Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1335: Don't make us angry

Nangong Yue waved his hand, and the quaint box fell into his hands. He held the box with both hands and handed it to Song Ye, and laughed, "Brother Song, this is my intention, and you must accept it. "

"What is it?" Song Yan asked with a smile and took the box.

"Brother Song may wish to open it for a look." Nangong Yue said, Mei Yu faintly proud.


Song Yan opened the box, a ruler was about a foot long, and a thumb-sized transparent gem was inlaid on the hilt. The thin and sharp cyan short sword of the sword came into view, but there was a ban on the short sword. Its breath, so you can't see its grade.

"Brother Song might as well try to lift its ban." Nangong Yue said again.

"it is good."

Song Zheng nodded, the prohibition on the sword was not complicated, and even people who did not understand the prohibition could break it by force.

After smashing the tactics into the sword, the restraint on the sword disappeared. Suddenly, an extremely sharp breath shot out from the short sword.

"Good sword!" Dongfang Yubai could not help but praise.

And without the cover of prohibition, the breath of this sword can no longer be masked. Song Yi saw at a glance that this was a nine-pin spirit sword, especially feeling the breath from the sword. He faintly felt that this was not an ordinary handle. Jiu Pin Ling Sword.

"I don't know what is the origin of this sword?"

Song Yong picked up the short sword, but felt that the sword actually resisted him, and seemed to want to take off from him.

Nangong Yue smiled and said, "Brother Song has good eyesight. This sword is called Qingying Sword, but it is the sword of Qingxian Qingli."

"God, it's Qingli's real sword!"

Dongfang Yubai and others heard the words, and they were extremely shocked and amazed.

"Is this Qingli real person from a long history?" Song Yan asked in confusion.

"I know this."

Wei Gong rushed, "It is said that this Qingli real person is the most powerful sword fairy after the black-and-white sword fairy, and this green sword is the old man who broke into the Tianyue continent and cut off the rogue period. The old owl's horn was made, because of this, he was also hunted down by many strong men in the Tianya mainland, but in the end, he still managed to escape from the Tianya mainland! " Suddenly a doubt appeared: "No, it's said that Qingli real people like this green sword very much. He never leaves, how could he fall into the hands of Nangong?"

"Hey, you only know one or the other!" Dongfang Yubai interjected, "Qingli's real combat power is unparalleled. Although he successfully escaped from the Tianya mainland, he also suffered a lot of dark injuries. Unexpectedly, his The dark injury has not healed, and Tianjie comes suddenly. If he is not injured, it will not be difficult to survive the Tianjie, so in the end, he died under the last Tianjie, it is really regrettable! "

"Yes!" Nangong Yue's voice sounded again: "Qingli real person was split by the last Tao Lei to smash the soul, and all the artifacts and even the spirit ring carried on his body were broken. Only this green sword was fine. Instead, it absorbed a hint of thunder-strike power, from the eight-pin spirit sword to the nine-pin spirit sword. This sword was collected in the royal treasure house and was later given to my father by the emperor. Unfortunately, this sword has a high grade. But only Jian Xiu can show its true power. Therefore, after seeing Brother Song's sword skill, I went to begged my father to give it to Brother Song! "

"The gentleman doesn't take people's love, not to mention that this sword is too valuable, brother Nangong, you still take it back!"

Song Zheng put Qing Qing sword back into the box and returned it to Nangong Yue.

Seeing this, Nangong Yue could not help but tighten her heart, pretending to be displeased: "Brother Song, the so-called sword with a hero, this sword is not of much use in my father's hands. Only masters of Kendo can make use of their strengths. If Brother Song treats me as a friend, please accept this green sword! "


Song Kun showed hesitation.

"Brother Song, Nangong brother is also kind, please accept it!" Dongfang Yubai advised.

"Yes, Brother Song, take it, you must not disappoint Brother Nangong's good intentions!" Xing Wuji, the little grandson of Xing Shang's family, also persuaded.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yushi's youngest son, Lu Yan, and Zhou Shilang's second son, Zhou Po, all started to persuade, hoping that Song Xuan would own the sword.

A good sword is also very helpful to Song Yan's strength.

Before he got the black and white sword fairy's sabre, but unfortunately, in order to hide the Taiyi religion, the sword fell into the hands of the Taiyi religion. This green sword was not inferior to the black and white sword fairy's sword Therefore, he is naturally very emotional.

But this sword was donated by Nangong Yue, and the other party gave him such a heavy gift. He definitely refused to ask for anything before he refused.

But seeing everyone coming to persuade him, he was really not good at rejecting it, so he had to accept it, so he nodded: "Since this is the case, I will accept it, thank you Nangong!"

"Anyway! Let's continue drinking!" Nangong Yue waved his hands in disapproval, and seemed to send a treasure with no distress.

At the time when Song Yan and others were staggered at the Haitian Pavilion, a spirit beast car served by the wind and dust quietly drove into the imperial capital under the control of an old servant.

"Shipmaster, are we going directly to the house or Haitian Pavilion?" The old servant turned and asked the person in the car in a low voice.

There was a woman in Tsing Yi holding a sword in the car. The woman looked in her early thirties and looked cold, her eyes closed leaning on the carriage as if she was asleep.

Upon hearing the inquiries from the old servant, the woman in Tsing Yi opened her eyes, and a look of nostalgia appeared on her face. Come on! "

"Yeah, we haven't returned to the capital for more than thirty years!"

The old servant sighed softly and drove the spirit beast car straight to Haitian Pavilion.

After half an hour, the beast car resisted Haitian Pavilion.

The old servant opened the car door intimately. The woman in Tsing Yi took the sword off the car and strode toward Haitian Pavilion, while the old servant bowed slightly behind her.

"Sorry for the two. Haitian Pavilion has been booked today. Please ask the two to come again!" The guy standing at the door intercepted the two, and was quite polite.

After hearing that, the woman in Tsing Yi frowned slightly, and finally sighed, "Well, then come again someday!"

"Sir, why don't you go there ...!"

"No need, go home!" The woman in Tsing Yi interrupted the old servant and turned to leave.

Just then, a group of people walked down the second floor, and it was Song Yan and others.

The Tsing Yi woman who was about to leave abruptly turned her head and stared tightly at the green sword in Song Yi's hand.

"How could the Qingying Sword be on you?"

The Tsing Yi woman's eyes flashed sharply, and she asked coldly.

"What does this have to do with you?" Nangong Yue snapped back.

"answer me!"

The woman in Tsing Yi ignored Nangong Yue at all, and still stared at Song Yan tightly. At the same time, a strong momentum rose from her body and locked Song Yan.

Feeling this woman's powerful momentum, Nangong Yue and others were shocked in their hearts.

But thinking of the other person to ignore him in this way, Nangong Yue felt very dissatisfied, and screamed coldly: "Why Qing Qing Jian accepted what is your concern with Brother Song, hurry up and get out of the way, don't make us angry!"

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