Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1342: Jedi Counterattack

As soon as the words came out, the pupil of Qingping County shrank suddenly, his eyes were faintly red, a face became extremely cold, and his momentum became extremely thick, exuding a chilling bitterness. With the spread of the killing intentions on her, a white crystal flower appeared in the nearby void.

Subconsciously, Song Ye shivered, raised the Qingye sword on his hand, and watched the Qingping County Lord vigilantly, knowing that his own words might have completely angered the woman.

Qingli real person has always been a pain in the heart of Qingping County. She was rejected time and time again by Qingli real person. She was also looked at by shame and shame. This time, she was uttered by Song Xitang. The anger in the county's heart can be imagined.

"Today, this palace will cut you!"

Sure enough, in the next moment, the host of Qingping County slowly opened his mouth and uttered a sentence that was still cold for thousands of years.


Sword light, like electricity, instantly killed Song Yan.

Even if he had been on alert, he still had a feeling of being caught off guard, and in a hurry, he barely waved the green sword to welcome him.

But at the next moment, Song Yan's face changed drastically, because he found that Qing Yan's sword was emptied.

"not good!"

When he just came up with a dodge idea, a sword with boundless killing power was chopped on him, meanwhile, an overbearing and frosty sword blast burst into his body, destroying his Body.

The star chart emerged, the star's body urged to the limit again.

At the same time, Xianyuanli in his body also met those sword qi, and began to use his body as a battlefield.


Blood squirted out of Song Yan's mouth without money, and almost half of his body was destroyed in an instant.

Light of life! !!

The light shone, and a repairing energy appeared out of thin air to repair his body, but unfortunately, the sword energy was too terrible. His body had just been repaired and was immediately destroyed.


At this moment, Song Ye felt a terrible sword spirit locked him again, but it was the main eyes of Qingping County's red eyes that split the second sword.

"Nima, this woman really wants to kill Lao Tzu!"

Song Wei screamed, and quickly began to move large movements to move away from dozens of miles.

But before he was relieved, the woman moved along like a sacrum, and continued to cut at him with a sword.

"Grass! Tigers don't show their might, you are a sick cat!"

Song Yan was so irritated that he no longer controlled the remaining sword energy in his body, and allowed it to continue to damage his body.

Extinction! !! !!

Song Yong waved the Qingjian sword, and suddenly, a devastating sword appeared suddenly, covering the whole void.


At the next moment, Song Kun raised the green sword and cut it out. The destruction sword covering the surrounding void suddenly gathered in the green sword. The previous spiritual swords could not carry the horrible sword intention of destroying immortals. Therefore, he Sword will never be incorporated into the sword, but rather as a secondary attack.



The two swords collided together in the void, and the horrible power immediately shattered a large area of ​​the void, and a number of void cracks appeared. A large number of turbulent streams continued to flow out of the cracks, sweeping around.

Fortunately, the battle between the two men took place in the sky, otherwise the turbulence of time and space alone would be enough to destroy the buildings of tens of miles.


The next moment, Song Yi retreated sharply and vomited blood again.

Although he blocked the sword of Qingping County Lord, the injuries inside him relapsed.


With a stunned figure, Song Kun fled again.

The master of Qingping County followed him without hesitation. She was surprised that the sword was blocked by Song Yong just now, because she knew that the sword was enough to kill the general mid-duration period.

As he moved, Song Yan consumed the sword energy in his body, and occasionally turned back, but found that the Qingping County Lord was like nougat, and he couldn't shake it anyway.

After dozens of breaths, the two fled one after the other and fled the imperial capital.


Once moved, Song Yan moved directly to a river, without hesitation he jumped into the river.


Before his body touched the surface of the water, the main body of Qing Pingjun stepped out of the void, and then a sword waved.


Finally fell into the water, but a horrible sword spirit across the river followed.


The river was cut in half by a sword, and more than that, the sword gas continued to cut down a huge canyon hundreds of meters deep at the bottom of the river.


The next moment, the river was divided into two halves, and it took half a quarter of an hour to fill the valley.

"What about people?"

The master of Qingping County covered a huge amount of knowledge, but found that Song Yan actually disappeared.

"Is that kid hacked to death with my sword?"

For a moment, she couldn't help doubting it, but soon she denied the idea, because she didn't feel the smell of the kid's death at all.

"Boy, Honmiya gives you ten breathing times. If you don't come out again, Honmiya will return to the emperor and kill your family!"

"Don't you dare!"

A figure rises from the water and floats in mid-air. It is Song Yan. When he entered the water just now, he directly entered the temple, adjusted the time to a thousand times, and then pulled out the strange sword energy in his body, and then used life Shenguang healed the injury.

Feeling the breath of Song Yong, the host of Qingping County couldn't help flashing a weird color, apparently the boy had been seriously injured. Why did he disappear for a while and the wound was healed?

However, although she was curious, she did not intend to let go of Song Yi's intentions and slashed again.

"Hey, come again!"

Song Yan sneered, moved directly hundreds of miles away, his body surging, instantly turned into a fifteen-foot-tall giant, at the same time, he had a pair of blood-red wings behind him, and the green sword in his hand also turned. It's seven or eight feet long.

Previously in the Imperial City, he was not good at revealing all of his hole cards. This time out of the Imperial City, he didn't have so many scruples, and directly displayed the Fa Xiang Tian Tian, ​​and used the prop blood emperor wings, and at the same time urged him. Kamikaze.

Feeling the soaring power of Xianyuan in the body, Song Yan's confidence also increased greatly.

Just as he completed the change, the master of Qingping County came out of the air and saw his appearance change slightly.

Bloody! !! !!

At this moment, Song Xuan urged the fourth form of "Breaking Sky Sword Techniques". Once this style of swordsmanship came out, the whole circle was covered by an inexplicable sword. At the next moment, his huge body suddenly abruptly Turned into a **** afterimage and rushed to the host of Qingping County.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

A series of impact sounded continuously, followed by a moaning sound, the Qingping County Lord's slightly thin body flew forward and hit the ground heavily.

"It's nice to chase down the little master, right? It's his turn now!"

With a flash, Song Yan came to the sky and waved the Qing Ye sword again.


The ground was split, and a ground crack that was hundreds of miles long and dozens of miles deep appeared, but unfortunately, the host of Qingping County was not split, and the other party moved a few hundred miles long ago.


With the cough, the blood of the host of Qingping County overflowed with golden blood. At the next moment, she looked up at Song Ye, looking very calm, and could not see the mood and anger. At the next moment, she slowly said: It's extraordinary and worthy of our full shot! "

[Author off topic]: One more

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