Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1430: Heaven


In a flash, Song Kun appeared directly on a hill outside Huangjia Village. According to the information provided by the Yanhuang Bureau, the land in Huangjia Village was the first to recover. Please search () to see the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

As far as the eyes were concerned, the earth temple in the village was smoky. Even at night, there were several people worshiping there. One of them was tall but weak and pale.

Song Zheng knew that the soul of the other party was damaged.

"So daring!"

Song Yan's eyes were cold, and worshipping the gods of immortals has existed since ancient times. Even in the era when science and technology are the dominant, the incense of major temples is quite flourishing. .

You collect incense, I can't control it, but you threaten to hurt those villagers who don't want to worship you, which makes Song Yan feel disgusted.

At the next moment, Song Yan's eyes turned and fell on the land gods. There was a special flow of power hidden on it, not the true spirit of the warrior, nor the true element of the cultivator, but a plausible power.

Perhaps this power can be called divine power.

After some exploration, Song Xun discovered the clues. This land image is connected to an inexplicable space, and is constantly incorporating the flavor of incense through the idol.

"Perspective magical power!"

Song Yan's gaze changed, penetrating directly through the idol, and seeing that inexplicable space.

Most of the space was gray, and in the center of the space there was a ruined mansion. Inside the mansion was a small old man covered with tiny cracks.

Those incense wishes entered this space, he was sucked into his body, and then transformed into divine power, repairing the injuries on his body.

Although Song Yun didn't know the division of these gods, the power of the land was equivalent to that of the practitioners in the later period of the construction of the foundation. Even if he repaired his injuries, he would be amazing.

Step out.

Song Ying's figure appeared directly in that inexplicable space.

The land **** who originally sat on the incense to abstain from incense suddenly stood up, flashing horror and anger in his eyes, and coldly said, "Bold, who broke into the god's realm?"

Song Yan pushed open the gate of the mansion and walked in, and the land came into the courtyard from the house.

"Mortal, why do you want to break into the realm of your own god?" The Landlord looked up at Song Kun and questioned again.

Song Yan did not speak, but flicked his fingers.

Suddenly, the pale cyan true yuan went straight to the land.

"Bold, dare to shoot against the god!"

An earthen crutch was added to the earth man's hand, and a black gourd was hung on it. When he swung it hard, the crutch smashed at the point of Song Yuan.


With a muffled sound, the crutch on the earth's hand was bombed, and at the same time, the speed of the real element was not reduced, and it hit the earth's chest. Then he screamed and flew out. Enlarged.

Fear flashed through the earth's eyes, and the short body suddenly sank to the ground.

"Give me out!"

When the detective grabbed it, the land that had just sunk into the ground for most of his body was forcibly pulled out, and was dropped in front of Song Yan, again with a scream.

"Shang Xianrao's life! Shang Xianrao's life!"

The Landlord climbed up and climbed up, never daring to have any other thoughts, kept hoeing for mercy.

"Get up and talk!" Song Yan frowned slightly, he cried.

"Thank you Shangxian, even if you ask Xiao Laoer, Xiao Laoer knows everything!" The land official stood up with a sullen expression and said flatteringly.

"What the **** are you?" Song Yan asked.

The landlord drew a look, but did not dare to neglect, and said quickly: "Going back to the fairy, the little old man is a nine-level landlord from heaven!"

"Heaven? Is there really a heaven in this world?"

"It used to be there, but I don't know it now!" Dagong said cautiously.

"Oh?" Song Yan raised an eyebrow. "Carefully."

The Landlord seemed to be caught in the memory, and after a short while, he chanted: "About 600 years ago, I didn't know what happened, and the land, Shanshen, and even He Bo, who served in the world, suddenly couldn't sense it. To the existence of heaven, and the vitality between heaven and earth became thinner and thinner from that time, the little old man probably only survived for two hundred years, because he could n’t absorb the aura from the outside world, he could n’t maintain a **** body, only a little The true spirit is hidden in the land order. Until one month ago, the little old man sensed the revival of the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and began to absorb the spiritual energy to reunite the **** body! "

Song Yi said: "Since you rely on the aura to gather the gods, why should you force the villagers to give incense!"

"Shangxian didn't know, the little old man's **** body is maintained by the aura, but his divine power is transformed by the incense willingness to draw. If there is the help of the divine power, the little old man's **** body can also recover faster. Therefore, only then will the villagers be threatened with extreme methods. Now the little old man has already known his mistakes. Please also ask the immortal to see that the little old man has not harmed human life and spared the little old man once. The little old man promised. , Never dare again! "Said the poor land poor.

"How much land, how many mountain gods and how many Hebos are there in the mortal world?" Song Kun asked again.

The Landlord continued: "I am afraid that the number of land is no less than thousands. As for the mountain god, there should be hundreds. Hebo, there are only a few dozen. At present, the little old man can sense that more than 300 land has reunited God. The body, as the mountain **** and the little old man are not a system, so they cannot be sensed, but presumably we can reunite the body of the god, and they should be able to! "

"In this way, tell me about the gods in the heavens!" Song Yan thought for a while.

Land Road: "Yes, Shangxian, the ruler of heaven is Haotian God, also known as Jade Emperor."

Song Qiao asked, "What is the strength of the Jade Emperor?"

The land was embarrassed: "This little old man is also unclear. After all, the little old man is just a little **** in the world. He can't even meet the jade emperor, so!"

"Okay, you keep talking!" Song Yan raised his hand.

"Also with the Jade Emperor, there is the Emperor, the Emperor Gouchen, the Emperor Changsheng and the Emperor Donghua. The queen mother is the head of the fairy. Under her majesty are seven fairy, Chang'e and other fairy!

Land Barabara said about half an hour, and it is very similar to the mythical history that Song Kun learned.

"By the way, like Buddha?" Song Yan asked suddenly.

Land Road: "The Buddha of Rulai is the Lord of Lingshan, independent from the heaven!"

"Seeing that you are still sincere, I will spare you today, but remember, you can't break others to worship you, otherwise Xiaoxiu Xiaojie will destroy you, and remember to heal those villagers!"

After warning the landlord, Song Ye left directly.

Seeing the disappearing Song Kun, the land official secretly wiped his cold sweat.

On the following night, Song Xun arrested all the reclaimed Landlords and Shanshen Hebo, and the answers were almost the same, but he did not embarrass them, only warned them not to The victim left.

It is best not to act lightly until the true state of heaven is clear.

[Author's off topic]: One more, thank you [See if you have fun] [Great Lige] Two great rewards

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