Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1327: Sneaking robbery master

Chapter 1327 The Master of Crossing Robbery

The sword qi containing the strong sword meaning erupted in the mind of the butler of Wuda University, and instantly smashed his Yuan Shen, destroyed his sea of ​​knowledge, and finally exploded his head into a ball of paste. .


Song Xuan pulled back his sword, and continued to kill the guard group of Jun Wangfu, but at the moment he retreated, he stared at Wu Siyang coldly.

Being stared at Song Ye so much, Wu Siyang felt his limbs stiffened, and an indescribable fear burst into his heart. Fortunately, Song Ye didn't kill him, which made him feel grateful.


The sound of sword air holes piercing the body.

"Ah ah ah!"

The screams of the deceased, at this moment, Song Yonghua was ruthless in order to reap the death of life. He was ruthless and decisive. With a sword, at least dozens of lives could be taken away.

Within ten breaths, the guards at Makino-gun's palace were killed by 90%. If the rest of the guards did not run fast when they saw the machine, I am afraid it would also become his soul.

At this moment, the battle on the other side also showed victory and defeat, and the six comrades of Songfu suddenly broke out in the later period, which made the three comrades in Wangfu, Makino-gun unexpectedly caught off guard in the later period.

"You are demon ...!"

The three fits seemed to realize something in the later stage, but before they finished speaking, the six teamed up to catch up and hanged the three into three blood mists.


In the house, Yueyue's eyes brightened, and at the moment when the six masters of Songfu broke out, she felt a hint of exorcism from their breath.

The five great demon kings in the later period of integration, actually served a human being.

"Who the **** are you and why would the Demon King work for you?"

Yueyue was full of doubts, but more rejoicing, because she felt that she had caught a handle of Song Yan and colluded with the demons, but it was a big crime.

Song Yan also realized this, and could not help sinking in his heart.

He taught more advanced methods of these demons. As long as they practice to a certain level, they can completely eliminate the evil spirits in the body. Unfortunately, their strength is too powerful. It will take some time to eliminate the evil spirits in the body. day.

"No, you must make a quick decision!"


Song Yan no longer kept it, and more and more horrifying breath erupted from him. At the same time, he urged Shenfeng Jue, and the whole person turned into a wind!

"Damn it!"

Suddenly, a lot of screams sounded again, no matter it is the middle period of the fit, or the beginning of the fit, it is not his enemy of the sword. As for the distraction period, it is also a sword.

With just twenty breaths, all the guards on the Makino-gun royal palace were killed by him alone.

The six Songfu ensembles who killed their opponents also joined the other two sets of battles in the later period, and they killed the other four ensembles with absolute advantages.

For a time, except for the small county king Wu Siyang, only a few non-threatening maids were still alive. In other words, Wu Siyang returned to the emperor in less than a day and became a bare commander.

"Do you want to keep asking for the mansion?"

Song Zheng stepped towards Wu Siyang!

"What do you want to do, don't come over!" Wu Siyang's face was filled with fear and kept back.


As soon as Song Yan snatched his hand, Wu Siyang's body flew towards him and fell into his palm.


Opening the bow from left to right, Song Ye directly slapped Wu Siyang with four slaps and fine skin, and his cheeks swelled up instantly.

Seeing this scene, everyone became stunned and giddy.

Is Song Ye going against the sky? Actually slapped Xiaojun Wang!

You must know that Xiaojun Wang is the grandson of the female emperor!

"Tell me, do you want a mansion?" Song Yan stared coldly at Wu Siyang and continued to ask questions.

"No! I don't! I beg you, don't kill me!"

Wu Siyang acknowledged and persuaded him, and he was really scared. Watching Song Kun slaughter the guards in his house like chopping vegetables and melons made him worry that the other party would kill him and kill him together.


Song Xuan threw it away, throwing Wu Siyang directly hundreds of meters directly, and tumbling a few times after falling to the ground, it looked like he was extremely embarrassed.

Inside a box.

Shangguan's glory was so shocked that he retracted his gaze and looked at Shangguan Begonia with complex eyes and asked, "Miss, did you expect that the Makino-gun king's palace was not Song Ye's opponent?"

"I don't have the ability of an unknown prophet. Okay, it's over, and we should go!"

In that small courtyard.

A tea cup was shattered in the hands of Bei Gongyu. His eyes were red and his body was trembling slightly. He did not expect that Song Yi had hidden a force beside him, and even he was extremely powerful.

"My son, I wonder if you just sensed that there was a difference in the breath of the several Song courts in the later period of integration?" An old man suddenly appeared, Shen said.

"What do you mean?" Kitamiya asked.

"I suspect they are demon!" Said the old man thoughtfully.

"Demon tribe?" Bei Gong stunned, then laughed: "Collusion with the demons is a big sin. This Song Yun dare to collude with the demons, and he is still the level of the demon king. He is dead this time, let's go!"

"Leave a few people to clean up the battlefield! A few of you will return to my house!" Song Yan's eyes glanced at the five monsters.

"Master, what do you tell me?" Back to the mansion, the five demon Xiu stood respectfully, and the Eagle King asked.

"You have leaked the demon qi, it should be sensed that collusion with the demon tribe is a big sin. I will send you into the temple now, and then you will refine the demon qi of me as fast as possible!"

With a wave of his hand, Song Zheng put five people into the temple.

Hundred times is not enough. Song Yi bit his teeth and directly changed the time to a thousand times.

The amount of Lingjing consumed a thousand times has reached a point that distressed Song Kun, but he had to do so.

A day passed by.

Special attention was paid to Song Kun who found around the mansion. From last night, there were several obscure breaths around his mansion.

"Is it the master of the robbery?"

This made him feel very uneasy, but he couldn't help it. The robber master caught the eye, and even if the people under him joined him, he might not be the opponent of the robber master.

On the surface, however, he was very calm. He just did whatever he wanted to do. He only hoped that the five guys in the temple could refine the demon spirit as soon as possible.

As long as they refine the demon spirit and do not actively manifest the body, even the masters of crossing the robbery cannot see through their true body.

At the same time, yesterday's massacre of the Makino-gun Royal Mansion has spread throughout the entire capital, and he also has a new nickname-Kill God!

That night!

There is peace in Songfu.

At this moment, an old man appeared in a corner of the mansion out of nowhere, and Song Kun who was sleeping with Li Tianluo suddenly woke up. Although the comer did not touch the array he arranged, he would receive him when he entered the array. Control, so he still sensed the arrival of the other party.

The other person carried an obscure breath, which was one of the several strands he had previously sensed, that is, the other party did not feel the five big demon kings outside and ran directly to the mansion.

This made Song Zheng angry, but he was helpless, and he didn't even dare show that he had found the other party.

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