Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1330: Phoenix Education

With speculation, Song Zheng stepped into the hall.

A man with white hair in Tsing Yi was standing back to him in the hall, and above the hall was enshrined thirteen deities, seven men and six women, which were so vividly created that even their temperament was carved to the fullest.

Song Xun's mind was stunned, remembering that Zhao Chao and Wang Longhu had said to him that there were thirteen ancestors of the Phoenix Heavenly School.

These thirteen people originally came from an ancient archaic religion that could not be inspected in ancient times. It is said that the calamity came and the ancient calamity was also destroyed. The thirteen ancestors who inherited the ancient archaic religion experienced hardships and created a dominance Phoenix heaven teaching on the southern continent.

The next moment, Song Yan's eyes fell on the white-haired man in Tsing Yi. The other person's breath was also obscure and he could not investigate his true cultivation. This shows that the other party is at least a super master who has crossed the robbery period.

Suddenly, the other party turned slowly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Introducing myself, my name is Jun Jiutian, an elder of the Tianjiao Phoenix Veins!"

After hearing the words, Song Yan's mind was stunned again. The disciples of Phoenix Tianjiao were divided into outer door, inner door, elite, and core.

On top of these fourth-order disciples are Feng Mai and Feng Mai.

The disciples of these two pulses are the essence of Phoenix Tianjiao. The disciples of these two pulses will not participate in the management of Phoenix Tianjiao. Their only purpose is to practice and become immortals.

Fengmai only recruits female disciples, and Huangmai only recruits male disciples.

"Younger Song Ye meets senior Jun!"

Song Yong quickly bent over to salute.

"No need to be polite." Jun Jiutian raised his hand and lifted Song Kun.

"I don't know what the seniors called, what do you tell?" Song Yan asked respectfully.

"I sent someone to investigate your history, and I was very puzzled by one thing. Does the school of shrines exist?" Jun Jiutian asked Song Yan.

"It doesn't exist, it's all juniors pulling tiger skins to make a big banner!" Song Yan said truthfully, it is too easy to investigate him with the strength of Phoenix Tianjiao.

"You are sincere." Jun Jiutian smiled: "Have you worshiped?"

"not yet."

Song Zheng said again, faintly in his heart, the other party summoned his purpose.

"Then you would like to join my Phoenix Heaven Education and become a disciple of Phoenix Pulse?" Jun Jiutian asked again.


As the so-called under the big tree is so good, don't look at him when he first came to the emperor and tossed up Nuoda's reputation. In fact, he has no foundation at all now. If some big figures of the Great Zhou Dynasty wanted to deal with him, his only way Just escape.

"Very good, I like a refreshing person like you!" Jun Jiutian smiled satisfactorily, then pointed to the thirteen statues on the hall: "First, salute the 13 ancestors, and finish the ceremony. I am bringing Go and meet the elder. "


Song Kun nodded, and fell to his knees directly, and bowed his head respectfully to the thirteen deities.

After the worship, Jun Jiutian spoke a word and motioned Song Yang to follow him.

Jun Jiutian took Song Xuan all the way to the depths of Phoenix Tianjiao. His pace was not slow or slow, but with a unique charm, he met a lot of disciples of all stages of Phoenix Tianjiao with great respect. Xiangjun salutes nine days.

At the same time, they looked at Song Kun with envious eyes, and speculated that this is a new disciple of Huangmai.

There are no unique rules for the selection of disciples in the Phoenix Second Pulse, but it is undeniable that the disciples of the Phoenix Second Pulse are extremely excellent. They can take one person casually and walk side by side with fellow practitioners.

At the same time, there is a saying circulating in the Phoenix Tianjiao that it is the second pulse of the Phoenix that is the true legend of the Phoenix Tianjiao.

However, no senior executive stood by and agreed with this statement, but did not deny it.

Walked for more than an hour.

Song Yan and the two came to a tall mountain.

I saw Jun Jiutian casually knocked out a tactic, and a channel suddenly appeared in front of the mountain.

The passage is not deep, but can be seen through at a glance.

"Come with me." Jun Jiutian glanced at Song Ye and stepped into the channel, Song Ye followed.

"this is?"

When Song Yong entered the world inside the mountain through the passage, he was shocked to find that the vitality of heaven and earth inside was not aura, but a higher-level vitality than the aura--the spirit of immortality!

"Did you feel it?"

Jun Jiutian smiled.

Song Zheng nodded in shock.

But Jun Jiutian's expression was not in the slightest complacency, but he was a little embarrassed: "In order to build this little fairy realm, my Phoenix heavenly teaching has spent too much manpower and material resources, and even made many sacrifices. Unfortunately, this little fairy realm cannot accommodate Many people, therefore, my two disciples have always been carefully selected. If they fail to meet the requirements, they will be expelled from the two pulses! "

The fairy spirit only exists in the fairy world. It is too difficult to find a place full of fairy spirit in the lower world. It can be said to be very harsh. This is like a drop of ink dripping into the seawater. All melt into the sea water.

The immortal spirit falling into the lower world will also be completely diluted and cannot be saved in the state of the immortal spirit. This shows how difficult it is to get a place filled with the immortal spirit in the lower world.

"follow me!"

Jun Jiudao said again, moving forward again.

This space is not large, and two small mountains almost cross this world.

"That mountain belongs to the Phoenix Vein, and this mountain belongs to our Phoenix Vein." Jun Jiutian pointed at the two mountain introductions, and then took Song Yong to the mountain on the left.

The highest peak in the mountains on the left does not exceed kilometers.

Jun Jiutian led Song Ji to the highest peak of the mountain range on the left, where there were six thatched houses, five of them were seated inside, and the rightmost one was empty. It should be Jun Jiutian's.

"Coming back in nine days!"

Someone said.

"Yeah, I brought this kid back, what do you think?" Jun Jiutian laughed, and then pointed at the five of them and introduced them one by one: "This elder Chen Beichen Chen, this elder lonely and boundless This is Elder Blood Yangzi, this is Elder Zhou Qingyang, and the last is Elder Linghu Menghua Linghu. "

Song Xuan did not dare to neglect, and followed Jun Jiutian's introduction in a ceremony.

"Xiao Song was so young and handsome, nothing like a troublemaker!" Linghu Menghua smiled.

"Elder Linghu is right, the younger people usually cause troubles, it's all others who mess with me!" Song Yan said without nervousness.

After hearing the words, the elders were all stunned, and then burst into laughter.

These elders are easy to get along with, and have a softer attitude towards Song Yan. After speaking for a while, Jun Jiutian said, "Xiao Song, let me tell you the rules of our vein. If you ca n’t reach the integration period, we will have to clear you out. If you can meet the requirements, you can choose one of us to worship as a teacher. "

"Please rest assured that the six elders will not disappoint you!" Song Yong said quickly.

"Well, I'm still optimistic about you. There is an exercise method here. You can choose to practice, or you can continue to practice the original exercise method!" During the talk, Jun Jiutian waved a hand, and a jade slip appeared in front of him.

"Thank you Elder Jun!" Song Yan graciously put away his thanks and said.

"Also, you just joined us, and there is a benefit, you can choose any one of our six to tutor you for a month!" Jun Jiutian continued: "Now, you can choose!"

[Author's off-topic]: Two more, thanks [My Dream Flying] [Glorious Years] Two great rewards

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