Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1432: Calculation of the Light Church

A cure for all kinds of cancer?

Officials from various countries are very shocked. Over the years, there will always be a lot of special drugs for the treatment of various cancers, but in the end, it is a joke. How can cancer be so easily overcome. Please search () to see the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

But now, Song ’s Pharmaceuticals, a powerful pharmaceutical company that has developed two magical special effects drugs, has developed a special effect drug for treating cancer.

Therefore, although they are somewhat skeptical, they are more expectant.

"This is experimental data!"

Song Zheng took out a copy of the information and handed it to officials of various countries.

"We need to bring this information home!" Mi official said solemnly.


Officials hurried away.

A day later, this information fell into the hands of President Rice.

"Are you sure?"

He asked.

The person questioned nodded: "Is it more than 99% true?"

President Rice regretted: "It's a pity that such a drug was not developed by our people. Is there any hope to participate in that company?"

"It's very unlikely!" The other shook his head.

President Miguo said, "If you can't buy shares, can you win that Song Kun, maybe he can work for us, as long as he is willing to come to Miguel, we can provide him with everything he wants!"

The other side shook his head again: "It is even more impossible, because his true identity is the first marshal after the founding of the top ten marshals of Yan Huangguo, and his position is only half weaker than the head of Yan Huangguo. As for money, he is even more in need. Special medicine, he can earn at least 100 billion meters of wealth! "

"Is it possible to kill him?" President Mi Guochi chilled.

"I urge you to dispel this idea. This person is very strong, and the mysterious fairy gate in the east is uprooted by him alone!"


Not only the Mi Kingdom is playing the idea of ​​Song ’s medicine and Song Ji, other countries are the same, but after understanding Song Ji ’s identity and strength, they can only put out that unrealistic idea.

Therefore, on the second day, officials from other countries rushed to Yanhuang again to discuss the cancer pill.

As a result, officials from various countries of the Song Dynasty sat in the conference room again.

"What, the cancer pills only cost one hundred yuan?"

Hearing Song Ye's pricing for the Zhiwan Pills, officials in each country showed a confusing appearance.

"I'm not mistaken. This amazing drug sells for only one hundred dollars. Oh my god, does he know what a great fortune it is?"

Even as a foreigner, I can't help but feel sorry for Song Yan.

A week after things were finalized.

All the media in the world advertised the Song Zhi brand cancer pill, and stated the price in the advertisement.

That low price makes countless people feel incredible.

There was even great skepticism about this potent drug.

However, the credible media are all advertised. If it is a fake medicine, it is impossible to advertise this special effect medicine.

On the second day of the advertisement, a story about Song Kun appeared on major media in the world.

Emphasis is emphasized that Song Ye developed this special medicine for cancer treatment not to make money, but to make people with cancer free from the torture of the disease!

At the same time, Zhican Pills are also on sale in major pharmacies around the world, with a unified price of RMB 100.

At such a price, even the poorest families can afford it.

A few days passed by.

In the follow-up reports of the world's major media, the first batch of patients taking Song Zhizhi Cancer Pills has been cured, and all cancer cells in the body have disappeared.

sensation! A big sensation.

Cancer is no longer a death-killer sickle.

saint! Song Yan is a saint!

He is God, he is the God who lives on earth.

At this moment, Song Kun has been sought after by many people and supported by countless people.

Even people from all over the world have signed up for a bib account in order to get in touch with Song Kun.

This indirectly made the scarf go abroad and become a global app.

For this reason, the boss of the collar company personally visited Song Ye, hoping that he would become the spokesperson for the world of the collar.

This price has reached the endorsement of the worldwide emperor superstar.

In this regard, Song Zheng did not refuse. Although he despised the 120 million endorsement fee, it helped to promote his fame and gain more faith.

After this period of time, his faith has ushered in another surge, reaching 2 billion.

In less than two months, he had completed half the amount of faith required by the system.

Just at this time.

A piece of news suddenly appeared on the world's major media.

Yesterday, the Holy See organized a bath of holy light in the Vatican.

Participants reached 10,000.

It was said that when that event reached its climax, two angels appeared and released the Holy Light to envelope 10,000 people in the Holy Light.

After the disappearance of the Holy Light, the 10,000 people felt energetic, and many patients with various mild illnesses were cured without medicine, and some people with severe illnesses also greatly reduced their illness.

Guangming is the world's largest church with more than 2.1 billion believers.

It accounts for almost a third of the global population and is terrifying.

Seeing this news, Song Ye looked pale, he kept staring at the heaven in the east, but ignored the gods in the west.

Sure enough, with the rapid fermentation of this news, Song Kun found that his harvest of faith has slowed down a lot.

And some people posted on the Internet to slander Song Yan.

Although he has developed a special medicine, he has to charge a fee, but the Holy Light of the Light can heal the disease for free.

At first, only a few people held such statements.

But it seems that some people are behind the scenes, but this voice is getting louder.


Song Ye's face was a bit ugly. During this time, he and Meow had exchanged questions about the power of faith. The simpler the faith, the more refined the power of faith.

Therefore, the defamation of the Guangming religion is to let the light believers in the world abandon Song Kun and only believe in the **** of light.

"Do you want to fight back? How do you fight back?"

Is it necessary to provide medicines to patients all over the world for free?

Even if he did that, those people would jump out, he was under pressure.

Warning light?

Who knows what kind of power the gods behind them have?

But they can test the strength of the gods behind them!

"the host!"

Yue Yue and Shi Shi rushed into Song Ye's arms, feeling two hot bodies rubbing against him, but Song Ye was sitting in confusion.

"Okay, stop talking, let's talk business!"

"Master, please tell me!" Yueyue stared at Song Yan with long eyes full of longing.

"Let the dark churches and vampires under you attack me crazy against the light church!" Song Yong said coldly, this group of people dare to count him, don't blame him!

"Master, rest assured, this time, we will definitely give the Church of Light an unforgettable lesson!" Yueyue and Shishi unanimously.

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