Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1353: You are dying

Chapter 135: You Are Death

"The Star God Body" is the practice method of the Star God King. The first two aspects are only laying the foundation. Therefore, the strength is only reflected in the strong defense. He can almost ignore the general fit in the early stage of the second level. This is also the reason why he has no fear of fighting in the late stage of the union without transforming the real element in the body into the immortal force.

After the true element in the body is transformed into the fairy element force, after one year of grinding and tempering, the "Star Gods" has reached the second middle stage. This time, by taking the opportunity to break through the fit period, he has no fear of Absorbing the spirit of the fairy in the little fairy realm, just one quarter of an hour, he pushed the "Star Deity" to the second peak of the late period.

The star map inside the body is spinning fast, and each rotation can include a lot of immortal spirits flowing into his body, and then transform into a mysterious force to feedback itself.

Therefore, his body is growing at a steady rate every moment.

He's sure that his current physical strength cannot be broken even by ordinary robber masters. If he reaches the third level, I'm afraid he won't be able to break his physical defense in the late robberies. At that time, he will cooperate with the ”'S powerful attack, he can achieve invincibility during the robbery period.

In fact, the most exciting thing for Song Yi is that when he reaches the third level of "The Star God Body", a special magical power can be derived. This magical power is called the Nine Stars.

A change can double the power instantaneously and explode for an hour, but after the magical power time passes, there will not be any side effects. You must know that all magical powers or exercises that can make the power soar instantly Small sequelae.

You need to know that although the magical power "Fang Xiangtiandi" he practiced can increase his strength by about ten times after it is cast, it does not last long and consumes a lot of energy. It can only be used when desperate.

The nine changes of the stars are different. After the outbreak, they will still maintain their original strength.

Besides, the second change of the stars, after the show, the time lasts two hours, and the strength can be doubled.

The three changes lasted three hours, and the strength increased fourfold.

The four changes last four hours, and the strength can be increased eight times.

The five-year change lasted five hours and increased its strength by 16 times.

From six to six hours, the power has been increased by 32 times.

Seven times and seven hours, the strength increased sixty-four times.

Eight hours and eight hours, the strength increased by 128 times.

Nine changes last nine hours, the strength can be increased by 256 times.

However, in order to perform this magical power, it is necessary to constantly absorb the breath of the stars. The longer it accumulates, the stronger it is when it erupts.

For example, when the show stars change, it only takes ten days to accumulate.

The second change requires one month of accumulation to be released once.

At the Nine Changes, at least 10 years of accumulation must be accumulated before it can be released once.

If you change to another person, it will take ten years to release the Nine Stars, but Song Ji does not need it because he has a temple and can modify the time proportion. In ten years, it will be more than 3,600 days, in a ratio of 1,000 times. It only takes about thirty-six days.

And the accumulation of star qi does not need to be intentionally accumulated. The star map in the body will absorb the star qi in the void by itself, so it can be regarded as a retreat.

Closer to home.

With the feedback from the star chart, Song Yun ’s physical strength increased at a very fast speed, reaching the peak in only half an hour, so the star chart stopped the feedback, but began to **** the fairy spirit. Used to enhance the star map.

A short while later, a new star appeared in the star chart.

The second one.

The third one.

The fourth one.


When the number of stars increased by 108, the star map exploded and turned into a rotating black hole.

Jun Jiu, who could not see the situation in Song Yan's body, could not help but appear doubt and worry. He had helped Song Yan to absorb the immortal spirit for more than an hour.

You know, so many immortal spirits, even if the masters during the robbery period can't accommodate it, Song Yuan hasn't even reached the integration period.

For a while, he couldn't understand Song Yan's situation.

However, he noticed that Song Yan's expression was very peaceful, that is, nothing changed in his body.

Therefore, he can only continue to help Song Yan gather fairy spirit.

On the other side, seeing that Song Yong absorbed a long-time fairy spirit, he did not intend to stop. Chen Beichen, Zhou Qingyang, Lonely Menghua, and Blood Yangzi couldn't help showing curiosity and surprise. .

Linghu Menghua sighed: "This boy doesn't know what kind of exercises he has cultivated. The capacity is too large. It is an insufficient puppet. Fortunately, there is only one such freak. Little fairy world will collapse! "

"Yeah, this kid has a very strong foundation. I'm afraid he will be able to sweep the robbery when he is fit!" Xue Yangzi nodded deeply.

However, loneliness and boundlessness are relatively silent, because his desire to seize Song Yun's exercises has become extremely strong, and even if he has such powerful exercises, he can gain a greater gain.

At this moment, in the body of Song Yan, the star map exploded into a rotating black hole.

After the formation of the black hole, the speed of absorbing the fairy spirit was faster, so a whirlwind appeared around him, and as a whole he became a crazy vortex, pulling the surrounding fairy spirit direction When the body rushes out, just the breath, the surrounding fairy spirit will be absorbed.


Jun Jiutian's brow frowned, and he once again drew a tactic, and immediately dragged the spirit of the immortal spirit from the whole fairy world toward Song Yan.

With the help of Jun Jiutian, only ten breaths, a star began to appear in the black hole, this star is more shining, exuding a soft breath.

Gradually, there were more and more stars in the black hole, and the black hole began to evolve towards the star map.

Finally, after a quarter of an hour, a wider star chart appeared in Song Yun's body, and at the same time, a mysterious force poured out into every cell of his body.

With the influx of these mysterious powers, his cells are rapidly fissioning, and his physical strength is increasing madly.

After three hours.

Song Yan spit out a sigh of sigh, because his "Star God Body" has reached the third stage of the early stage, and he is sure that even the Jiu Pin Ling Sword will not be able to break his body.

"Well, it's time to break through the fit!"

As soon as he thought about it, Song Yuan's immortal power in the body quickly transformed. In just half a quarter of an hour, he completed the transformation from the late distraction, and realized that there was a life-size yuan **** in the sea.

At the same time, his Xianyuan power increased by about 50 times, and his strength increased by about 10 times.

"The fit is done!" Song Yan smiled at the corner of his mouth, but the next moment, his face suddenly changed, a powerful murderous gush came out and burst into his heart: "Taiyi teaches you this is a death!"

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