Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1395: The last thing

Chapter 139: The Last Thing

"Try it!"

Chen Beichen threw that set of armor to Xue Yangzi, and the other side poked a finger on the armor, stinging, there was a slight white mark on the armor, and he nodded with satisfaction: The force is very high, and it is difficult to break in the general stage of the robbery! "

"Good stuff!"

Several other elders have tested the armor of the armor and expressed their satisfaction.

"This glacial wall is too big to make at least hundreds of thousands of sets of armor!"


"With these armors, the strength of my Phoenix Tianjiao can soar at least a few percent. If I put it on later, I can wear it without fear!"

"You should have weak water in your gourd?" Fang Tianyue stared curiously at the gourd in Song Yan's hand.

Song Yan smiled and nodded.

"You kid, you can even get such things!" Fang Tianyue sighed.

"Xiao Song, can you give the old husband even points? The old husband exchanges fairy stones!"

Chen Beichen asked with a smile.

"Yes, as long as you don't have to change!" Song Yan said very loudly.

"No, my elder can't take advantage of your junior." Chen Beichen insisted.

Seeing the other party's resolute attitude, Song Yong thought for a while and thought, "Well, I'll give Elder Chen a thousand drops!"

"A thousand drops, so many?" Chen Beichen looked bitter, then looked at the other elders: "Can you lend me a little fairy stone?"

"I lend you a thousand!"

"I borrow you a thousand too!"


Five elders unpacked and lent Chen Beichen a total of five thousand immortals.

"There are seven thousand immortals here. Give me five hundred drops of weak water."

Chen Beichen put all the immortal stones in a storage spirit ring and handed them to Song Yan. If in the immortal world, the seven thousand immortal stones could not even buy a drop of weak water, but in the lower world, the effect of immortal stones was magnified many times.

But Song Yan did not care about it, and directly gave Chen Beichen a thousand drops of weak water.

"Xiao Song, I remember your feelings!" Chen Beichen put away the weak water by special means, grateful.


Song Yan smiled, and then led out weak water and sprinkled it on Yan Bing, and cut off pieces of Yan Bing, while Chen Beichen quickly smelted these Yan Bing into various armors.

After two hours.

A scorching ice channel is large enough to accommodate two people walking side by side, and the scorching ice in front is no more than one meter thick. You can cut into the world where the spirit of icing is located by cutting the scorching ice that is one meter deep.


When the long sword was lifted, a large piece of Yanbing was cut off, and a world full of ice peaks appeared in the sight of everyone. At the same time, there were countless flying ice spirits, visually, no less than 10,000.

"Hurry up!"

The six people of Jun Jiutian knew that it was not a polite time now, and they cast their tricks one by one to put away these cold spirits.

Soon, the spirit of ice near the passage was emptied by six people.

"Go in!"

Everybody flashed into this frozen world.

At the same time, Song Yan also took out Yan Bing to block the passage, so that no ice spirit could run out of the passage.

Everyone is flying in a certain direction.

In just half a quarter of an hour, no less than 200,000 ice spirits were collected. Even Song Yan collected tens of thousands of ice spirits and harvested so many ice spirits. Even if Jun Jiutian and the six were immortals, , Can not help but smile.


Suddenly, a roar sounded from a distance and approached at a rapid speed.

"The King of the Frozen Spirits is here, Xiao Song, you should step back!" Fang Tianyue said with a look of concern, the King of the Frozen Spirits was very powerful, even if the immortal would be careful.

Although Song Yan's mental strength is strong, but there is still a big gap compared with the immortals, so he is not stubborn and directly backs several kilometers.

at this time.

A snow-white radiance suddenly radiated, and finally turned into a basketball-size, billowing thing like a snowball. However, it had narrow eyes on it. At this moment, the eyes were full of anger, apparently sensing its children and grandchildren. They were taken away by this group.


As soon as Liu Xian's figure fluttered, he landed around the King of Frost Spirits and surrounded it, apparently worried that it would escape.

"Roar! Roar!"

The King of Ice Spirit was furious and yelled at Liuxian. At the same time, an invisible wave of radiation radiated. Even though it was a few kilometers away, Song Xuan felt a palpitation, and his subconsciousness receded a distance.

But this invisible ripple did not hurt Liuxian, because they were well prepared.

Then, Liuxian played the trick continuously, and quickly assigned the Frost Spirit King to its place, and it took some effort to capture it.

Afterwards, everyone around the world captured the ice spirit again, and obtained 500,000 ice spirit again.

It can be said that the harvest is huge.

At the end of the discussion, 700,000 cold ice spirits, Song Yan won 200,000, and the remaining 500,000 were divided by six people. At the same time, the blood Yang Zi was used to refine Han Dan Wang Dan. After Cheng Dan, Song Yan also One can be obtained, one for each of the other nine and six people, and the remaining three to be handled by Phoenix Tianjiao.

"Give me that cold king Dan to Master!"

Song Su suddenly spoke.

"You child?"

Jun Jiutian was very surprised about this. You must know that a cold soul king dan can make the fairy soul ten times stronger, but that is comparable to the existence of tiandan, and Song Kun actually wants to give it to him.

"Master doesn't need to say any more, I'm determined!"

Song Zheng waved his hand and was determined, because according to Xue Yangzi, it takes at least a year to prepare for the preparation of Handan Wang Dan, and it takes another three years to refining the Dan, and he must return within ten days. So much time to wait.

Of course, if he let the blood yangzi enter the temple and practice alchemy a thousand times, it would be too late, but how could such artifacts be easily exposed.

"That being the case, then accept it as a teacher!"

Jun Jiutian was not an arrogant person, and when he saw Song Yong insisting, he agreed to accept it.

Chen Beichen originally planned to make the Yan Bing into armor, but in the end, considering that the world could collapse if the blocking of the Yan Bing wall is lost, so let the Yan Bing wall be preserved, maybe a few more For thousands of years, the spirit of ice will be born here.

Back to Little Fairy.

Song Yan and Jun Jiutian talked again in private, and asked him to help take care of Yunvmen and Yinyangzong.

The other side had a faint guess, but didn't ask much, and agreed directly.

Later, Song Ye visited the brothers and sisters of Fenghuang Ermai, each of them presented ten ice dandelions, and asked them to help take care of the Jade Maiden and Yinyang Sect.

In case Master Master soared in nine days, and could not take care of the Jade Maiden and Yinyang Sect, these brothers and sisters also grew up and they could continue to take care of them.

As for Cheng Su, who has the best relationship, Song Yuan presented him with fifty.

Even the disciples of Jiupin Lingdan, such as Han Bingdan, are very lacking, so they are very grateful to Song Yang for his donation and promised to help take care of the Yunmen and Yinyang Sect.

Having dealt with the matter of Xiaoxian Realm, Song Xuan decided to meet the host of Yinhu County again, so he sent a signal and came to the small courtyard to wait quietly.

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