Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1438: Crazy Live

The next moment, Song Ye stepped out, and the camera just caught a ripple of ripples under his feet.

For a while, people who followed the live broadcast in front of the computer screen and in front of the mobile phone screen widened their eyes and stared at the screen so hard that they couldn't even blink, for fear of missing a detail.


Song Kun continued to walk, walking leisurely in the water.

After a minute.

Song Kun jumped slightly from the water to the opposite side of the swimming pool.

Then, a series of comments flooded out:

"My brother is amazing!"


"Song Song, please take my knees!"

"Song Song, do you accept the disciples?"

"Song Dashen, I'm a beauty, do you lack tea for tea?"

At the moment, Maple Leaf TV, a group of technicians are too busy.

At the beginning, they prepared for Song Ye a super live broadcast room that can accommodate 50 million people. Originally, they thought that it would be great to have 20 to 30 million people watching Song Ye's live broadcast.

But I didn't expect that just a few minutes after the broadcast began, the number of people in the live broadcast room had exceeded 50 million, went straight to 60 million, and the number was still skyrocketing. I believe that it will soon exceed 70 million.

In order to maintain the fluency of the live broadcast, the technicians are not allowed to enter the battlefield. Even so, there are some messes, and it is simply coexistence of happiness and happiness.

The Maple Leaf TV boss is crazy, and the smile on his face hasn't broken since the opening of Song Yan.

According to the current trend, the number of live broadcasts of Song Kun is likely to exceed 100 million.

The live broadcast has broken 100 million. Since the appearance of the live broadcast, no anchor has ever been able to reach it. Not to mention that even if it can break 10 million, there are very few. If Song Ye can break 100 million today, then Maple TV will become the live broadcast industry Unsurpassable existence.

"Mr. Mi, our company's stock is up 9.8% as of 11am this morning!"

At this moment, the secretary came with a data sheet and hurriedly reported.

The Maple Leaf TV's boss was stunned, and then he was overjoyed. Maple Leaf TV was listed on the market with a market value of about 2.6 billion. As the boss, he owns 40% of the shares.

Although Maple Leaf TV's stock has been on the rise, but the increase is limited, why did it rise by 9.8% this morning?

"Because Song Ye! It must be because Song Ye came to our Maple Leaf TV for live broadcasting!"

In addition, Song Ye started live broadcasting at 12 o'clock. The stock market has closed. When the stock market opens in the afternoon, it will definitely usher in a wave of soaring.

Not to mention the total mood of Maple Leaf TV Meter.

The topic returned to Song Yan again.

After walking on the water, his number of live broadcast booths not only ushered in a wave of peaks, but even the rewards ushered in a wave of climaxes. The broadcast was only a few minutes. Million.

Suddenly, a huge volcano erupted suddenly, and the flames filled the sky.

The Li Family rewarded Songliao Volcano x1000.

The volcano of Maple Leaf TV is a 10,000 maple leaf coin, which is 1,000 yuan converted into Yanhuang coins, and 1,000 volcanoes are equivalent to 1 million.

But this is just the beginning.

Because the account of the Li family made a hundred rewards in the next few minutes, and each reward was 1,000 volcanoes.

"God, where is this tyrant from?"

Fans who watched the live broadcast were stunned by the "Li family" 's generous efforts. You know that it was a hundred million Yanhuang coins.

But after the "Li Family" finished rewarding, another fan named "Dragon Family" emerged.

Like the "Li Family", this "Dragon Family" has been rewarded 100 times in succession. Each reward is a volcano worth 1 million, and the total reward has reached 100 million.

After the "Long Family" reward was over, the "Wang Family" appeared again.

Then the "Ma Family" appeared.

Then one after another with the name "Home" appeared one after another, playing the volcano Solitaire.

After the ninth "home" was rewarded, the fan "Zhao Family" appeared. This time, the "Zhao Family" was even more perverted and brushed 500 times.

That is to say, the ten fans with "Home" rewarded 1.4 billion.

After the rewards of the top ten families.

A series of other accounts appeared, and a domain name was added in front of these accounts. For example, after the Zhao family was "Xiangcheng Nangong Family", the fan reward was 50 million.

Then began to reward Solitaire.

The reward lasted for 20 minutes, the number of rewards reached 30, the amount of rewards reached 1.5 billion, and the top ten families' rewards were 2.9 billion.

In half an hour, I received nearly 3 billion gifts. This is definitely the existence of no one before and no one in the live broadcast industry.

Just when Song Yan planned to continue broadcasting.

Murong Xinyue appeared and rewarded Song Yuan 10 million.

Then there was Liang Zhen, which was also 10 million, and then Zhang Beard gave a reward of 10 million.

Then Zheng Yan and Zhou Yuling consecrated one after another, each rewarding eight million.

Seeing that the reward had finally stopped, Song Xun said in a silent speech: "In order not to affect the next live broadcast, please ask the Fengye TV technician to turn off the reward function. As for the reward share just received, I will donate all To the lonely old man. "

"Let the technicians turn off the reward function? Nima, it really is rich and willful, not even money!"

"Song Song is mighty, and he regards money as dung!"

Ignoring the comments of fans, Song Yan continued to broadcast live.

"Below, let me perform a trifle!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone stopped commenting, eyes fixed on the screen again.

At the next moment, Song Zheng stepped up two steps in a row, and the whole man suddenly suspended two feet above the ground in midair.

Then, Song Yi's feet seemed to have a layer of invisible stairs, and he stepped on the invisible stage and walked into the air. At the end, he stopped twenty feet from the ground and continued to climb.

The mouths of the people in front of the screen are wide open, and they can completely squeeze a fist.


As soon as Song Ye's figure flickered, he fell to the ground again, because he was too fast, even the camera could hardly capture his figure, and everyone in front of the screen felt only a flash of white shadow, Song Ye returned to the ground.

At the same time, the number of people in Song Yan's live broadcast room finally broke through 100 million.

For a while, Maple Leaf TV was cheering for them, they witnessed a legend in the live broadcast industry.

Song Kun who fell on the ground continued: "I said the realm of warriors before, now I will introduce to you what kind of strength each realm has!"

This time, Song Yan gave a full speech while explaining and performing.

"Congenital Jiuzhong is currently the highest realm of warriors. At this realm, the life expectancy can be close to two hundred years old. The vitality of the body is pure and pure, and it can form a layer of radon gas outside the body.

Then a pistol appeared in Song Yan's hands. In the eyes of everyone's surprise, the muzzle aimed at his temple and pulled the trigger.


With a metal impact, the bullets were shot directly.

[Author off topic]: Two more, thanks [td107440944] [Your heart 520000] [Huge bookworm] [Star Star Star] Four big rewards

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