Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1332: Xianyuanli

In January, time passed by. In Jun Jiutian, Song Yi can be said to have benefited a lot. He has no shortage of cultivation skills and resources, except for the guidance of famous teachers.

Jun Jiutian is a good teacher, and often he can directly point to the essence of things in one sentence, and he can answer questions about Song Yang's practice with a minimum of words.

Therefore, after January, his cultivation has not improved much, and his strength has not changed much, but his mind seems to have undergone a transformation and sublimation.

"Thank you Master!"

Song Zheng stood up and worshiped Jun Jiutian deeply. He truly thanked the other party.

Jun Jiutian smiled and nodded, accepting the ceremony with ease, Song Yong's understanding and qualifications made him very satisfied. He only needs to mention a little bit, the other party can not only understand the problem, but also learn by comparison.

To be honest, being able to point to a genius such as Song Yong is also quite comfortable, and there is still so much to do, but unfortunately, the time for January has arrived.

Just then, a young man from Xuanyi stepped forward.

He first worshiped the monarch for nine days, and then smiled and faced Song Song: "Presumably this is the new Song Song brother, who is new to me. I am Chengsu. Welcome you to join."

"Song Ye has seen Brother Cheng Su." Song Ye also saluted with a smile.

"You're welcome, this is your identity token!"

Cheng Su shoved a token into Song Yan's hands. On the front was a lifelike picture of a phoenix bath fire, and on the back was a character "砚" written by Gu Yan.

"You are one of the core disciples of Phoenix Tianjiao to the outside, internally, you are my young master of the Phoenix vein." Cheng Su continued.

"Thank you Brother Cheng." Song Zheng nodded.

"Come with me, I'll take you to recognize our brother, and tell you something by the way!"

"it is good!"

Song Zheng nodded again, and then said goodbye to Jun Jiutian and followed Cheng Su to the foot of the mountain.

As he descended from the mountain, Cheng Su introduced Song Huang's situation to Song Yan: "We now have 226 disciples. There are only 63 people staying in Xiaoxian Realm. Others have gone out to travel!

Also, although our disciples of the Phoenix Pulse are also considered core disciples, our treatment goes far beyond that of ordinary core disciples. If you have time, you can take your identity token to the core gate offering hall to receive your cultivation resources.

In addition, the Tibetan scripture hall in the core door is also open to all of us, but there are many exercises in it, even the Taoist magical powers are endless, but the most important thing for you at present is to upgrade the cultivation to the fit period, the best Don't be fooled by those magical powers, because after you reach the fit period, any one of the six elders who worshipped the teacher can learn the magical powers and magical powers that you cannot imagine! "

"Thank you Brother Cheng for reminding me!"

Song Zheng said again that he could feel the sincerity and goodwill in Su's tone.

Cheng Su smiled: "You and my brothers don't have to be polite. Our disciples are not dyed, so naturally there are many less intrigues. Our biggest goal is to cultivate into immortals as soon as possible."

Talking, the two came to the mountainside. There was a forest. There was an open space behind the forest. There were hundreds of ordinary stone houses of various sizes. There was also a flying waterfall not far away.

Cheng Su pointed to those stone houses and said, "The stone houses here are basically left by the oldest brothers. Although the stone houses are ordinary, those brothers often meditate and practice in them for a long time. The stone houses will inevitably be stained with some rhyme and practice in them. It will help you break through the fit, of course, you can also build one yourself! "

Suddenly, Cheng Su seemed to think of something and looked at Song Yi: "You know, the strength of any one of our two disciples can be far better than the disciples of the same level outside?"

Song Yan looked at each other in doubt.

Cheng Su continued: "It's full of fairy spirits. The fairy spirits are far more powerful than auras. If you can transform the true elements in your body into fairy elements, your strength is naturally far superior to other siblings. Repairer. "

"That's it!" Song Yan showed a stunned look.

"Well, I'll take you to know those brothers!"

With the introduction of Cheng Su, Song Ye met the 62 brothers who practiced here. Their attitude was quite kind, but to his surprise, Song Ye didn't have a robbery period.

Perhaps he saw what he thought in his mind. After introducing the brothers, Cheng Sudao said, "The brother is wondering why there is no brother who has passed the robbery period?"

"Yeah!" Song Zheng nodded.

Cheng Su explained: "This small world is too small, and the masters of the robbery are too terrible to sacrifice their vitality, so once the robbery is completed, the two disciples will take the initiative to leave here. One is that after the success The next day ’s disaster preparations, the second is that if they practice here, maybe one day ’s sudden fall, it will cause damage here. Third, their cultivation here will affect other people! ”

"Is that the six elders also cross the robbery?" Song Kun asked curiously.

"You will know it later." Cheng Su smiled strangely.

Although the other party did not answer him, the meaning revealed was quite obvious. The six elders were not crossover robbers, and they should be beyond the transitional robberies.

Next, Song Yan chose an empty stone house to live in.

As soon as he thought, he sat in the stone house and took out the exercise that Jun Jiutian gave him.

From his point of view, this exercise is quite brilliant, at least not less than ordinary fairy-level exercises, but it is far worse than the "Breaking Heaven Sword Technique" he is practicing. This exercise.

Throwing this practice into the Ring of Storage Spirit, he sat cross-legged and urged the "Breaking Sky Sword Technique" in his body to work.

With the movement of his exercises, the fairy spirit in the heavens and the earth was pulled into his body.

Refinement and integration.

In just one Sunday, the quality of the true element that incorporated part of the spirit of the fairy spirit has risen to a level.

"it is good!"

Song Yan couldn't help but praise, if it would take a lot of time to improve the quality of Zhenyuan outside, but here, it is only a quarter of an hour.

He did not continue to absorb the spirit of the fairy, but instead enhanced the quality of the real element to nourish the flesh element infant.

After a few hours, his body and Yuanying have improved a lot.

So he continued to absorb the fairy spirit.

An hour.

Two hours.

Three hours!

Twelve hours!

In a blink of an eye, just a few days later, Zhen Yuan's body has undergone earth-shaking changes. The quality of Zhen Yuan is at least ten times higher than before attracting the spirit of the fairy.

If he urges "Breaking Sky Sword" with the current Zhenyuan, he can definitely kill the late stage of the fit.

Even so, his true Yuan has not reached the level of Xianyuan power.

One day.

Two days.

Three days.

Ten days.

Half a month.

Finally, Song Yuan completed the transformation from true Yuanli to Xian Yuanli.

[Digression by the author]: One more, thank you [Tokyo] This great reward

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