Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1393: Coming soon

Hearing the system prompts in his mind, Song Yan understood that the hidden task was to kill the immortal, and the task rating only gave him a normal, it should be that he just indirectly caused the immortal to die.

"Ding, within the next ten days, the host can choose to return at any time. After ten days, it will be forced to return!"

"You can finally go back!"

Song Yan exhaled a heavy breath.

"Congratulations on your master, you have succeeded in meeting the immortals. Now, your prestige will probably spread all over the Tiannan Tianyao continent!"

Rat King flew up and patted the horse fart with excitement.

"Congratulations, Master!"

The tiger king also flew up, shocked and admired.

Then, all the men came forward and said words of congratulations.

Song Kun waved his hands, everyone closed his mouth subconsciously.

He did not indulge in the joy of Wuxian, but calmly analyzed: "This death of the demon fairy is really a fluke. If there is another, I am afraid it is me who died, and once the news spreads, , Will definitely face the crazy counterattack of the Red Dragon Demon Kingdom, so that's the end of the attack on the Xuanwu Demon Realm. Now, you can let the demon repairs without transformation disappear, if you are willing to follow me above the transformation, Just stay, don't want to, you can leave immediately! "


I heard that Song Xun actually stopped attacking the Xuanwu Demon Realm. Everyone was very surprised. You must know that because of the success of Xunxian, the morale of the army is stronger than ever. If you continue to attack, the efficiency will definitely increase a lot.

However, they could not disobey Song Yan's orders, and quickly transmitted them to the army.

In just one hour, there were only more than 2.3 million soldiers with 10 million troops. In other words, 400,000 metamorphosis monsters also left.

With a wave, a huge portal of time and space appeared.

Under Song Yi's order, all 2.3 million transformed monster soldiers entered the temple through the portal of time and space.

There are a large number of planets in the temple, and the temple is absorbing the vitality of the heaven and earth in the void at all times. Therefore, the vitality of the heaven and earth in the temple can be equal to that of the Tiannan continent, and it can fully accommodate so many monsters to cultivate in it.

After the demon repairs were included in the temple.

Song Xuan quickly rushed to the passage. He had limited time and had to rush back to Tiannan mainland as quickly as possible.

Time and time again, after half an hour, Song Yong finally rushed to the passage.

Feeling his breath, the grimace spider couldn't help but start to appear, bowing and saluting, but there was a faint worry in his expression: "I don't know if the adult is here, I am far away!"

"Don't worry, I'm not asking for trouble, say goodbye!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Yan turned into a streamer and rushed into the undersea passage.

It took only a quarter of an hour for Song Hui to pass through the passage, and he did not have the heart to investigate the demon spy who leaked his traces. When he got out of the passage, he directly performed the technique of great movement to the capital. go with.

Half an hour after Song Yong returned to Tiannan, suddenly six demon gods appeared where he played against that demon god.

In fact, as soon as the Eye of the Sky Penalty appeared, the immortals of the Sky Demon mainland sensed it, so they carefully converged their breath one by one, so as not to be caught by the Eye of the Sky Penalty, and at the same time guess in secret that it is Which immortal friend used the real power to attract the eye of heaven punishment.

And after the Eye of the Sky Penalty disappeared, those immortals still did not dare to rush to the Xuanwu Demon Sphere immediately, until the Eye of the Sky Penalty disappeared for more than two hours, the six demon gods of the Red Dragon Demon Kingdom came to this place together. local.

"It's the breath of the map friends!"

A demon captured the remnant of the void, and said, "His breath is filled with a strong death, I'm afraid he has encountered an accident!"

It was said that the other five demon immortals were all gloomy, and one of them was angry: "What the **** is going on? Why does the map immortal friend use real power to appear to the eyes of heaven punishment!"

Even if they are so immortal without using real power, they can still flick and kill the late period of the robbery.

At this moment, a demon fairy suddenly disappeared and reappeared, but he had three more metamorphosis demon repairs in his hands.

At the next moment, three rays of black light shot from the eyes of the demon fairy to the three deformed monsters to fix their eyebrows. Then, the appearance of the three deformed monsters became dull.

After a long while.

The demon cast aside the three demon that had become idiots, and said, "I searched for their spirits using the great soul-searching technique, you see!"

While talking, the demon immortal waved his hand, and an image suddenly appeared in the void. The image began when the demon immortal appeared in front of the army.

After the video was played, the faces of the six demon fairy were very complicated and shocking.

The map fairy is indeed dead under the eye of heaven punishment, but if it is not for that human being that has delayed his time in the ascension channel, he can descend into the heavenly kingdom under the eye of heaven punishment.

And that human being clearly has only the initial state of the integration, but the strength shown has far surpassed the calamity, and even hurt the fairy soul of Yutu.

This is a bit shocking.

After a long while, a demon fairy said solemnly: "Human beings have such a young master is a great disaster for our demon tribe. Once he grows up to the robbery, I am afraid that he has the power to truly kill immortals. He cannot stay! "

Another demon sighed: "Yeah, the human race is so lucky, and there are such young people. Let's go back to the demon country, report it to other immortal friends, and make a decision!"

The next moment, the six demon fairy disappeared here.

After returning to Song Mansion, Song Zheng called Li Tianluo, Lin Waner and Tuoba Xianer together.

"I will leave this world. Will you leave with me?" Song Zheng went straight to the subject and asked the three women.

"Where the husband goes, Tianluo will go." Li Tianluo said solemnly.

"Hum, you don't want to lose me." Tuoba Xianer said.

"I have to follow Brother Song." Lin Waner said.

Although Song Yan had known that the three women would follow him, they were still touched when they heard them say.

"Song Lang, aren't you in this world?"

Tuoba Xianer asked curiously.

Song Yan told her history briefly, making the three women listened with surprise.

"Okay, at most ten days, we must leave this world, so you will disperse the servants and maids in the house, send as many Lingjing as possible, I will go out if I have a problem!"

Leaving a word, Song Yan went directly to the mansion where Yu Numen lived.

He has not broken the last layer of relationship with Lingyan, so he is not sure whether Lingyan will follow him, but what makes him strange is that Lingyan is not in the mansion, so he finds Lingyao to ask her Whereabouts.

"Hee hee, Sister Lingyan should drink in Luoyan Tower!" Lingyao said.

After hearing the words, Song Kun was a little speechless, went straight to the Luoyan Tower, and sure enough he found the spiritual smoke that had been drunk.

"Well, why are you here, Erdan?"

"Sister, I have something to tell you."

As soon as Song Yan's face turned dark, he pulled up the smoke and disappeared into the restaurant.

[Author off topic]: One more, thanks for [fragrance fragrance] [Xing Chen Zi You] [cloud light wind _ heart] [cloud dragon wind tiger] [anger brush presence].

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