Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1439: Military school

Even bullets can't pierce radon!

Just by mouth, many people will doubt, but when I saw this, I was shocked.

After the shock, countless people issued comments to worship.

Later, Song Yan performed a set of boxing and sword techniques, directly watching the people watching the live broadcast.

The number of live broadcast rooms has exceeded 200 million.

Maple Leaf TV, which coexists with pain and happiness, has leased two large servers to ensure the smoothness of Song Yan's live room.

At the same time, it was two o'clock in the afternoon and the stock market opened.

Maple Leaf TV's stock soared all the way, and it took only 20 minutes to go directly to the limit.

Before the live broadcast, Song Zheng revealed that he was about to form a martial arts school.

At one time, fans asked afterwards when the martial arts school started to be formed and how to register. After seeing Song Di ’s marvelous martial arts, most young people who watched the live broadcast had the idea of ​​wanting to learn martial arts.

After the live broadcast, Maple Leaf's boss Mi Jiande called the secretary Song Ke Guan Keke, hoping to meet him.

Two hours later, the reception room of Song's Building.

"Mr. Song is better known than meeting each other for a long time!" Mi Jiande said very politely, his posture was very low.

Don't look at his maple leaf TV market value of billions, but compared with the Song group, it is too far away. You must know that the Song group's daily income of two special effects of fast-acting sugar urine pills and Jiuxin pills are astronomical.

"Mi always sit down!" Song Yan smiled and shook hands with the other party.

After a brief greeting, Mi Jiande said euphemistically. He came to meet Song Ye for two purposes. The first was to invite Song Ye to endorse the Maple Leaf TV. After all, Song Ye had a precedent for endorsing the collar.

The second is to invite Song Ye to be the special anchor of Maple TV.

Maple Leaf TV will pay Song Ye 10 million for each live broadcast. At the same time, maple TV does not pay for any gifts.

You know, in this live broadcast, Song Ye received a reward of more than 3 billion. If it wasn't that Song Ye's abandonment of the reward later affected his live broadcast and asked Maple Leaf TV to turn off the reward function, it will definitely Receive more gifts.

Even so, in accordance with the share of the unannounced anchor, Maple TV can earn more than one billion profits.

10 million events, no time limit, no rewards, Maple Leaf TV's sincerity is enough, so Song Ye thought about it, agreed, and expressed his willingness to endorse Maple Leaf TV.

Mi Jiande didn't expect that Song Yi had agreed to be so happy, and he couldn't help but be inexplicable.

After sending away Mi Jiande, Song Xun's mouth could not help showing a smile. This live broadcast was a great harvest. He fully harvested more than 200 million faiths, bringing his total faith to 2.3 billion +.

This is why he is willing to sign for Maple Leaf TV.

Because relying on live broadcasts to earn faith is too easy.

Of course, if you ca n’t earn so much faith next time, it ’s very cost-effective even if you only earn 10 million each time.

The next few days.

Under the siege of the vampire army and the dark church led by Shishi and Yueyue, the remaining power of the Light Church was extremely damaged. At most ten days, all the forces of the Light Church on the planet should be uprooted.

The formation of the martial arts school here is also very smooth.

With the support of the state, the choice of thirty-five military schools has been decided.

The martial arts campus is located in Yandu, and the other 34 branch campuses are located in 34 first-tier cities, which almost guarantees that there is a branch campus in each state.

The martial arts school is initially designated as a juvenile class, an adult class and an elderly class.

The youth class mainly recruits teenagers aged 8 to 18.

Adult classes are mainly for adults aged 19 to 50, while senior classes are for older adults.

In terms of teachers, Song Zheng directly recruited thousands of Yuanying-level monsters from the temple to serve as teachers.

The principal of the branch school was held by Tian Lao and others who first followed Song Kun.

The youth class all teaches "Pei Yuan Jing", while the adult class teaches martial arts exercises, and the old class teaches simpler exercises, mainly for physical fitness and physical fitness.

In a blink of an eye.

Most of the time has passed.

The remaining forces of the Light Church around the world have been pulled out by Shishi and Yueyue, and then they are targeting the werewolves.

As for the martial arts school, it has begun to recruit students.

The tuition for one year is 2,000 yuan for junior classes, 3,000 yuan for adult classes, and 4,000 yuan for senior classes.

Each martial arts school is a spiritual gathering arranged by Song Zhen himself. The aura is abundant enough. Even if ordinary people live in the martial arts school, they will live for more than ten years.

At the martial arts school, enrollment was like a cloud.

In just one day, the enrollment quota of the martial arts school was full, but many people still wanted to save their lives.

Thirty-five military schools have enrolled one million students.

However, after a network survey, the number of people who wanted to practice martial arts in Yanhuang Kingdom reached 500 million. Therefore, this martial arts school simply cannot meet people's needs.

Even if Song Yong builds a hundred more military schools, it won't satisfy the people. So Song Yong thought of a way to assemble the martial arts family nationwide and ask them to invest in the establishment of a military school. He would not pay for it, and he would help for free They set up the Spirit Circle.

However, these martial arts schools are subject to the Song's martial arts school, and he will be the honorary principal of each martial arts school.

That's a market of 500 million people. Those martial arts families did not agree, and they all agreed.

Therefore, in the following January, martial arts schools all over the country rose up, the total number of martial arts schools reached more than 2,000, and the number of students collected reached more than 70 million.

But still can not satisfy those who want to learn martial arts.

So Song Ye discussed with the state again, and the state came forward to form a martial arts school.

In this regard, the state readily agreed that another month later, the total number of martial arts schools nationwide had reached 10,000, and the total number of trainees reached more than 300 million.

Because Song Huan was the honorary principal of the Manza Martial School, during which he went to various martial schools to give lectures many times, so he harvested a wave of faith.

At the same time, during this period, he also performed more than ten live broadcasts.

Now, his faith has reached 3 billion, and there are still 1 billion, which can meet the requirements of system tasks.

But there are also things that upset Song Kun.

Han Sha's attitude has not softened.

He called many times and the other party didn't answer.

"Hey, I didn't expect her to be so stubborn. It seems that I don't know enough about her!"

Song Yan sighed.

When Song Yong planned to go to Han Sha's hometown in person, he felt that something had happened in Kunlun Mountain.

He fluttered.

He appeared directly in the snow-capped Kunlun Mountains.

As far as the eye can see, a large beam of light soars into the sky, and it seems to connect some unknown space.

"Tianzhu is repaired, and the heavenly gods may come in the near future!" Song Yan sighed, his eyes flashing inexplicable.

[Author off topic]: Three updates have been completed, thank you [solitary o male o male] for the reward

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