Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1334: Haitian Pavilion

"Son, last night Nangong Yue, Dongfang Yubai and eight other couples sent a invitation card inviting you to go to Haitian Pavilion tonight. Are you going?" After the report, Qin Xiaoyu mentioned the invitation.

During this time, there are too many tribute posts in Song Mansion. Of course, there are more gifts, and various gifts have been piled up in several coffers. She has found some people to count, and it is just the value of gifts received this month. Already more than one hundred thousand Need Lingjing, I have to say that the gift giver is quite generous.

If only Nangong Yue was invited, Song Yan wouldn't bother to care about him at all. This person is too small-minded and has no room for people, but now Oriental Jade Cypress is also there, he has to give face.

"Okay, I'll go to a banquet, and, if you arrange it, I'll meet ten people today!"

"Yes, I'll arrange it." Qin Xiaoyu nodded, and packed up the chopsticks and left.

After half an hour.

Song Fu greeted the living room. Song Xuan was sitting on the main seat, and there was a slightly obese middle-aged man below. The other called Anlu, a big businessman. He paid five days ago to pay tribute. Not only that, but also gave nearly 5,000 A gift of superb spirit.

Sending such a heavy gift will inevitably require something. The purpose of seeing him is to understand what he wants to do. If it is not difficult, he will do it. If he cannot move, he will return the gift directly. .

"A treasurer, my son is short of time, and I have to meet other people. What's the matter, you don't have to make a roundabout, please come straight!" Qin Xiaoyu, who was standing next to Song Yan, said.

Anlu hesitated, stood up and worshiped Song Ye, and said with a weeping face: "Song son Song, the villain's Anshi Chamber of Commerce has been repeatedly extorted by the gang, but it can be said that the villain is miserable, as long as the son can help The villain resolved the dilemma this time, and the villain was willing to give 30% of the dry shares of the chamber of commerce to the son. "

"What is the value of your Anshi Chamber of Commerce? What are the main projects? Also, what is the origin of the Changbang Gang and what are its specific strengths?" Song Yan asked in a deep voice.

Anlu replied: "Going back to Song Dynasty, the small industry mainly sells various elixir. There are eight stores in the royal capital, with a total value of about 500,000. Strength in the early days of the fit, there are about a thousand helpers under his command! "

"How much money did Changyou help you blackmail, and what is their ultimate goal?" Song Yan asked again.

"The villain has given Changxi a helping hand of 10,000 Superb Lingjing. Unfortunately, their appetite is too big, forcing the villain to hand over 50% of the income, otherwise, the villain's chamber of commerce will not be allowed to open in Huangdu!"

"Why don't you report to the officer?" Song Yan stared at An Lu with a sharp look.

Anlu said bitterly: "The villain has already reported, but unfortunately, the villain probed, then Nie Changhong has some relationship with a master in the prefecture."

Song Zheng directly asked Qin Xiaoyu: "Have you ever posted a worship post in the Wei Palace?"

"Yes." Qin Xiaoyu nodded.

"Let him see me right away," Song Kun said.

"Okay!" Qin Xiaoyu immediately arranged.

Within a quarter of an hour, the Wei Palace came in a hurry, and his expression seemed quite excited: "I've seen Song Son."

"I asked you to come and I want to ask you for help," Song Yan said directly.

"Haha, that's great. Please let me know where Son Song is useful." Wei Gong said very excitedly. You should know that Song Ye is a hot character now, and countless people have no way out and can do it for him. It is also an honor to do things.

Song Zheng pointed to Anlu: "Tell your story to the governor."

"Ah, good!"

Anlu is overjoyed, knowing that most of his affairs are okay. The back office of the Changfu Gang is only the master of the prefecture, and this is the son of the prefecture. As long as he speaks, the master of the prefecture does not dare to violate it.

After listening to An Lu ’s talk, Wei Gong slaps his palm and sighs coldly: “The guy is so big and courageous that he dare to collect money outside with my father ’s signboard. You can rest assured, I am going to preach. Make sure that guy can't take it for a walk! "

With the assurance of the Wei Palace, Anlu became more at ease.

"A treasurer, after the incident, your 30% of the shares will be handed over to Xiaowei!" Song Su suddenly said.

"Okay." The shopkeeper agreed, and said: "The villain is willing to give up 30% of the shares to Song Gongzi."

"No, it's Xiao'an. It has nothing to do with me!" Song Zheng waved his hand and refused.

"How can you do that, don't you, how can I do it!" Wei Gong also shouted.

In the end, after consultation, Song Zheng took 20% of the shares, and Wei Gong took 10%.

The matter was completely settled. Anlu knew Song Yong had a lot of things and left directly.

It was the guardian's eyes, and some refused to leave.

"Tonight, at the invitation of Nangong Yuefang Yubai, I will go to Haitian Pavilion to make an appointment. If you have time, go with me!" Song Yan said to him.

The Wei Gong couldn't help hearing the words, and quickly agreed.

Next Song Song received nine more people, some came to ask him to do something, and some came to talk with him.

Song Yan, however, has mixed people from several worlds, and his ability to socialize and communicate has long since reached a level of prosperity, so these people are all happy and return with satisfaction.

It was evening in a blink of an eye, and there was only half an hour left for the feast.

The palace came to Song Fu an hour ago.

"Let's go!"

Song Kun stepped on a luxurious spirit beast car, followed by the Wei Gong, fully taking on the role of younger brother. This spirit beast car is also a gift from others, worth more than 3,000 Need Lingjing.

Haitian Pavilion is a relatively well-known restaurant in Huangdu. Their ingredients are mainly from various sea beasts in the sea. In addition, the chefs here are also very good at cooking. The meat produced by the sea beasts is tender and delicious. People like it.

The spirit beast car traveled for more than a quarter of an hour and came to the front of Haitian Pavilion. Several puppets led by Nangong Yue and Oriental Jade Cypress stood in front of the building and waited.

Nangong Yue and the famous cockroach in the eastern jade cypress are the capital of the emperor. They can attract many people's attention when they stop here.

Therefore, many people are guessing who are they going to meet?

Every time I saw Song Yong appear, I knew everything.

Before joining the Phoenix Tianjiao, although Song Zhe folded his face and killed the King of Makino Prefecture, some people would admire him and revere him, but few people came to take him in.

But after joining Phoenix Tianjiao and becoming a core disciple, he really counted on Huangdu's true foothold. With a foundation and a background, otherwise, not many people would give him gifts and worship. Post.

"Brother Song hasn't seen it in months, but it's more and more handsome!"

Nangong Yue strode forward and said with a smile.

Song Yan looked up indifferently, and immediately made Nangong Yue's breathing tight, and even his face was a bit stiff. Fortunately, a smile appeared on Song Yan's face: "Brother Nangong, we have not seen it for a while , Get some drinks tonight! "

"That's right, don't get drunk!" Nangong Yue quickly greeted, but her heart was relieved.

Then, Dongfang Yubai and others also came forward to greet each other. Song Yan directly launched the Wei Palace and introduced him to everyone.

Talking, everyone entered the Haitian Pavilion together.

In order to invite Song Yong, Nangong Yue had already contracted out the entire Haitian Pavilion.

During the meal, Nangong Yue showed great enthusiasm and frequently toasted. Song Yan also gave his face a lot. As long as he toasted, Nangong Yue was even more satisfied.

"Come here!"

Suddenly, Nangong Yue clapped and shouted, two beautiful women came together holding a simple box.

[Author off topic]: Three more, today there are more, thank you [cloud light wind_heart] This great reward

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