Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1407: Horrified

Seeing this scene, Ma Xiaodong's face sank slightly, a little irritation flashed in his eyes, but his face was a little more dignified. The young man who was hit by the fly was called Ma Cheng. Although he was not a core member of the Ma family, he was an outside member The middle strength is the top one, and the martial arts cultivation has reached the peak of the day after tomorrow.

But now, the young man was hit by a coin to fly more than ten meters away. Yes, the white light hitting Pegasus was exactly a coin. It can be seen that the opponent is a master of innate level.

Although he does not practice martial arts, he was born in a martial arts family like the Ma family. He still has eyesight and insight, and knows what weight a congenital master is.

But if he retreats in this way, how will others think of him, will he think he admits it?

What would his siblings think of him? He would definitely think that he lost his face.

He did n’t like martial arts since he was a child, so he went abroad to study at the age of sixteen, and now it is more than a month to return to China. Otherwise, the other children of the Ma family will be present, and he will definitely recognize Song Kun at a glance. Dare to make trouble.

Because the domestic entertainment industry is in a good situation, Ma Xiaodong returned to China to participate in the entertainment industry. As a star entertainment, Han Shaocong intends to attach power, so the two hit it off.

And the two jointly formed a film and television company, because Han Shaocong contributed a lot in it, but eventually occupied only 30% of the shares. Therefore, Ma Xiaodong intends to vote for Tao Li, knowing that Han Shaocong intends to enter this circle, only to take this opportunity to bring him green Jingshanzhuang.

After some thought, Ma Xiaodong had made a decision in his heart and whispered to a middle-aged man who was with him: "Uncle Yuan Zhong, are you sure about him?"

Ma Yuanzhong, the faithful guardian of the Ma family, has been trained to have reached the congenital fivefold. After Ma Xiaodong returned to the country, he was sent by the Ma family owner to serve as his personal guard.

However, his personal guard usually does not shoot. Only when Ma Xiaodong is in danger of his life will he shoot.

Therefore, when Ma Cheng was hit, Ma Yuanzhong had no intention of doing anything.

But now Ma Xiaodong asks him if he is sure, the meaning revealed in the words is that he wants to let him go.

Although he was sent by Ma Xiaodong, I now serve Ma Xiaodong after all, so he really could n’t refuse his request.

So he said: "It is not appropriate to be too pretentious in this place. Once the incident is offended by the Dragon's family, secondly, the other party has reached innateness at a young age, and it must not be simple."

After being reminded by Ma Yuanzhong, Ma Xiaodong's brow frowned again.

Immediately he thought of a way, so he said to Song Yong: "Are this friend interested in a gamble?"

"Speak!" Song Yan nodded slightly.

"I know that you have great skills. You might as well try it with Uncle Yuanzhong. If you win, this is the case today. If you lose, we will not have excessive demands, just let you How about the friend who apologized to Xiao Han? "

"No, this benefit is all for you, why!" Shangguan Gao Fei shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Changing the conditions, we can lose the conditions and let you mention them. If you lose, let him kneel in front of Xinyue and apologize!" Song Zheng pointed at Han Shaocong.

According to the calculation of the main world, a few months ago, he went to the United States to perform a secret mission, met Murong Xinyue on the plane, and then had a little conflict with this Han Shaocong.

Such a trivial matter had long been forgotten, but he did not expect to meet Han Shaocong again here.

If he didn't take the initiative to provoke, he wouldn't take care of him. Now that he actually jumps out, Song Yan can't spare him easily.

"Xiao Han, what do you think?"

Ma Xiaodong looked at Han Shaocong and asked.

"I all listen to you, Master Gong!" Han Shaocong bit his teeth, he knew that the uncle Yuan Zhong who was next to Ma Xiaodong was a great master, and even if the boy was more powerful, it could not have been Uncle Yuan Zhong opponent.

"Since you are okay, that's the thing!" Ma Xiaodong nodded, then glanced at Ma Yuanzhong.

Ma Yuanzhong stepped out, his eyes narrowed and stared at Song Yi: "Brother, you go ahead!"


Song Yan smiled indifferently, grabbing his hand, and suddenly the leaves of a tree tens of meters away turned into a green light and fell on his palm.

Seeing this scene, Ma Yuanzhong was suddenly shocked. He picked things up from the air, and it was still dozens of meters away. Even a leaf was not what he could do. He suddenly understood that he was looking away, and the other party was better than him Still strong master.

Thinking of this, he could not help mobilizing his whole body and waited.

"As long as you can catch me, even if you win!"


After listening to Song Yan ’s words, even if Ma Yuanzhong thought he was better than him, he could n’t help being angry. You look down on me too. I ’m a congenital five-strong master, even a congenital seven-eight master. Dare to say a trick to beat me!

Song Yan smiled and didn't see any movement from him. The leaves on his palm suddenly flew up and slowly flew towards Ma Yuanzhong.

Seeing this, Ma Yuanzhong sank again.

Flying flowers and picking leaves can hurt people. It is the kind that can infuse qi into the leaves or flowers and then throw them to hurt people, but the flowers and leaves they throw are extremely fast. ,so slow!

Fast, it shows that the other party's true energy is not strong and vigorous, and the control is insufficient, but letting the leaves fly so slowly, this shows that the other party has full control.

Thinking of this, Ma Yuanzhong was afraid to wait for the leaves to fly before him.

He stepped out one step, spanning a distance of five or six meters in an instant, and then punched in a punch toward the leaf.

But after his fist and the leaves collided with each other, a mighty force burst out from the leaves, and the feeling was like a flash flood and avalanches. At this moment, Ma Yuanzhong felt that he had become a Only ants, in the face of such world power, have no ability to resist.

Then, under the shocked eyes of everyone, Ma Yuanzhong's body flew out like a disconnected kite, fell dozens of meters away, and slammed into the ground.

"This ... how is this possible?"

Ma Xiaodong's eyes were dull, didn't he say that Uncle Yuan Zhong was a congenital five-stroke master, how could he not stop the opponent's tricks?


A few meters away, Ma Yuanzhong coughed and stood up, then strode forward.

"Uncle Yuanzhong, are you okay?" Ma Xiaodong asked with concern.

But Ma Yuanzhong didn't bother him at all. Instead, he held his fist towards Song Ye: "Under Ma Yuanzhong, thank you for your mercy!"

After being struck by the force of Pei Ran, he already thought that he had no possibility of life, but in the end, he was only slightly injured, so he knew that this was the reason for the other party's mercy.

The greater the power, the more difficult it is to control, but with such a powerful energy, the other party can only let him suffer minor injuries when hitting him. He is sure that even ordinary congenital nine is difficult to achieve.

Therefore, the young man in front of him is an even more terrible existence than the congenital Jiuzhong. These characters are not even willing to offend the Ma family, so he immediately came to thank him.

[Author off topic]: Two more, thank you [cloud light wind_heart] [Zicong] two great rewards.

When it comes to the plot, many people think that the protagonist is not feeling fulfilled in pretending to be a group of such weak people, but everything has a process. The road must be taken step by step, and the meal must be eaten bit by bit.

The overall force in the main world is relatively low, so mosquitoes have designed sky and earth mutations. As for the extent of the mutations, you will know if you look at it.

Here, the mosquito just wants to tell everyone that reading with peace of mind, the plot of the main world this time was conceived by mosquitoes for a long time and will not disappoint everyone.

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