Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1338: Hongmen Banquet

The next day, the main house of Qingping County.

"What's wrong with your injury?" The Qingping County Master gently wiped her saber, and asked the old servant who stood with a slight glance at him.

"The lord of the county doesn't have to worry about it, the old slave's injuries are already intact." The old servant's body bowed again.

"Oh, all right."

The old servant's eyes flashed, and Shen said, "The county master, the detailed identity information of that boy has been collected."

"Well, tell!"

The master of Qingping County has wiped the sabre once and started the second wipe again. She has been doing this for dozens of days in the morning to wipe the sabre.

Every time she wiped, she felt that her connection with the sword was closer.

"Yes, that young man is called Song Yan, who appeared in Huangdu more than two months ago ...!"

The master of Qingping County calmly listened to the old slave's explanation. Even when the personal guard of Beigongyu was killed, she did not show any emotional fluctuations until the old servant said that all the hands of the Makino-gun king's house were killed. She A flash of cold light flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly said: "Thirteen is bad, but after all, he is my brother, Siyang is his only son-in-law, I have to manage this, you send someone to the inn to take Siyang Go to the house! "

"Yes!" The old servant nodded, and continued to talk about Song Ye: "Two months ago, Song Ye was accepted as a core disciple by the Phoenix Tianjiao."

"No wonder he dared to reject me. It turned out to be the core disciple of Phoenix Tianjiao!" Qingping County's eyebrows raised his eyebrows. "But that's all right, but Phoenix Tianjiao's face must be given. You send someone to send him an invitation card, Let him come to my house for a feast! "


After one night of fermentation, the fact that Song Yong had offended Qingping County Lord has been passed on to the elites.

North Palace.

"Retribution, retribution!"

Bei Gongyu laughed at the sky and laughed, "Song Ye, even if you are the core disciple of Phoenix Tianjiao, you will offend Qingping County Lord as you ..."

Just saying that, his eyebrows suddenly frowned, because the last time he thought that Song Yan would die, but the result was that he killed the people on the Makino-gun king's house, this time he once again thought that Song Yan would die, but that guy But there are some evil gates, which may not be able to save the day.

"No, I must do something!"

Thinking of this, his eyes flashed quickly, and finally a subordinate whispered.


In Shangguan Begonia's boudoir, she just woken up wearing a silk pajamas, showing her beautiful figure, especially the two pairs on her chest, showing half of them, round and full.

"Miss, you are awake!"

The two maids walked in with the toiletries.


Shangguan Begonia opened his arms and enjoyed the service from two beautiful girls.

After being neatly dressed, a girl-in-law said, "Miss, the ambassador sent a message jade last night. Because it was too late, the slave-in-law did not present it to the lady privately."

"Well! Come on." Shangguan Haitang didn't show any slight anger, and let the two maids breathe a sigh of relief.

Soon, the information sent by the chief executive Yu Jian fell into the hands of Shangguan Begonia. As soon as the consciousness was swept away, the information in Yu Jian was directly printed into her knowledge of the sea.


After reading the news on Yujian, Shangguan Begonia couldn't help but chuckled: "This Song Ye is really a troublemaker. Just one day after he returned, he offended Qingping County Lord."

Pick the Star Tower.

On the bed, Yueyue, wearing a tulle, was lying lazily. The beautiful figure was looming and very seductive. She also had a jade slip in her hand. After reading the information inside, she couldn't help touching The head said: "This guy really doesn't know about cessation. How long has it been before he actually offended Qingping County Lord again!"

The morning was fleeting.

Things that were only circulating among the elites suddenly became known to passers-by under the impetus of a caring person.

"Hey, Song Ye is in serious trouble now, but the master of Qingping County is a master of the robbery period!" Said the mourner.

"So what, Song Yun is now the core disciple of Phoenix Tianjiao, then the master of Qingping County dare to kill him?"

"You do n’t know. The Qingping County Lord is notorious for being jealous. At first, she fell in love with Qingli, because the sister of the Prime Minister of Shangguan was also pursuing Qingli. As a result, the Qingping County Lord actually The sword chopped off Shangguan's prime minister's sister! "

"No!" Someone exclaimed.

"Why not, and the few who were killed together are the daughters of the powerful men of the DPRK. Then, what's the matter, the Qingping County Lord has nothing!"

"So Song Yan is not dead!"

"Hey, whoever told him to be arrogant, even the Qingping County Lord should offend!"

Such conversations continue to appear in various tea restaurants and corners of the imperial capital.

Most people are not optimistic about Song Yan.

At this moment, another news came out that the master of Qingping County sent the little county king from the inn to the county government.

Then, someone jumped out of the road: "The master of Qingping County and the brothers and sisters of King Makino are affectionate, and the king of Little County is the only son of King Makino. Somewhere! "

"Yeah, if there wasn't the last thing, there was still a chance for Song Ye and Qingping County Lord to turn around. Now it seems that it must be endless!"

In a garden in Song Mansion, Song Yong was playing with the landlord of Li Tianluo and Lin Waner. Suddenly, Qin Xiaoyu came in a hurry.

At the end of the game, Song Yan asked, "What's the matter?"

Qin Xiaoyu looked dignifiedly and sent an invitation card, saying: "The invitation of the Lord of Qingping County."

"Oh, put it there!" Song Yan nodded slightly.

"My son, you can't go this time, it's obviously a banquet!" Qin Xiaoyu said nervously: "And I heard that the Qingping County Lord has sent someone to receive the Xiao County King Wu Siyang!"

Hearing that Li Tianluo and Lin Waner also became nervous.

Song Yan said after a little silence: "This matter can't be avoided anyway."

"Otherwise, you can go back to Phoenix Tianjiao and hide for a while!" Qin Xiaoyu suggested: "Even if the master of Qingping County is brave, you can't break into Phoenix Tianjiao!"

"Ha ha!"

Song Yan smiled: "The owner of Qingping County is not as terrible as I imagined, and I am not as weak as I imagined."

"Fu Jun, otherwise you can take a break from the edge!" Li Tianluo suddenly said.

"Relax, you never do anything unsure for your husband!" Song Yan turned to Qin Xiaoyu and said, "You send someone to tell the person who sent the invitation, and I will go to the dinner on time."

"Okay!" Qin Xiaoyu said helplessly, but thinking of the character of her son who never flinched, she knew that even if she tried to persuade him, he would not be a turtle.

I don't know who leaked the news. The news that Song Yong will go to the main house of Qingping County tonight will soon spread.

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