Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1329: Rookie Challenge

"all gone?"

Song Ye turned up from the bed and sat up, because he felt that not only the old man in the black robe who had sneaked into the mansion was gone, but the two obscure breaths outside the mansion disappeared.

He saw the scene of the old man in black robes slaps before, and fanned out a slap from a robbery master, and the other side was very straightforward, which shows that the slap is a person far stronger than him!

Who did it?

The appearance of the old man emerged from Song Yong's mind.

It seems that my suspicion is correct. The old guy is indeed playing pigs and eating tigers. I just don't know what level of existence he is.

Or a fairy?

It was a few days in the blink of an eye, and there were often spies from other forces around Songfu, but no masters of robbery arrived. It seemed that the events of that night had greatly shocked the forces of all parties.

Of course, Song Kun's name has spread more and more widely in these days, almost to the point of knowing nothing.

Just go out for a lap, and many practitioners come to say hello to him.

This day.

A disciple from Phoenix Tianjiao came to send a letter telling Song Yang that he could go to Phoenix Tianjiao Waimen Square early tomorrow morning to play against the 500th Shixiu Yue on the rookie list.

Shi Xiuyue, female, age, in her early 200s, repaired. At the beginning of her career, she challenged the 500 rookie list six months ago and successfully entered the rookie list.

During her entry into the rookie list, she accepted the challenge of 16 challengers with a record victory. She also once challenged the 499 rookie list and lost by one move.

In the upper room of a certain inn in the imperial capital, two beautiful women were telling stories.

"Sister, do you know who the challenger is tomorrow?"

Called Shimei for a Tsing Yi woman, her expression was a little hesitant.

"Why? That challenger is awesome?" Shi Xiueyue in a white dress saw her sister's expression and couldn't help asking.

Zhou Xiaoqing smiled bitterly: "It's not very strong, but it's terrible. Sister, you should fall out of the rookie list this time!"

After hearing that, Shi Xiuyue was a little unconvinced: "You might as well tell the origin of the other party."

"The other party is Song Yan?" Zhou Xiaoqing said.

Shi Xiuyue was an imperial city that arrived only today, so he did not hear the name of Song Yan.

"Which disciple?"

"Which is the disciple of the other party, but the other party's cultivation has reached the late stage of distraction, and more than that, this person was invited to the Shangguan Mansion as soon as he arrived in the emperor's court, thus offending the admirer Beiguan of Shangguan Haitang ... ...! "

Next, Zhou Xiaoqing talked about the things she had discovered about Song Yan, but she became more and more excited, and even her eyes were full of worship.

Shi Xiueyue was more and more surprised, and more shocked. In the end, a small mouth opened wide, and I do n’t know how to describe the mood at the moment.

For Song Yan's strength, don't say that he won, even if the top three rookies are not necessarily his opponent.

Why did such a person suddenly come out? Never heard of his name before.

"It's an honor to be defeated in the hands of such a person!"

After a long silence, Shi Xiuyue uttered such a sentence.

In the early morning of the next day, Song Xuan and his two apprentices Shi Hao and Shi Ling went to Phoenix Tianjiao.

Although the Phoenix Tianjiao is the state religion of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is different from the Tang Dynasty. The dominant court is the court. Therefore, the Phoenix Tianjiao is relatively low-key.

At the same time, many people learned that Song Yan was going to challenge the rookie list.

Many practitioners who like to join in the fun have already come here to wait for the fun, but most of them are not interested at all. Shi Xiuyue was only in the early days. It was clearly not Song Yong ’s opponent. What looks good.

The mountain gate of Fenghuang Tianjiao is not luxurious, but rather ordinary, but the grass, trees, bricks and tiles here all express the charm of the avenue.

Climbing all the way to the outer gate square.

"I've seen Song Son."

The disciples of Phoenix Tianjiao greeted Song Kun very politely.

"Hello." Song Yan reciprocated with a smile: "Is Shixiuyue Daoyou here?"

"It's here." The other side smiled and looked at a pair of young women who could not see far away, and said, "The one in the white dress is Shi Xiuyue's friend!"

The other side just looked up and looked up. In the eyes of the two women, Song Ye smiled and nodded to them.

"This Song Gongzi is so young." Zhou Xiaoqing sighed.


Shi Xiuyue could not help nodding.

"The hour is up, please Shixiu Yue Taoist friends ranked 500th on the rookie list." Not long after, the disciple of Phoenix Tianjiao announced.

As soon as Shi Xiuyue was in shape, she fell on the high platform.

"Now ask Song Ye, the challenger."

Stepping out, Song Yan also landed on the high platform.

"Song Gongzi, the little girl knows that she is not your opponent, so please show mercy." Shi Xiuyue hugged fist.

"Okay!" Song Zheng nodded. This was not Song Yan's entrustment, but that he had cultivated himself to be more than a big state of the other side. As for the combat ability, the other side looked up.

"The little girl is welcome, let's do it first!"

As soon as the words fell, Shi Xiuyue took out a Lingjian, fluttering in shape, and killed Song Yan.


Song Zheng flicked his fingers, a spirit popped up, and the spirit sword in Shi Xiuyue's hand flew in response.

For a while, Shi Xiuyue had a deep sense of frustration, but she did not mess around and gave up.

"I announce that the 500th on the rookie list will be succeeded by Song Yan!" Shouted from the outside disciples of Phoenix Tianjiao.

Song Yan's challenge to the rookie list and successfully making it into the rookie list spread unstoppably, which made many practitioners on the rookie list upset.

And Song Yan has already challenged the 499th, waiting for the arrangement of Phoenix Tianjiao.

"Song Son, Elder Ouyang wants to wait for you over there, please come down." Just as Song Yan was about to leave, the disciple of Phoenix Tianjiao smiled.

"it is good!"

Song Xun did not refuse, followed the other party to a small courtyard.

"I've seen Elder Ouyang." Song Xun saluted with a smile.

"You don't have to be polite, the elder is the elder of the Phoenix Tianjiao, but it's not me who wants to see you, come with me!"

"it is good!"

Elder Ouyang's attitude was very glorious, and along the way he tirelessly introduced the surrounding sceneries to Song Yan, secretly, even with so much to please.

After walking for about half an hour, Elder Ouyang brought Song Ye to the main hall. The smile on his face disappeared and became somber. Then he said loudly to the hall: "The outer door Ouyang Tianyi led Song Ye to come! "

"Let him in!" A soft voice came out of the hall.

"Master Song, seize the opportunity, and the old one will retire first!" Elder Ouyang whispered to Song Ye and left directly, while Song Ye guessed that the high-level inside the hall is likely to be an inside door, There may be a more advanced existence.

[Digression by the author]: One more, thank you [hwl520hl] [The afterglow of the empire] [Deng treats a purple chess trace] [Shadow of the Morning Star] Four big rewards

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