Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1352: Cruel fairyland

Chapter 1352 The Cruel Fairy World

Xiaoxianjie, the immortal spirit surging on the mountain on the left, surging wildly, it can be seen that the immortal spirit around the mountain top has formed a little tortoise.

Such a big movement has long attracted the attention of Huangmai.

With the dramatic increase in momentum, even Fengmai could not help but wink.

"What happened over the Phoenix Veins, why did the spirit of the immortal fluctuate so much?" A female disciple of Fengmai who was retreating abruptly stopped practicing, her eyes fell through the void on the top of the Phoenix vein.

"Well, is someone breaking through?"

When she saw Song Yan sitting in the center of the thick fairy spirit, she exclaimed.

"No, the other party seems to be making a breakthrough from the late distraction to the early integration. How could there be such amazing momentum and movement, then the throughput is too scary!"

So, she walked out of the retreat, her body was slightly shaken, and she landed on a giant tree hundreds of meters high. There were already many sisters of Fengmai on the giant trees around her.

"Sister Qingcheng, have you been alarmed too?"

Not far from him, a woman wearing a goose yellow show skirt smiled and asked, this woman is called Jiang Weishui, and is the fifth disciple of Fang Tianyue, who has been trained to have reached the mid-fit.

"Yeah." Hu Qingcheng nodded: "Yes, Shimei, who knows who broke that? The noise is too loud!"

Jiang Weishui chuckled: "Sister, you do n’t know if you practice retreat all the year round. Break through that new disciple Song Huang, who is a Phoenix pulse, even my master loves him very much, not only wants to break the rules and bring him into the Phoenix Mai, even want to marry her little sister she loves. "

Hearing that, Hu Qingcheng stunned for a moment: "Isn't there any history for Song Yan?"

"It really does." Jiang Weishui nodded and told Song Qing's deeds to Hu Qingcheng, and he heard the other side surprised, a master of Qingping County who was able to defeat the early period of crossing the calamity.

It is no wonder that Elder Fang attaches such great importance to him. No wonder he made such a huge movement just by breaking through to the fit period.

In a small courtyard on Fengmai, the environment is quiet. There is a wooden table made of fragrant sandalwood in the courtyard. In front of the table, Jiang Jing, wearing a blue dress, is skillfully playing with the tea set on the table.

Soon, a cup of hot tea exuding a faint fragrance, but a cloud of hot tea condensed above the tea cup was delivered to Fang Tianyue.

"Master, please drink tea."


Fang Tianyue took the tea cup, took a sip, and then nodded with satisfaction: "Xiao Jinger's tea making skills are getting better and better."

Jiang Jing smiled elegantly: "As long as the master likes it, the disciples will bubble for you every day."

"You are content to be a teacher with this heart, but you will have to marry sooner or later. Master dare not let you make a lifetime of tea for me!"

"Master, the children will not marry."

Jiang Jing said firmly.

"You really don't think about it?" Fang Tianyue glanced at the direction of Huangmai: "Your qualifications will become immortals sooner or later. The immortal world is not as peaceful as others think. If there is no strong person to protect you, your life I'm afraid it won't be easy. "

"A disciple can protect himself!" Jiang Jing stubbornly said.

"Forget it, at this point, I should tell you something about the fairyland!" Fang Tianyue sighed, and said, "Do you know why the teacher is not willing to ascend but to keep guarding Tianjiao?"

Before waiting for Jiang Jing to answer, Fang Tianyue continued: "It is the top existence in the world as a teacher, but if you go to the immortal world, it is an ordinary existence, and the immortal world is even more cruel than the world, like us. There is no background, no background, and no sectarian gate to protect the newly rising immortals, and they will only become their slaves. "

"No, right?" After hearing such a narrative from her own master, Jiang Jing was stunned for a while. She also imagined the existence of the fairyland, but there was absolutely no such cruelty as Master said.

"What won't!"

Fang Tianyue sighed again: "The things in the fairy world were all returned by a predecessor of the Phoenix Tianjiao at the cost of flying away. Do you know the realm of the fairy?"

Jiang Jing nodded: "Immortals are divided into six major realms: human fairy, earth fairy, heaven fairy, gold fairy, black fairy, and ancestral fairy."

Fang Tianyue replied: "You're right, those like me and others who have gathered up the immortal base are called immortals in the mortal world, but in the immortal world, we are all just false immortals. The physical immortal is the true immortal. Huaxianchi is the congregation of the heavenly world. It is said that it spreads around every corner of the immortal world. Generally, the immortals who fly from the lower world to the immortal world will directly fly to the vicinity of the Huaxianchi. Xianchi has long been occupied by forces of all sizes. For the first time, the pseudo-immortals that have risen from the fairy realm to enter the fairy fairy pool must either pay a lot of fairy stones or be slaves. Only those forces can enter the fairy fairy pool. You should know that there are thirteen ancestors of Phoenix Heavenly Education. These thirteen ancestors can be said to be stunning and talented. But after rising to the immortal realm, only three people have gathered the immortal body and paid a great price. As for the other ten ancestors, they have fallen! "

Hearing here, Jiang Jing has changed her face, and the ancestor who initiated the Phoenix Tianjiao came to an end. She admits that she is talented in cultivation, but she is definitely not as good as those ancestors.

At this moment, Fang Tianyue's words suddenly turned: "So Song Yan can defeat the Qingping County Lord in the late distraction period, and his strength is comparable to the middle period of the robbery, and even the ordinary middle period of the robbery is not his opponent. Now that he is promoted to fit, judging by the current movement, once he achieves fit, it is absolutely invincible from the immortal. If he becomes immortal, how terrible is his strength. If you have him to rely on, wait to go to the immortal world. With him to protect you, you will feel relieved as a teacher! "

"But he already has two buddies!" Jiang Jing said hesitantly.

Fang Tianyue raised his hand and touched Jiang Jing's head: "Stupid girl, the more powerful people in this world, the more they take, the more they occupy, such as the evil spirits of Song Yan, don't say two accomplices, Even if collecting ten or eight is nothing, now the Emperor does not know how many powerful women want to marry him. You must seize the opportunity. After he successfully promotes the fit, you will take a trip for the teacher. Congratulations! "

Hearing, Jiang Jing's hesitation was a little less, and he nodded, biting his lips, "Yes, Master."

"Good boy." Fang Tianyue nodded contentedly, looking again at the direction of Huang Mai.

At this moment, with the immense amount of immortal spirit flowing in, Song Zhi's body was like a rushing river, filled with a mighty atmosphere.

Song Kun has a feeling. Now he only needs his thoughts to break through to the beginning of the fit, but instead of doing so, he urged the work of "The Star God Body" and planned to give this god-level refining technique to Advance the third.

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