Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1333: Push all the way

"Finally it!"

There was a smug smile on the corner of Song Yan's mouth. After more than 20 days of practice, he finally converted all his true elements into fairy elements.

Although he hasn't tested it, he can be sure that his strength has been improved by dozens of times over the original.

I just don't know if I can fight against robbery masters. If you have a chance, you must try it.

After another ten days, he used Xianyuanli to train his body all over again. Yuanying also improved a lot under the nourishment of Xianyuanli, which was converted into spiritual power, at least 10,000 points.

"I've been here for more than two months, and it's time to go back!"

After saying goodbye to a group of ancestral brothers, Song Ye went straight out of the fairyland.

He went all the way outside of Phoenix Tianjiao, and met many people along the way, saluting him respectfully.

He didn't know that the day when Cheng Su sent him his identity token, the news that he had become the core disciple of Phoenix Tianjiao had already passed.

As soon as the matter spread, the whole emperor was a sensation.

What do the core disciples of Phoenix Tianjiao represent?

That status is already comparable to that of the kings and counties of the imperial court, and they can sit with the imperial powers of the imperial court.

Even the laws of the Great Zhou emperor's dynasty could not be added to him.

It can be said that by virtue of this identity, he can almost walk sideways in the imperial capital.

It is said that when he learned that Song Yong became a core disciple, Bei Gongyu destroyed the entire courtyard where he lived.

There is also a legend. Upon hearing this news, Wang Wu Siyang of Xiaojun couldn't afford to get ill.

Knowing this news, Nangong Yue was so depressed that she did not step out of the room for three days.

At the same time, the news came out that countless people went to the Song Mansion to present a heavy gift, just to see the side of Shang Song.

Unfortunately, Song Yan has been practicing in the Phoenix Heaven Education, and no one can see him.

"Congratulations to Son Song!"

Song Zheng had just arrived in the outer area of ​​Tianjiao. The elder Ouyang who had led him to meet Jun Jiutian had already waited there, and rushed to meet him as soon as he saw him.

"Hello Elder Ouyang." Song Yan reciprocated with a smile.

After some greetings, Elder Ouyang told Song Ye something: "The one who is ranked 499 on the rookie list has given up after receiving his challenge. It also means that he is now on the rookie list of 400. Ninety-nine. "

With Song Yong's current strength, he can push the rookie list. He believes that even the top three figures on the rookie list can't stop him from three moves. If it is not the system assigned tasks, he would be interested in continuing to challenge.

"Elder Ouyang asked you to arrange, I will continue to challenge!"

"Donald Song, rest assured, old age will be arranged properly!" Elder Ouyang promised.

"Then trouble Elder Ouyang."

"Anyway, it's an honor to work for Song Gongzi!"

Elder Ouyang's attitude became more and more humble. Everyone thought that Song Ye was only a core disciple, but as a leader, he knew that Song Ye should become a disciple of Huang Mai.

Disciples of Phoenix Pulse are not in power, but their strength is extremely horrible, and they are definitely far beyond the same number of streets, even the best disciples of the core disciples are not as good.

"Just be careful, don't mind Elder Ouyang!" Song Shusai gave Elder Ouyang a jade bottle.

"How dare you! How dare you!"

Elder Ouyang hurriedly resigned, and it was he who nodded that Song Kun should be his gift, how could he receive Song Kun's gift.

"Take it away! I still have something to ask Elder Ouyang in the future!" Song Zheng forced the jade bottle to him, and then stepped away.

"Gong Fang Song Song!"

Elder Ouyang saluted respectfully and waited for Song Yi to leave before he could check the elixir in the jade bottle. When he saw the elixir inside, his old face was flushed with excitement, because it could enhance his qualifications and soul power. Han Ling Dan.

This kind of superb elixir, even as an elder outside the door, can never be found.

As soon as the Phoenix Tianjiao came out, Song Xun directly performed a large move to return to the mansion, but the news of his return to the house was still spreading at a very fast speed. For a time, countless people who wanted to seduce him came to Song Fu Worship the post and pray for an interview.

In a beautiful garden, Li Tianluo, Lin Waner, and Murong Hongdou are sitting and talking together.

"Ah, I don't know when Brother Song will be back, they're leaving for more than two months!" Lin Wan'er said in a missed face.

"Rest assured, I guess, he should be back soon." Li Tianluo whispered, and there was a deep feeling of miss in his expression.

at this time.

The figure flashed, and Song Ying's figure appeared nearby.

"Brother Song!"

Seeing this, Lin Waner shot out directly and flew into his arms.

"Fu Jun!"

Li Tianluo also stood up, but she didn't rush up like Lin Waner, just watching the scene with a smile.

That night, in order to celebrate Song Yong's return, Li Tianluo ordered everyone to prepare a large table for good food.

In addition to Song Yan, Li Tianluo, Lin Waner, and Qin Xiaoyu, Murong Hongdou and Tianji Shenzhu were also sitting at the same table.

"Senior, this younger respects you!"

Song Su suddenly stood up and raised a toast to the **** of magic.


Tianji Shenji nodded, and looked at Song Yan: "Your boy has made a lot of progress!"

"The predecessors have passed the prize." Song Yan modestly said.

During the meal, Song Yong raised his glass frequently. In the end, he didn't know how much he drank, because he didn't deliberately use Xianyuan power to resolve it, so he was drunk at the end.

"Father, be careful."

Li Tianluo, who helped Song Song return to his room, was concerned.

"Tianluo, for the time of your husband's absence, have you ever missed me?" Song Yan asked in a drunk state.

"Fu Jun, you're drunk!" Li Tianluo subconsciously glanced at the maids around him, softly.

"Come on, have you missed me?" Song Yan fiercely pushed Li Tianluo into his arms, staring at her beautiful cheek.

For a moment, Li Tianluo's face was covered with coquettish shame, and she waved to the unsmiling maid who was so brazen and embarrassed around her, "You all go down first!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

The girls were relieved and quickly retreated.

Just when they exited the yard, they heard an exclaim from the elder lady, and for a while, they looked at each other and fled quickly.

At this moment, Song Zheng has picked up Li Tianluo, and strode towards the bed, at the same time, his mouth had already stamped on Li Tianluo's cherry lips fiercely.

At first Li Tianluo resisted because of her shame, but soon she took the initiative to cooperate.


In the early morning of the next day, Song Yongyou woke up and felt the smooth body curled up in her arms and couldn't help lowering her head and gently kissing her forehead. Last night, because of drunkenness, his unlimited claim could break Li Tianluo. I can't help but feel guilty now.

He quietly withdrew his arm, put on his shirt and walked out of the room. He stretched his arms and legs, but saw Qin Xiaoyu coming with his own breakfast.

While eating breakfast, Song Yan listened to Qin Xiaoyu's report on some of the things that happened at his departure.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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