Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1394: Frost King

"Sister, that's what happened, would you like to leave here with me?" On a hill hundreds of miles away from the imperial capital, Song Kun and Ling Yan sat side by side on a blue boulder. Please search () to see the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

After leaving the restaurant, Song Yan moved here with Lingyan directly, and then informed the other party of his history and asked if she would like to follow him out of the world.

Lingyan was a little confused, and shook his head. After a long while, he stared at Song Yan and asked, "Who are you in the end? Song Yan or Erdan?"

"It's all!"

Song Song said.

"So in what capacity should I go back with you?" Ling Yan asked again.

Song Yan did not speak, but pulled Ling Yan directly into her arms, then kissed her lips fiercely and scented with wine.


Lingyan struggled hard, but soon drowned in that overbearing kiss.

For half a quarter of an hour, Song Xuan let go of the red smoke that blurred her cheeks and asked, "Will you follow me?"

"Don't follow!" Lingyan said angrily.


Song Yan coldly hummed, forcibly kissed again.

After a long time, he let go of Lingyan and asked, "Will you follow me?"

"Still not follow!" Lingyan's eyes were a little more cunning.

"It seems not enough!"

Song Yan turned over and poured Lingyan on Daqingshi, and kissed her lip again. At the same time, his palm became dishonest, and he directly reached into her shirt, holding the soft and delicate place. .

"Oh ... no, I'll go with you!"

After getting the lingering smoke, Song Yan visited her at the house of Yunvmen and asked her to bid farewell to the crowd of Yunvmen, while he went straight to the Little Fairy.

"Master, there is something to report!"

Song Zheng broke into Jun Jiutian's humble residence directly.

"So panic, but trouble again?" Jun Jiutian asked with a smile.

Song Yong rolled his eyes, and then a palm of his hand, a cold spirit appeared in his hand: "Master, do you know this elixir?"

"Your little monkey really became a master these years." Jiu Jiutian said angrily.

Song Kun asked again, "Does this cold Ling Dan have any effect on Master?"

Jun Jiutian said: "It has a certain effect! But the cold spirit of refining this Dan is too rare and rare. If you can have thousands of cold spirits, you can make a furnace of Cold Dan, take one capsule, but Grow your fairy spirit! "

"Just be useful!" Song Yan overjoyed: "The child knows that there is a lot of ice spirits in one place!"

"How much?" Jun Jiutian moved.

He has been immortal for many years, but the immortal soul has not been able to grow. If he can make a furnace of cold spirits, at least his immortal soul can grow up. So, I heard Song Yan know that there is a lot of cold in some place. Ice spirit is inevitably excited.

Facing Jun Jiutian's eager and eager eyes, Song Yong put out a finger.

"Ten thousand?"

Jun Jiutian shouted excitedly.

"Not only, there should be more than 100,000, but there is also an ice spirit king!" Song Kun said, when he used the weak water to dig up the ice, together with the world where the ice boutique is located, he was only at the entrance of the passage. Harvested thousands of cold ice spirit.

If you enter that world, you don't know how many ice spirits can be harvested, so conservatively estimate that the ice spirits in that world are at least more than 100,000.


Hearing that there are 100,000 ice spirits, Jun Jiutian's fairy spirit can not be stirred for a while. It is even more incredible that there is also the ice spirit king. He has read ancient books. It is said that only the number of ice ice products has reached the number. One hundred thousand is likely to form the ice spirit.

Frost Spirit has no attack power, but Frost Spirit has a horrible spirit attack, and its strength is comparable to that of the fairy spirit.

However, if you capture it and make it into the cold King Dan, even if you take one capsule, it can make the fairy soul soar by more than ten times.

Thinking of this, Jun Jiutian couldn't help but seize Song Yong's arm and said, "Tuer, where is that place?"

Song Yan smiled: "Master, don't worry, nobody knows that place, even if someone knows, there is still a thick layer of hot ice outside!"

After listening to Song Yan's words, Jun Jiutian calmed down gradually: "You're right, but the King of Frost Spirits has strange magical powers. As a teacher, I'm afraid I can't capture it. How about inviting other elders?

In the last sentence, Jun Jiutian was seeking his opinion.

Song Ye thought for a while and thought, "Elders can't do it alone. You can take Elder Tianyue above. Others, Master!"

"You, be careful! Although the lone elder is wrong, but you also knocked away 1,500 pieces of immortal stones, which is enough for him to feel bad for many years!" Jun Jiutian smiled, and then directly addressed the other elders.

But several breaths, Zhou Qingyang, Xueyangzi, Linghu Menghua, Chen Beichen, and even Fang Tianyue arrived.

"Brother Jiutian, you are so anxious to find us, but the apostle is in trouble again?" Linghu Menghua asked with a smile.

"Well, I'm a troublemaker in your eyes?" Song Yan was very speechless.

"It wasn't his trouble this time, but it brought you a great chance!" Jun Jiutian said with a smile.

"Oh, let's talk." Everyone was interested.

"Do you know the King of Ice Spirit?" Jun Jiutian asked everyone.

"What? Did Xiao Song find the King of Ice Spirit?" Linghu shouted inconceivably.

"Good!" Song Zheng nodded.

Fang Tianyue exclaimed: "A Frost King can make at least ten Cold King Dans, and a Cold King Dan can at least make our fairy soul ten times stronger. Once flying into the fairy realm, even if not into the Huaxian Chi, you can also force out the fairy body with the powerful fairy spirit! "

After a brief discussion, the six immortals decided to set off immediately, so Song Yun naturally had no opinion on this.

The reason why he informed Jun Jiutian of this secret was to thank them, and secondly, thanks to his favor, he could also entrust the Jade Girl Gate and Yinyang Sect to them.

You know, he has a lot of enemies. Once he leaves the world, those enemies might be doing something to the Yunmen yin and yang sect.

The immortals are extremely fast, and even if they do not exert their true power, one move has reached 100,000 miles.

Therefore, even before half a quarter of an hour, he came to the ice wall in the canyon.

"This Yan Bing is a good thing, unfortunately, even with our practice, it is difficult to make it into a weapon!"

Looking at the large area of ​​Yan Bing, Xue Yangzi's eyes flashed.

"Let's do it, and remove this glacial iceberg together!" Sighing a little, Zhongxian planned to forcibly remove this huge glacial iceberg.

"And slow!"


"Xiao Song, do you have any suggestions?" Soul Menghua asked.

"I have this!"

There was a gourd in the hand of Song Ye who sealed the mouth of the bottle with a rune, and opened the rune. With one finger, a bit of water flew out of the gourd and fell on the ice. Suddenly, the ball of ice became soft. As soon as the sword was raised, a large piece of Yan Bing was cut by Song Yong.

"Who knows how to refine?" Song Yan asked.

"Give me!" Chen Beichen snatched the piece of Yan Bing with his hands, and kept hitting with both hands. Then he saw the shape of the Yan Bing changing rapidly, and finally formed a set of shiny armor.

[Author off topic]: Two more, thank you [Deng treats a purple chess trace] [My surname Yue can't cross the sea of ​​people] [Eye of the Dragon and Magic] [King of the West] [Sao monkey] [Junmei male] These big ones Reward

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