Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1406: conflict

Listening to the yin and yang's weird words, Murong Xinyue's face turned abruptly and faintly white. She took a deep breath and said lightly, "Mr. Han, please don't block our way?"

"The big star's shelf is big. Why can't I just say a few words to you?" The smirk on Han Shaocong's face grew stronger.

At that moment, Shangguan Gao Fei suddenly said, "Who are you, haven't you heard the saying that good dogs don't obstruct?"

Previously, Han Shaocong's attention was attracted by Song Yan and Murong Xinyue. When he heard the words of Shangguan Gao Fei, he couldn't help but focus on her. When he found that Shangguan Gao Fei had the same face as Murong Xinyue, and Hotter than Murong Xinyue, he couldn't help but get a hot heart. He took out a business card and handed it to him. A self-confident handsome smile appeared on his face: "Han Shaocong, President of Star Entertainment, I wonder if this beautiful lady has The idea of ​​entering the entertainment industry is just that you join me in Starry Entertainment, and I can guarantee that it will make you popular all over the world within a year! "

Hearing Han Shaocong's self-introduction, Shangguan Gao Fei seemed to be shocked by his identity. He subconsciously reached out to receive the other's business card. Just as Han Shaocong let go, she suddenly let go, and the bronzed business card fell to the ground. .

"Oh, what's wrong with you, how can you just litter!"

On hearing this from the official Gao Fei, Han Shaocong didn't understand, the other side was playing with him, his eyes flashed with irritation: "What do you say, immediately apologize to me, I can let you go!"

"Do you think I would apologize to a blocking dog?" Shangguan Gao Fei outlined a few arcs, sneer.

"Bitch, you fight!"

With a cold drink, Han Shaocong raised his right hand and fanned up toward Guan Gaofei's cheek.



The moment he raised his palm, Shangguan Gao Fei kicked between his legs first, making the other party cover it and squatted on the ground and screamed.

"what happened?"

At this moment, a well-dressed young man with a slightly pale complexion and slightly sunken eyes, took a large group of people, who were the ones who came down from Rolls-Royce.

At the same time, there was also a man and a woman who followed Han Shaocong down from Bentley. The man was in his thirties. When he saw Han Shaocong squatting on the ground, he quickly rushed him up and lifted him up. He asked, "Han Less, are you okay! "

"Do you think I'm fine? Cao, we haven't caught the **** who kicked Laozi!" Han Shaocong shouted at the man who was suspected as a bodyguard.

"Han Shao!"

The woman also quickly walked up and flattered and supported Han Shaocong.

"Take care of Han Shao!"

The bodyguard man said something to the woman, then stepped out and followed Shangguan Gao Fei, sternly: "This lady asks you to apologize to Han Shao immediately, otherwise, I'm welcome!"

"Cut! He is worthy to make this girl apologize even if he is inferior!" Shangguan Gao Fei scorned.

"That offends!"

With a light drink, the bodyguard man's right foot slammed on the ground. With his slap, the ground was shocked. At the next moment, his body came out like a sharp arrow. Shoulder.

Shangguan Gao Fei was born as an agent, and she was also a kind of more dangerous field agent, so her skill is really good for ordinary people, even if three or five tough guys are not her opponents.

Therefore, she was not afraid of the bodyguard man who flew towards her. She did not retreat and stepped forward. Her left arm was thrown out like a whip and hit the opponent's throat.

Field agents may face the pursuit of others at any time. Therefore, their fighting skills are simple, fast, and very fierce, and they often show no mercy when they hit.

Therefore, at the sight of Shangguan Gao Fei's shot, the bodyguard man's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise. At the same time, he suddenly closed his hand and stepped back, then twisted his waist and kicked him up to Gao Gaofei's waist.

Shangguan Gao Fei didn't react too slowly, and a wrong body avoided the opponent's flying kick, and at the same time punched him into the inside of his thigh.


The bodyguard man snorted and backed up again. He couldn't help but feel a little angry. He had thought that it wasn't possible to deal with a delicate woman. He didn't expect the other party to force him to back up again and again.

His heart was fierce and he spurred the blood, his face became blood red instantly.

At this moment, Shang Guan Gao Fei attacked and hit him with a punch.


His fist hit the opponent's lower abdomen, but it made a crackling sound, as if it was not the flesh that was hit, but the leather. Instantly, she realized it was not good, knew that the other party should practice hard qigong, and subconsciously flew backward. How could the other party make her retreat smoothly, rushing forward and hitting a punch, hitting her shoulder.


Shangguan Gao Fei murmured, the whole person was actually smashed and his face was a little paler.


Murong Xin Yue could not help but exclaim.


Just when Shangguan Gao Fei thought he would fall heavily to the ground, his back suddenly bumped into a ball like a cotton-like chest.

But at a critical moment, Song Yan caught her with her body.

"Just your three-legged cat kung fu dare to do whatever you want!" Song Zheng said, smiling rightly.

Shangguan Gao Fei, who was thinking of refuting, suddenly thought of something, grabbed Song Xuan's arm, and coquettishly said, "Brother, you can't bear to see others being bullied?"

"For the sake of calling you my uncle, I'll help you out, go!"

While talking, Song Yan shot in her vest, and immediately, Shang Guan Gao Fei rushed towards the bodyguard man.

"Hum, dare to come!"

The bodyguard man snorted, taking two steps in a row, then raising his arm and throwing a punch.

There was a faint sound in his fist, and Shangguan Gao Fei wanted to dodge subconsciously, but was shocked to find that she could not control her body at all, but she had to throw her fist to meet the fist of the bodyguard.


Two fists, one big and one small, bumped together in the void.


The sound of cracked bones sounded, and then the bodyguard man was seen flying straight seven or eight meters like a broken kite, and then hit the ground fiercely.

"This? Is this what I did?"

Shangguan Gao Fei stared at his fist blankly, totally unbelieving that he could fly a strong man up to seven or eight meters away. Suddenly, she thought of something and turned back suddenly, only to find that Song Ye looked at her with a smile .

She suddenly realized that the reason why she was able to knock the bodyguard man flying should be that the guy secretly moved her hands and feet.

Han Shaocong, who was kicked, also took a breath and saw the bounced bodyguard, his face became abnormally ugly, and then he walked strangely to the young man, respectfully said: "Ma Gongzi This woman is so deceiving, I ask you to decide for me! "

Ma Xiaodong frowned slightly, then nodded, and Shen said, "Go and go and get her down!"

"Yes, four sons!"

A young man in his early thirties walked out from behind Ma Xiaodong. With a dazzling figure, he crossed a distance of three or four meters, and immediately came to the front of Shangguan Gao Fei. He caught her right shoulder between his hands and was preparing When he tried to control it, a white light came and hit his chest.

The sound of 嘭, he flew straight out and fell ten meters away.

[Author off topic]: One more

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