Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1351: Horrible throughput

After half a quarter of an hour, all the disciples had gathered at Yanwumen's Yanwu Square. Everyone in the battle had seen it before, and now everyone has to leave the mountain gate to escape, so almost everyone's face There was a little bit of embarrassment on it, and a daze of uncertainty about the future. ()

"let's go!"

The imperial concubine struck out a true yuan, wrapped up more than 200 disciples of the Jade Girl's Gate, and as soon as he was in shape, he left Huangyuan County by performing a large movement.

Two years ago, there were less than two hundred people on Yunumen. But in the past two years, Yunumen has recruited many three generations of disciples. Therefore, the number has exceeded 200.

Taking two hundred people to move, the consumption is very large, just moving dozens of times, there are only 20% of the true yuan in the emperor's body, but this place has been hundreds of thousands of miles away from the Jade Gate, plus he deliberately covered the Jade Gate Therefore, as long as the master of the robbery is not on the horse, it will be difficult to trace them. At the same time, he has been trying to contact the deity.

With the strength of the deity, as long as they arrived in time, even if Tai Yijiao sent out the masters, they could not help them.


The emperor threw out dozens of spirit crystals, laid out a matrix that covered the breath, and simply ordered Xuelan a few words, he sat in place and took out the spirit crystals to absorb the true elements.

After less than half a quarter of a minute's departure from Yunvmen Gate, more than ten figures appeared directly above Yunvmen Gate. One of them was the leader of the black man who was defeated by the emperor.

But at this moment, he was standing behind a black figure who could not see his face.

"What about people?"

Suddenly, the black figure turned back abruptly, staring coldly at the black man inquiring.

The mountain guarding team of Yunvmen still exists, but in the later repair of the leader of the black suit, it can be sensed that there is no living being in the entire Yunvfeng.

Suddenly, a panic erupted in his heart, and he knelt down directly in the void: "Back ... Lord, they should escape!"

"Miscellaneous things, even such a small thing can't be done well, what use is left for you!"

During the conversation, the black figure snatched out his hand and caught the head of the black man's head. Then, a large amount of black mist poured out of the palm of his hand, wrapping the whole person with the other person. It was found that these black mists were composed of positively small bugs.


A stern, short voice sounded.

The next moment, the black figure retracted his palm, and the body of the black man's leader and the Yuanshen had disappeared. All that remained was a tattered piece of clothing.

Seeing this scene, the fourteen black men next to him all had a chilling feeling, and lowered their brow subconsciously.

Suddenly, the black figure turned back abruptly, coldly swiping through the fourteen black suit leaders in the late stage of the fit, and said coldly: "You are still frightened, and immediately launch your men and women to track down the whereabouts of Yunvmen!"


Fourteen people responded in unison, and then started to teleport and disappeared.


The black figure raised his hand and took a palm. The palm figure covered the entire Jade Peak. In a moment, the whole Jade Peak was photographed as powder. In the next moment, the black figure flashed and disappeared directly.

Within the fairy world.

Song Zheng still sat cross-legged, but his surroundings were not calm, because his body had turned into a vortex, pulling the fairy spirit within Fangyuan one mile constantly pouring into him.

Gradually, the fairy spirit within Fangyuan has been unable to meet his needs, and the absorption range has started to change to two, three, or even four miles, and finally spread to ten miles.

Such a great deal of attention attracted the attention of five other elders in the Phoenix veins, and they set their sights here.

At the same time, it attracted the attention of other disciples in Huangmai, and they set their sights on the top of the mountain.

"Little Master just broke through the robbery period, how could it cause such a huge movement?"

Cheng Su secretly thought that to realize that he needed to break through to the late stage of the fit, the magical power needed was only five miles away, but he thought that the other party could be tied with him in the late stage of distraction, and even defeat Qingping County Lord, this is a matter of course, but he is still surprised and envious of Song Qian's strong foundation.

"This time, Brother Jiutian has accepted an incredible disciple!"

Linghu Menghua withdrew her eyes, with a little envy, with a bit of taste and regret in her tone. I knew that you should compete with Jun Jiutian, and maybe Song Xuan would worship in his name.

Chen Beichen nodded in a deep sympathy: "Yeah, this has broken through to the fit period, and the throughput of the fairy spirit has reached a radius of ten miles. How amazing would it be if he broke through to the late fit period?"

"I regret it. I knew I had to fight with Jiutian Brother!" Xue Yangzi sighed.

Zhou Qingyang smiled and said, "He deserves Jiutian to receive such an excellent disciple!"

It was lonely and boundless, with constant blinking, and the other four saw Jun Jiutian receiving a good disciple, but what he saw was Song Yun ’s practice.

He had long seen that Song Yun's practice methods were extraordinary, and even he suspected that even the secret teachings of the Phoenix Heavenly Order were not as good.

"If I could quietly get Song Yang's practice exercises, wouldn't it be beautiful to inherit the exercises of my lonely family!"

However, he also knew that if he had made clear the idea of ​​playing Song Kun, don't say that Jun Jiutian would not agree, even the other four elders would not support him.

Therefore, this matter can only come in secret.

"Well, the throughput has grown again!"

Suddenly, Linghu Menghua whispered, but it was Song Ye's range of devouring fairy spirits that had expanded to eleven miles, and even more incredible, it was still growing.

In the next half an quarter of an hour, Song Yan's range of devouring fairy spirits continued to grow:

Twelve miles.

Thirteen miles in radius.

Fourteen miles.

At this time, it has affected the cultivation of other disciples in the mid-mountain, so they have stopped practicing, and silently pay attention to Song Kun who broke through at the top of the mountain.

In the end, the range of Song Yan's devouring the spirit of the immortal reached a terrifying radius of twenty miles.

For a time, all around his body turned into an ocean of fairy spirits, which was so thick that he could absorb enough fairy spirits if he took a breath.

But it is strange that with so much immortal spirit absorbed, Song Yan's body is already like a black hole, which continuously absorbs the immortal spirit from all around.

Jun Jiu, who was on the side of the Fa, saw his symptoms and frowned slightly, then made a decision, and said quietly, "Let the teacher help you!"

The next moment, Jun Jiutian drew a tactic. Suddenly, a lot of immortal spirits rushed to Song Yong.

With Jun Jiutian's help, Song Huan didn't need to waste extra minds, just rest assuredly devouring the immortal spirit that came to him.

[Author off topic]: One more

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