Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1341: You are too stinky

Hearing Song Yan's words, the Qingping County Lord's expression became extremely cold again, and he spit out four words gently: "I don't know how to lift!"

After hearing that, Song Ye put away a playful expression, and when he probed his hand, Qingye Sword appeared in his hand, with a dignified expression: "I heard that the Lord of Qingping County is born with a sword bone, and Kendo is unparalleled. Today, Xiaoye See for yourself! "

Seeing the Qingying Sword, the Qingping County Lord's expression could not help but a hint of faintness.

Sting! !! !!

Song Ye Lengheng, in this case the other party dared to lose his mind, obviously did not take him to heart, so he shot politely.

Stinger is the second form in "Breaking Sky Sword", and its strength is mainly reflected in the extremely fast speed and the unpredictable attack trajectory.

As soon as the afterimage flickered, the tip of the Qingjian sword supported the appearance of the Qingping County Master.


A layer of ice-blue spiritual power actively popped up, blocking the green sword, and at the same time, the master of Qingping County awoke from the loss.


The sword light flashed, and the layer of ice-blue spiritual power broke apart, and Qingye Sword continued to pierce the Qingping County Master's eyebrows at an extremely fast speed.

"It is indeed a disciple from Huangmai. It does have some skills, but it is not enough to see in front of this palace!"

The main body of Qingping Jun suddenly floated back, and at the same time, her right hand flickered continuously and beautifully. Each time she flicked, she could have a vigor and hit the sword of Qingyu.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

After dozens of collisions, the power of the sword-like sword move has been weakened to a level that is not left.

In this regard, Song Xuan was a little surprised, but not surprised, after all, he did not expect that this trick can hurt the other party, after all, the other party is a super master in the early days of the robbery, and the Kendo practice is quite good.

The next moment, the retreating Qingping County master suddenly leapt up, his fingers bounced, and a transparent sword flickered from her fingers to form a sword array and killed Song Yan.

Skyless! !! !!

Song Yan's face did not change, but the sword potential changed, and became the first form of "Breaking Sky Sword".

"Breaking Sky Sword" is a fairy-level top-level method, which is divided into nine types, each of which contains a separate sword and sword power. If the assassin is suitable for sneak attack, then the sky is suitable for guarding and group battles. .

Wutian used this style of swordsmanship to spread a mysterious sword meaning. For a time, the following changes in the sword formation of the Qingping County Lord emerged in his mind.

As a result, the sword of the green dragon came out.

"Dangdang Dangdang!"

Thousands of collisions, followed by the sword array created by the Qingping County Master, did not cause any damage to Song Kun.

"Don't draw your sword yet?"

Song Yan looked at the host of Qingping County.

"You don't deserve it!"

The master of Qingping County shook her head gently, and then stepped forward. Suddenly, there were hundreds of ghost images of Qingping County Lord around him, and each of them was flicked with fingers, flashes of sword gas, and then formed Sword formations.

Then, these small sword formations formed a huge sword formation, blocking the world and strangling towards Song Yu.

"If you can crack the Xiaobaihua Sword Formation in this palace, it will be worth the sword in this palace!"

Hearing that, Song Zheng looked closely, weren't the images of these sword arrays exactly the blossoming flowers?

The next moment, these blooming sword arrays suddenly bloomed together, a horrible strangulation force was formed, and Song Song's body was torn wildly. He was sure that it would fall into this in the later period of the general fit. Strangled into pieces or powder.

Song Yuan's heart was stunned, and the celestial power in his body was running frantically, resisting the strangulation power from all directions, and at the same time, the green sword in his hand waved again.


The sprayed sword air burst out from the green sword, rushed to the surrounding area, and launched a brutal fight with the Baihua Sword Formation.

I have to say that the sword moves motivated by Xianyuanli are at least fifty times more powerful than before, and a large amount of sword energy is killed, and they are evenly divided with the Baihua Sword Formation.


Seeing this, Qingping County's master frowned slightly, and suddenly drew a trick. Suddenly, the Baihua Sword Formation suddenly spread out, and then formed a giant sword at an extremely fast speed.


The master of Qingping County pointed lightly, and the giant sword exuded a horrible destruction of destruction and slashed it towards Song Yong.

In the face of this move, Song Yan could completely avoid it, but he did not hide, he tried to urge Xian Yuanli with all his strength, and then lifted his sword to cut it out.


A large, a small, two-handed sword slammed together in the void, and a huge air wave radiated to the surroundings. Instantly, the entire attic was turned into a powder. As for the people in the attic, as early as the two were fighting. Escaped, so they were not hit by the pond fish.


The giant sword exploded again, and a more horrifying force pressed Song Song. Even if he ran his whole body to resist, he still had a feeling of being irresistible. For a time, the blue muscles on his forehead exploded and looked very hard.

"Are you just capable?"

Qing Pingjun's main body looked at Song Yan leisurely, his tone full of irony and disdain.

"Of course I can do more than that!"

Song Xuan drank softly, and a pair of stars appeared in his body. The stars were shining and the stars flashed. Song Xuan's body gave birth to a powerful force that resisted the oppression of the giant sword.

"The technique of refining?" Seeing this, the master of Qingping County finally showed a little surprise: "I never thought you could practice the technique of refining to such a state!"

"There are many more than you can imagine!"

Song Su suddenly burst into a bang, the green sword in his hand suddenly chopped out.


Under dozens of swords, the giant sword finally collapsed, and the aura transformed into stars disappeared into the void.

Seeing this scene, the Qingping County Master finally showed his emotions and watched Song Ye slowly say, "You deserve a sword in this palace."

"Hey, are you finally willing to pull out your sword? Little Master can't wait any longer, come on!" Song Yan gently asked the master of Qingping County.



An earth-shattering sword sounded, directly, a silver-white sword light was chopped at a speed that was hard to capture with the naked eye.


Song Xuan ’s body surface flickered, but it was the performance of the star **** body urging to the limit, but it was still difficult to resist the power of that sword. Therefore, Song Xuan flew out like a broken kite, and did not know how many houses had been damaged during the period. , How many rockery, finally hit a big tree, that big tree shattered in response.


Song Kun held his body steady, opened his mouth and spit out blood.

"It's very rare that you can block the sword of Honmiya. After all, even in the early days of ordinary crossing, it is difficult to save your life under the sword of Honmiya!" Qing Pingjun presided over the sword, floating in mid-air, looking at the eyes looking down at all beings With Song Ji, it is like the goddess of war on nine days.

"is it?"

Song Yan sneered, the life of God was working, and the internal injuries healed instantly. At the next moment, he rose into the sky and stared at the host of Qingping County with a smile in the air. you!"

[Author off topic]: Three updates have been completed, thank you [qu4236] [Don't learn me] [solitary o male o male] Three big rewards

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