Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1405: Where life doesn't meet

Shang Yi Gao Fei was very disgusted with the voice of this voice, saying, "If you do n’t go, go if you love!"

"Slap", Shangguan Gao Fei hung up the phone directly.

But shortly after she hung up, the phone rang again. This time, Shangguan Gao Fei had no plans to connect, and she directly cut off.

Shortly after the decision was made, the telephone rang again, and Shangguan Gao Fei cut it again.

But the person on the other end of the phone didn't give up.

For a moment, Murong Xinyue couldn't help looking at her side, cast a curious look, and joked: "Aren't you grumpy with your boyfriend?"

Shangguan Gao Fei barely squeezed out a smile, and abused: "I already have Xiaoyueer, you as a beautiful woman, how can you look at other stinking men."

"Really? Then let's just make it up!"


The bell continued to ring.

Murong Xinyue hesitated and said, "Otherwise, you can pick it up. It's not a solution!"


Shangguan Gao Fei picked up the phone again. The voice just said, "Gao Fei, don't hang up, wait for me to make things clear!"

"Okay, you say!"

The voice continued, with a slightly more urgent tone: "Tonight's banquet at Greenview Villa was initiated by the Dragon Family. The other nine large families were invited, so this opportunity is very rare!"

Upon hearing what the other party said, Shangguan Gao Fei couldn't help showing his horror: "The Dragon Family? The other nine families, can you say ...?"

"Yes, that's what you think. In order to be able to attend the dinner tonight, we paid a lot to the Shangguan family, so you must seize this opportunity, and as long as you go there tonight, I can guarantee What about stopping interference in your personal affairs? "

"Is this true?"


"Okay, I can promise you, but I have to take someone with me!"

"Who do you want to take?"

"You can't control this, if you promise me to go, otherwise you should not call me again!" Shangguan Gao Fei slammed the call and hung up, the voice couldn't help but said quickly: "The person you took, Is it male or female? "

"Girl, my girlfriend!"

"Okay, you can take her there, but I want to warn you that all the people who can attend that kind of dinner are big people. You must be convergent in your hot temper, and you must not be in trouble!"

"Don't call me if you're afraid of me!"

"Don't, I had a hard time winning this opportunity!"

After hanging up, Shangguan Gao Fei went to the sofa and said to Murong Xinyue, "How about accompanying me to a dinner party tonight?"

"I don't want to go out." Murong Xinyue said with a dodgy look.

"No, you have to go! Because if you go, it may change your situation!"

Shangguan Gao Fei has a serious sense. Although Shangguan's family in Yandu is only a third-class family, Shangguan Gaofei, who is a member of the Shangguan family, also knows what the top ten families are.

As long as someone from the top ten families is willing to help Murong Xinyue, her things are not a problem at all.

This is why she is determined to take Murong Xinyue.

"You didn't lie to me?" Murong Xinyue's eyes were slightly bright, but then she stared in suspicion at Shangguan Gao Fei: "What kind of banquet is that anyway?"

After thinking about it, Shangguan Gao Fei informed Murong Xinyue of the existence of the top ten families and listened to each other straightly. Nana said, "Are you sure you are not telling a story?"

The main reason is that the other side spoke too much fantasy. She has seen a lot of martial arts movies and TV shows, and even shot them, but it is still difficult to accept such things as martial arts.

Shangguan Gao Fei shook his lips: "I still need to lie to you. Think about our experience in the rice country. Song Xiao's kid should also be from a martial arts family. In fact, my Shangguan family is also a martial arts family. It's a bit trivial compared to that! "

"So, you also know martial arts?" Murong Xinyue's curiosity was aroused.

Hearing that Shangguan Gao Fei was very depressed: "My ancestors in Shangguan ’s family have stipulated that martial arts pass males but not females. Although I am also from a martial arts family, I only have some superficial punches."

"Well, I'll go with you tonight!"


At six o'clock in the evening, Song Yong, wearing a casual suit, walked out of the office and went all the way to the underground parking lot. Then he came to a black car and pulled the car door to sit up.

Although he has a sports car, now driving a sports car is a bit inconsistent with his identity, so he had to re-purchase a relatively low-key and restrained sedan.

The celebration ceremony of Dragon Sword started at 7 o'clock, and the venue was in Greenview Villa.

Lvjing Villa is located in Bajing Mountain, and Bajing Mountain is a gathering place of nobles. Ordinary people are simply not qualified to live there, because a villa there is worth hundreds of millions, and a villa is worth billions.

The Greenview Villa is the industry of the Long family.

The Zhao family also has a manor in Bajingshan, and the other eight families are no exception.

After half an hour.

Song Yan's car came to the bottom of Bajing Mountain, and when he looked at it, he saw a wide asphalt road leading directly to the top of the mountain, and the manors on the top of the mountain were faintly visible.

Relevant cards are set up on the way up the mountain, guarded directly by armed police with live ammunition.

Song Yong showed the invitation of the Dragon family, and the armed police released it directly.

Going to the middle of the mountain, there is a large s-shaped curve. Song Yong's car just turned out of the curve. A red Ferrari coupe appeared in his sight. There were two people wearing purple and black evening clothes next to the coupe. The beautiful lady in the dress stood there, and as soon as she saw his car, one of the women waved his hands at him. With her waving, the two groups on the chest also trembled and looked particularly attractive.

However, after seeing the other person's looks clearly, Song Yan's face could not help but a strange color appeared on the face.

Stepping on the brake, Song Yan shook the window and said with amused expression: "This big breasted sister, is the car broken or is it out of gas?"

Yes, these two beauties are Shangguan Gao Fei and Murong Xinyue.

"why you?"

"Song Ye!"

When looking at Song Yan's features, the two women also showed surprise and joy.

"Haha, the two beauties haven't seen each other for a long time. How are you recently!" Song Yan smiled.

"No, we are not at all good, stop talking nonsense, and quickly open the door to let us go up!" Shangguan Gao Fei gave Song Ye a disapproval.


Song Kun unlocked the car door and let the two women get into the back seat.

"Did you go to the dinner at Greenview Villa?" Song Xuan asked casually as the car came out.

"Yeah, where are you going?"


Song Zheng nodded.

Shangguan Gao Fei glanced at Murong Xinyue and blinked at her, as if to say, look, I'll just say this kid is a martial arts family, right?

Ten minutes later, Song Yong's car finally arrived in front of the Greenview Villa, then drove all the way in, and came to the parking lot according to the signs.

Just as the three got out of the car, a black Rolls-Royce and a Bentley arrived one after the other, and then walked down from the two groups.

One of the youths glanced at Song Yue three inadvertently. When he saw Murong Xinyue, he could not help showing a little fun. When he saw Song Yue's face clearly, he could not help emitting two vicious rays in his eyes.

The next moment, he strode up and cut off the way of the three. He smiled and looked at Murong Xinyue and said, "Well, aren't we our big stars?"

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