Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1431: Accelerated Harvest of Faith

In the early morning of the next day, Song Zheng returned to Dainei.

"How?" The head asked.

Song Xun explained the situation that had been detected, and the heads of the leaders and Yigange's old faces had a look of confusion, followed by a little more worry.

Song Yun Shen said: "More than 600 years ago, Tianting lost contact with people, and I don't know if it will reappear. It is best not to act lightly without understanding the specific strength of Tianting!"

"In fact, I have some speculation about the loss of connection between heaven and earth!" Shige Lao suddenly said.


Song Zheng looked at Shige Lao, waiting for his words.

The old Shige groaned slightly before he said: "Three points of the world, Zhuge Liang, unified the mountains and rivers Liu Bowen. After Liu Ji Liu Bowen assisted Zhu Yuanzhang to rule the world, Zhu Yuanzhang was worried that Zhu Jiajiang Mountain was taken away by others. Therefore, he ordered Liu Bowen to cut off the dragon's veins. In fact, cutting the dragon's veins is false, and the broken Tianzhu is true. Liu Bowen's cutting cut off the path between human and heaven. After breaking from Tianzhu, the gods in the sky cannot descend to the earth, and the aura on earth is becoming weaker and weaker. The revival of Tiandi's vitality may be that Tianzhu is repairing itself! "

After leaving Uchi.

Song Yan directly asked Meowu: "Is Shige just inferring that Tianzhu is repairing himself?"

"This question has a hundred million fame!" Meow whispered.

"Stop it!" Song Yan had long been used to meowing for money.

"Tianzhu is indeed being repaired!" Meow whispered.

"Where is Tianzhu, when can it be repaired, and what is the strength of the gods like Tianting?" Song Yan asked several questions in succession.

"Three million!" Meow whispered again.

"Stop it!"

Meow said: "Tianzhu is located in Kunlun Mountain. You can explore the specific location by yourself. Tianzhu can be successfully repaired at most in March. As for the strength of the gods in Tianting, you don't have to worry about it. The strongest is not the peak of the fairy.

Song Kun frowned: "No, how could the gods in heaven be so weak? Taishang Laojunhe is one of the three Qings, but Pangu Yuanshen, how could it be so weak?"

Meow sneered: "Because this heaven is not the real heaven, the gods on the heaven are just one of the billions of avatars of those gods!"

"You mean heaven exists in all realms? Why aren't the few worlds I travel through?"

Meow sneered and said, "Are you stupid? The world you travel through is created by the system, and naturally there is no heaven!"

"Then why are they building so many heavens?"

"Stupid, of course, is the collection of faith. Faith is the most mysterious power in the world. Where do you come from when you are rewarded with supernatural powers and bloodlines? All rely on faith to transform!"

"Isn't it all fame?"

"You're so stupid that you can't help it. Your reputation is also a kind of belief, it's just low-level!"

After a flash, Song Ye returned to the villa.

Up to now, he can't tell whether it is good or bad to reconnect the heavenly courts with the mundane world. Moreover, the system's task is to collect more than half of the world's beliefs. Will the re-emergence of the heavenly courts conflict with his mission?

After all, the boat is naturally straight to the bridgehead, and before the heavens are really connected to the world, try to collect as much faith as possible.

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still, and decided to list the Jiuxin Pill and the Cancer Pill in advance.

Called Shangguan Gaopeng and asked him to arrange an advertisement for Jiuxinwan immediately. Three days later, Jiuxinwan was officially listed.

Although Shangguan Gaopeng did not know why Song Yong suddenly changed his mind, he immediately arranged for a manpower.

Previously, the endorsement of fast-acting diuretic pills was given to Liang Zhen. With the sale of this special-effect medicine, her fame directly admired Rong Xinyue, and even as the fast-acting diuretic pills sold abroad, her fame also passed abroad For some time, her fame has reached the top line.

Therefore, Jiu Xin Wan and Zhi Cancer Pill, Song Yan planned to let Murong Xinyue be the endorsement, relying on these two endorsements to push her into the ranks of the emperor superstar.

In the past, celebrity endorsements rely on their fame to drive the product, but now it has become a product to help the celebrity's fame.

That night.

The advertisement of Jiuxinwan appeared on National Channel and major state-level satellite TVs, which caused another sensation.

The appearance of cooked food and fast-acting diabetic pills by the Song Dynasty has faintly made the three words of the Song Dynasty brand a gold signboard. Therefore, as soon as the advertisement of Jiuxin Pill appeared, countless patients with heart disease shouted that their spring came.

With the broadcast of the advertisement, Song Bi and Murong Xinyue's bib became hot again.

The number of fans of Song Yan ’s scarf has already exceeded 100 million, but this time it has increased by more than 10 million. If you look closely at these new scarfs, you can find that these new fans who follow him are all of the same kind. Old age.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Song Ye directly threw 200 million red envelopes up and let fans grab it.

"Oh my God, actually sending 200 million red envelopes at once, Song Tuhao, my worship of you has broken through the sky!"

"Tianhao, I want to have monkeys with you!"

Comments are constantly appearing.

The entire entertainment industry was also shocked by Song Yan's smashing of 200 million red envelopes.

Five minutes after the red envelopes were exhausted, Song Kun issued a scarf: Song Group will invest 5 billion to build Hope Primary School in the poor mountainous areas of the country!

If you change this scarf to others, you will definitely think that it is bragging, but for a man who has issued 400 million red envelopes in just one month, donating 5 billion to build a primary school is nothing.

The revival of Shinto made Song Yang feel the crisis, after all, he accelerated the pace of gathering faith.

After studying during this period of time, his women should also be released, otherwise they will always get sick if they stay at home, so this time, he intends to hand over to Guan Keke and Liu Yingying Other women do it together.

Ten days passed by.

During this time, he has been paying attention to the Shinto Revival.

Ten days later, thousands of lands and hundreds of mountain gods in Yanhuang had been fully recovered. Because of his existence, the mountain gods and lands that were later recovered did not use intimidation and temptation. They used a few tricks of dreaming.

At the same time, Jiuxin Wan has been on the market for a week.

Selling well.

Word of mouth is nothing to say, the number of heart disease patients who have been cured by taking Jiuxin Pill has reached tens of millions. Naturally, Song Yong ’s faith has also risen fiercely, reaching 1.2 billion.

As for the countries in the world, after learning about the powerful effects of Jiuxin Wan, they couldn't sit still and sent officials to negotiate the import of Jiuxin Wan.

This time, Song Ye lowered his purchase price slightly, and other countries can get goods from him at 20% off.

If they have enough benefits, they will desperately promote Jiuxin Pill, which will also help him accelerate the harvest of faith. With this opportunity, he met with officials from all over the world and told them vaguely that Song ’s Medicine has developed a treatment Specific medicine for various cancers.

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