Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1326: My sword is broken

"Don't ...?"

There was a touch of light in the old man's eyes, but he returned to normal immediately, continued to drink small wine, and threw Lingxiang beans in his mouth. ()

It was Murong Red Bean, with a red face on his face and tightly squeezed fists. His expression looked quite excited.

One move to kill the three fit mid-term!

From this, it can be judged that Song Yong's combat power has reached its peak in the middle of the fit, and may even reach the late part of the fit. If he really has the strength of the late fit, then he has the qualification to sweep the rookie list.

As for Wu Siyang, at this moment he has no idea how to describe his mood, but his face is somber that he is about to drip water.

After a long while, he gritted his teeth and exclaimed: "This dalit is not dead, Xiao Wang's heart is uneasy!"

"King, I know what to do!"

The butler of the University of Wuhan Shen said, his face was also ugly at the moment. At that time, the Makino-gun palace was expelled from the capital by the emperor. It can be said that the entire county palace was ashamed. When he returned, his biggest wish was to reshape the majesty of the county palace However, he did not expect that the county palace was planted on a pariah, and his face was greatly lost.

So today, the untouchable must die, he will not die, and the entire county king's palace will be swept majestic.

The attention of the Wuhan University Housekeeper slowly swept over the eight late-stage guards, including Gong Tianqi, and said in a cold tone: "Eight of you, let ’s leave the next one of the Song family, let one go. Let me take you here. ask!"


Eight people in unison.

The next moment, Gong Tianqi flew out first. He wanted to wash away the stigma of being defeated before, but his injury had not healed yet, so he took the lead to kill Song Song.

Then, two more late integrations flew up to meet the two late integrations behind Song Yong.

Then, two more flew out, welcoming the two middle stages and the two early stages of Song Fu's integration.

As soon as the three men were in shape, they would break into the mansion and massacre.

But at this moment, there were six figures rising from the sky in the Song Dynasty. They not only intercepted the three fits, but also surrounded them.


Gong Tianqi's eyes shot a strong and extreme killing power, and he shot all out to kill Song Yong.

But Song Yan was not afraid, and came forward with a sword.

In an instant, the two figures collided together in midair.

The energy burst, tearing the void, and a large number of void cracks appeared around the two fighting, but to a spectator unexpectedly, Gong Tianqi, who was in the late stage of the integration, failed to suppress Song Kun.


A late period of integration can't suppress a late period of distraction, which makes Gong Tianqi ashamed of picking up soft persimmons.

"You must kill him as fast as possible!"

Therefore, Gong Tianqi broke out and the attack intensity suddenly doubled.


Huge impact sounds kept coming from the sky, forcing spectators to retreat again and again. Even so, they felt that their whole blood seemed to be ejected from their bodies.

In the face of Gong Tianqi's horrific offensive, Song Kun was not at all confused. The long sword in his hand was sometimes misty, sometimes stabbing, sometimes slow, and he could not figure it out at all.

On the other side, the two late integrations brought out by Song Yong completely crushed the late integration on the county king's palace. It is even more surprising that the two middle integrations and the early two integrations in Songfu were actually blocked. The two combined late on the county palace.

In the end, the six initial combinations of Song Fu's hidden forces joined together, and the three initial ones that wanted to be slaughtered in the government failed, and even one of them was slightly injured.

This situation was not expected by everyone present.

Bei Gongyun looked very gloomy: "Why are there so many masters in his house?"

Nan Gongyue's face was full of regrets, and he never dreamed of it. Song Ye still had such a team of experts hidden around him. Even in the Da Zhou Dynasty, the masters of crossing the robbery were rarely born. The master is the late stage of fit!

"Who is this kid?"

Zhao Yueyue stared at the last six fits that appeared last. Five of them felt strange to her. They didn't seem to be doing their best, as if they were hiding something.


There was no sign, and a scream came out, but it was Gong Tianqi who was pierced through his head by Song Jian's sword hole, and the devastating sword gas exploded inside him, directly blasting his Yuanshen.

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Song Yan.

"Oh my God, he actually killed a late fit!"

"I go, what do I see, kill the late fit!"

"The fourth level kills, super genius, even if the top three of the rookie list are in the late parting period, they can't kill the late part of the fit!"


Endless shock, the shock that Song Kun brought to everyone this time is stronger than ever.


Song Kun pulled out his sword and rushed into the guards of Makino-gun's palace in a flash!

Skyless! !! !!

Jian Qi, the endless sword qi radiates from the center of Song Yan to the surroundings. That speed is too fast, which makes people dodge at all.



A large number of screams came one after another, and the guards of the county kings' palaces fell quickly, and in a moment, more than a hundred guards were killed.

"Asshole, dare you!"

Seeing this scene, Wu Siyang could not help but jumped and scolded, "Wu housekeeper, please kill him, kill me this pariah!"

"King County, I want to protect you!" Wu Da housekeeper said.

Just as the two talked, Song Ji shot again, with a lot of sword qi, accompanied by a lot of screams.

Then, hundreds of guards were slaughtered.

Although most of these guards are distractors, some of them are combined guards.

But under Song Yan's sword, they simply did not have the ability to resist, and the only thing they could do was watch them killed.

The surrounding spectators are also stupid. You must know that they are the spiritualists and the spiritual practitioners. Why do they have a feeling that it seems that Song Ye killed them more easily than killing chickens and dogs?

"Wu housekeeper, you still don't do it, do you want to watch our people be killed!" Seeing that there were more than a hundred of his men being slaughtered, Wu Siyang was almost guilty and his eyes were red roaring.


This time, the butler at Wuhan University did not hesitate. He also knew that if this group of people had been slaughtered, Makino-gun's palace would be in a state where no one was available.

"Stop the thief! Come here!"

Seeing Song Xun wield the third wave of sword qi, the housekeeper of Wuhan University finally took the shot, a blue palm print fell in the air, and he pressed against Song Xuan.

"Wait for you!"

Song Yan's eyes narrowed, he did not conceal the murder in his eyes, and then raised the spirit sword in his hand.

Bloody! !! !!

The blood-red sword light flashed away, easily broke the big blue fingerprint and came to the eyebrows of the Butler of Wuda.

"Hum, get out of me!"

Wu Da's housekeeper coldly hummed, a burst of golden light burst out all over him, and his entire body turned golden, like a majestic Buddha.

"The Buddha's golden body was decided. It turned out that the housekeeper of Wuda was a Buddha!"

Seeing this scene, someone was exclaimed.

"It is said that Jinshen Jue is the strongest defensive superpower in the world, and no one can break through the same realm!" Someone pointed out the mystery of Jinshen Jue.

Wu Da's housekeeper was very confident in Jinshen, and he continued to stab his long sword, opened his arms and killed him, intending to kill the little thief in one place.

But at this moment, a click sound rang, but it was the eyebrows of Wu Da's housekeeper who suddenly broke apart.

"How is this possible, you can actually break my golden body decision?" Wu Da butler shouted unbelievably.

"Everything is possible!"

As soon as the spirit sword in the hand was sent forward, it easily penetrated into the head of the housekeeper of Wuda. The sky-breaking sword can break even the sky, not to mention the golden body.

[Author off topic]: One more, thank you [Glory Years] [Long Yu 丿 Xiaoyu Brother] [also in the account] [td93708215] [Deng treats a purple chess trace] [moved by affection] [hehe hehe 】 [Cloud light wind light _ heart] [Jingbin Yongyong] These nine big rewards

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