Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1328: All get out

The comer was dressed in a black robe, with a thin appearance, and there were three feet of green grass underneath Hubei. Standing there seemed to be fused with heaven and earth. Even if someone stood not far away, he would actively ignore him, so that he could not be seen.

Even if Song Ye had taken a large amount of Hanling Dan, his mental strength was extremely powerful, and he could only sense his presence when he was hidden around him, and could not lock his position.

This time, the other party entered his formation, he can see his face clearly.

On the bed, Song Yan pretended to be asleep, but secretly guessed in his heart what kind of power the old man in the black robe was sent by the court? Or was it from the North Palace?

Or is it the person behind Mooncall?

Previously, Bei Gongyu, Nangong Yue, Shangguan Begonia, and Yueyue had not escaped his eyes while watching the battle. Although the five demon masters under his control leaked a little breath, most people could not feel it.

"The array in this mansion is really well arranged." The old man in black robes took a step and strolled around the mansion. He could take a step away and walk up to a hundred meters away. The leisurely look was like his own. The yard was a walk.

After wandering around the whole mansion, the old man in the black robe frowned slightly: "Why not? Where did you hide?"

He was instructed to investigate the masters of the demons in Song Dynasty.

But he searched the entire mansion, and he didn't find the so-called master of the demon tribe.

"Is it false information?"

The old man in black robes couldn't help but doubt: "No, the five young masters described below are not in this mansion at all. Did they escape in advance? Impossible, this deity came here last night, the other party It is impossible to escape under the eyelids of the deity, or they escaped before the deity came. It is really vigilant, it seems that only from the kid!

With a dazzling figure, the old man in black robe appeared directly in Song Yan's bedroom.

Song Yan on the bed couldn't help but feel tight. Did the old man want to assassinate me?

Thinking of this, he quickly communicated with the temple. As long as the old man dared to start, even if the temple was exposed, he would escape into the temple.


Just as the old man in the black robe slammed a tactic and was about to break into Song Kun, two coughs suddenly sounded in his ear.

Suddenly, the old man in black robes was shocked, and the power of the gods instantly covered the whole mansion.

"Boy, don't look for it, you can't find an old man!"

That voice sounded again, and he was called a kid directly, which made the old man in the black robe feel weird. You must know that he has lived for thousands of years, and I don't know how many years he has not been called a kid.

Although the voice threatened that he could not be found, he still did not take back Yuan Shen, but searched inch by inch.

"Old boy, while the order is running out, the boy on the bed is the one the old man looks after. If you dare to hurt him, don't blame the old man for not telling the rules and giving you a lesson!"

That voice sounded again.

But the old man in the black robe still couldn't find the speaker.

"How is it possible that this deity exists in the middle period of the robbery, and even in the late period of the robbery, I can't hide my body in front of me!" Suddenly, the old man in the black robe seemed to think something, and his expression suddenly changed.

Except for the immortal, he didn't think anyone could talk to him without knowing it, but he couldn't detect the existence of the other party.

"Who is the predecessor? Maybe give me a name!"

The old man in black robe sent his voice around.

"Hey boy, the old man's name is not something you can know, get out of here!" The voice played mischief.

"Seniors aren't pretending to be ghosts?"

The old man in black robe said again, but there was something in his heart!


An invisible slap fan was on the old man's cheek. Five bright red fingerprints appeared on his face.

"Seniors forgive sins, seniors forgive sins, and juniors have convicted!"

The old man in black robe appeared panic on his face, because he didn't find out how the other party gave him a slap. Since the other party can give him a slap even when he can't detect it, it can naturally be ignorant. Kill him.

"Get out of the way, if you dare to step into this mansion halfway, the old man will kill you!"

"Yes! Yes! Get off the junior!"

The old man in the black robe recognized it very simply and disappeared as soon as he blinked.

And after leaving the Song dynasty, he directly flew away using the technique of removal.

In a room in Songfu, the old man rolled over with his eyes closed and murmured, "Looking at your boy's kindness, the old man will help you drive away those bugs!"

An old man in a blue robe sat inside a house near Songfu.


Without warning, an invisible palm fan was on his face.


The old man in Qingpao was fanned, but he existed in the early days of robbery, and now someone can sneak into his room silently and give him a slap.

"Old boy, get out of here quickly, the next time you dare to appear within ten miles of Songfu, the old man will kill you!"

A voice sounded directly in his ear.

"Hidden things, get out of me!" The other party screamed angrily, and that slap completely angered him, and his primordial spirit radiated away, trying to find out the whereabouts of the other party.

"Your uncle, dare to scold your husband!"


Several clear slaps sounded, as the opponent in the early stage of the robbery could not dodge at all, and the opponent's cheeks swelled at a visible speed, which made him feel even more aggrieved that his true Yuan Unable to resolve puffiness on the face.

At this moment, he finally realized that the man hitting his mouth was an expert he could not reach.

"Seniors forgive me, juniors leave now! And promise not to appear here!"

Those who can practice till the robbery period are extremely intelligent people, so they flash people directly.

"Count on your interest!"

The voice continued to ring in his ear.

On the roof of a house, an old man in white robes sat there, the space around his body was distorted, so even if he sat there decently, no one could see him.


Just then, an invisible foot came in the middle of the old man's chest.

In the early days of the robbery, he found in horror that he couldn't control his body and rolled off the roof directly.

"Old boy, what do you do to climb to the roof of a house without sleeping at night? I want to peep into the house, and quickly go back to sleep!"

A sad voice sounded in his ear.

The restored old man in white robe stood up from the ground, his body suddenly drifted into the air, and he said, "Which senior is joking to the younger?"

"Drive your uncle, get out of here!" The voice continued to sound.

The old man in white robes sank, and was a bit frightened to withdraw the power of the scattered gods, because he could not find out who the master of that voice was.

"Thank you for your mercy, and your junior will leave!"

The figure flickered, and the old man in the white robe disappeared.

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