

Wu Siyang's complexion turned blue at this moment, too shameful. Are the guards in his house all waste, how could he be easily killed by a pariah like killing a chicken and killing a dog?

"Is this the case of the guards at the Makino-gun palace?" Song Yan's voice sounded immediately. If the fire was fueled, Wu Siyang was almost gas-blasted, and then he pointed at a fit and said, "Go!"

But he immediately pointed to the other two mid-fits: "You go together!"

Seeing this, the first-mentioned mid-fitness could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, because he was sure that he was not alone in the young man's opponent.

"Last time, Song Yong killed two combined mid-terms. This time, can he kill three combined mid-terms?" Said a spectator.

"It's very possible! The time it took him to kill the guard of Bei Gongyu last time was very short, which means that he still has the power, and it may not be possible to kill the three combined mid-term!"


The three fits were killing in the medium term, and there was no unnecessary nonsense.

The momentum of their shots was even greater, and the whole world was shaking, as if to break apart.


Just then, a clear and light drink sounded.


This is the sound of a long sword coming out of its sheath.

Holding a sword in white, he rose to the sky.

Sword shocked in Kyushu, sword out drinking human blood!

There is no immense momentum, and there is no monstrous sword qi erupting, only three of them are approaching the extreme sword qi, and the mysterious sword meaning pervading the void.

"Puff puff!"

Three blood flowers splattered, and then turned into blood beads, scattered from the air.

The body of the three-fit mid-term guards was like a body fixation operation. They stopped breathing in mid-air, and then fell down.

"Bang, bang!"

The impact of the corpse on the ground was like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's heart. At this moment, everyone's pupils could not help shrinking, and many people even flashed horror and awe.

Yes, it was the three mid-range guards who hit the floor.

That little yard.

Beiya Gong suddenly got up, even when the tea cup on the table was overturned, he didn't realize it. He stared at Song Ye with his eyes dead, his eyes filled with horror, and a deep jealousy deep in his heart. There was also a fear.

Because he saw that on that day, Song Yan still retained a lot of strength.

"So strong!"

In the other yard, Nangong Yue Dongfang Yubai and others were dumbfounded. At the same time, Nangong Yue had a huge regret in his heart. If such a master can attract them, he will definitely be able to overwhelm Bei Gongyu. Unfortunately, because He couldn't tolerate people and pushed such a fierce man away.

In the house, Yao Yue's face was a little more dignified, because this boy was stronger than she thought.

Inside the Song Mansion, the old man threw Lingxiang beans into his mouth while drinking a small wine. Suddenly, he glanced in the direction outside the mansion with a slight expression, unable to help but said, "Why is this boy so powerful? ? "

[Author off topic]: The third update is complete, thanks for the reward

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