Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1339: Can i eat first

A quiet courtyard in the main house of Qingping County was filled with the cry of a man at the moment.

Wu Siyang knelt down in front of the Qingping County lord in tears and weeping, and counted all kinds of guilts of Song Yan. In his mouth, Song Yan became a wicked man who would not forgive and kill people without blinking.

"Aunt, you have to decide for your nephew. The nephew's father is dead. In this world, only your aunt is the closest to you. If you don't care about your nephew anymore, that nephew is alive!"

Seeing Wu Siyang who was crying more and more, the host of Qingping County couldn't help flashing a disappointment. Thirteen brother was enough waste, but he didn't expect his son to be more waste, but anyway, he was with her too. The same nephew, who shed the same blood, would not tolerate an outsider to bully him, even if he was wasteful.

Thinking of this, her eyes were a little softer and softer: "Siyang, get up first."

"The aunt doesn't avenge her nephew, and the nephew will die on her knees here." Wu Siyang wiped her tears, her expression stubborn, but there was a bit of grudge in her eyes. Song Ye, you killed my guard at the Makino-gun palace It even made me a joke of the imperial capital, and I must let you die.

"Come up, this aunt will be the master of your aunt!" Qingping County sighed lightly.

"Thank you aunt! Thank you aunt!" Wu Siyang was overjoyed, making several noises in succession.

"Come here, take Xiao Jun Wang down to rest!"


After Wu Siyang left, the master of Qingping County fell on the old servant: "Did the invitation pass?"

"It has been sent to Song Mansion, and the other party promised to come to the party on time tonight." The old servant answered truthfully.

"That's good."

The principal of Qingping County nodded, his plain fingers slowly stroked the sword body, and there was a murderous flicker in his eyes.

In the afternoon of that day, Song House.

Qin Xiaoyu hurried to report to Song Yan: "Son, there is a self outside who claims to be your brother to come to see you."

"Oh, really?"

After a diligent read, Song Yang saw Cheng Su drinking tea in the living room.

As soon as he was in shape, he came to the living room and smiled, "Brother, why are you here?"

"Why? Not welcome?" Cheng Su teased.

"Of course welcome, brother can come to the little brother's house, but it is prosperous!"

"You!" Cheng Su shook his head angrily: "I heard that you offended Qingping County Lord?"

"Huh!" Song Zheng nodded.

"That woman is not easy!" Cheng Su sank slightly. "Would you like to warn that woman for your brother?"

"It's not necessary." Song Yan shook his head.

"Don't care, the woman was born with a sword bone, and she is very strong, even in the middle of the ordinary robbery, she may not be her opponent!"

Hearing that Song Ye's heart was also a stunner. The woman was a lot stronger than he imagined, but immediately he had a sense of pride in his heart: "Although she is strong, I am not afraid. It depends on whether her sword is sharp or my sword can kill more people! "

"So bold!"

Cheng Suwenyan couldn't help showing appreciation, but the words immediately turned: "It's good to have courage, but don't lose your life for nothing!"

"Brother is not so optimistic about the younger brother!" Song Yan rolled his eyes with a bit of tears.

Cheng Sudao: "It's not that you are not optimistic about you, but that your realm is too different!"

"How does that brother compare to her?" Su Song asked suddenly.

"Five to five!"

Cheng Supo was confident. Although he was only in the late stage of integration, Xianyuanli was flowing in his body, and he practiced the true inheritance method of Phoenix Tianjiao. Therefore, his combat ability was very scary.

It is only that Phoenix Ermai is relatively low-key and does not like fighting, so it has been silent.

"It's better to ask brother to give pointers!"

"Good!" Cheng Su's eyes narrowed slightly, and he nodded.

A quarter of an hour later, the living room collapsed, and two figures rose into the sky, suspended in midair.

"Little brother, you really surprised your brother!" Cheng Su stared at Song Kun unexpectedly.

"Thank you for your mercy!"

Song Yi was modest, but his shirt was broken in several places. In the previous test, he had been beaten by Cheng Su. Although slightly embarrassed, he was not injured.

Of course, this is mainly because he still has reservations, but even if he plays his cards, he may not be able to defeat Cheng Su, because Cheng Su also has reservations. After all, the two are just learning, not fighting.

"Well, I'll go back first. With your strength, even if it's not the woman's opponent, it should not be difficult to save your life!"

After sending away Cheng Su, Song Yan went directly to the temple, adjusted the time to a thousand times again, and began to absorb the gains from the previous battle.

In the evening, the city was brightly lit.

A spirit beast car drove out of Song Mansion low-key and headed for Qingping County's main mansion.

For a while, the news that Song Yong went to the banquet began to spread at a very fast speed. I don't know how many people's hearts were affected.

In the compartment, Song Yan looked relaxed, his energy and spirit were adjusted to the peak, and he was ready for a battle at any time.

The driver was the elder who released him from the temple.

Practicing in the temple for many days, Tian Lao's cultivation is rising steadily. Now he has reached the peak of the later period of integration, and can no longer go in, so Song Ye simply released him.

After half an hour, the beast car finally arrived at the main house of Qingping County.

The main house of Qingping County is not large, it is several times smaller than the current Song government, and it is only 100 acres.

"Yes, is Songgong here?"

The old servant who was wounded by Song Yong yesterday stood at the gate of the county's main government house and asked with a smile, as if he had forgotten what was hurt by Song Yong yesterday.

"My son please!"

Tian Lao opened the door for Song Ye, and Song Ye nodded to him and floated down.

"Song son, the county master has prepared a banquet to await your drive!" The old servant took two steps forward, very politely.

"Lead the way!" Song Yong waved his hands lightly.

"Please ask Song Song to come with the old slave."

Under the guidance of the old servant, Song Ye stepped into the main house of Qingping County. To Song Song's surprise, there were not many people in the county house, which seemed a bit deserted.

Through a corridor and an archway, a black three-story attic appeared in Song Jun's sight. At the same time, a banquet had been set up in the attic, and four maids were waiting there.

"Song son please!" The old servant made a pleading.

As soon as it came, Song Yan took Tian Lao directly into the Lao Lao, and sat politely at the banquet. He beckoned to Tian Lao: "You also sit."

Suddenly, Song Yan turned to look at the old servant: "I haven't had dinner yet, I'm hungry. Can I eat first?"

"of course can."

The old servant gave a charitable smile, and the four maids on the side looked surprised and surprised.

[Author off topic]: One more

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