Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1450: I am a traverser


Lingxiao Baodian.

Jade Emperor sits on the throne and stands high, with a majestic expression.

Taibai Venus is standing in the hall, telling the world what he saw and heard.

The expressions of the ministers on either side of the hall were surprised, or unexpected, or thoughtful, or weird, or ...

It took a full hour for Taibai Venus to report.

"It's too hard!" The Jade Emperor said lightly, unable to see the mood.

"Every minister should do it!" Tai Baijinxing said modestly, then returned to the left side of the hall.

"What's your opinion about this matter?" The Jade Emperor looked around and asked Shen.

"Your Majesty, the world has deviated from development, and you should set aside any chaos and establish a new emperor!" Tota Tianwang Li Jing held the pagoda, stood in the hall and gave a gift to the emperor, his voice was loud.

"Oh, how do you mess up anyway?" Jade Emperor raised her eyebrows and asked.

"You can send a suitable fairy to go to the world to assist the real life son!" Li Jing said again.

Taibai Venus stood up again, with a worried voice: "Heaven, the world is no longer like it was now. There is no emperor for nearly a century. People in the world have also agreed to the days when there is no emperor, and they want to restore the imperial system. I am afraid that it will be harder to reach heaven ! "

"So what!" Li Jing stared at him. "That's the sky rule. I'm a fairy. Will I violate the sky rule?"


Taibai Venus sighed in his heart. If he went to the world, Taibai Venus might still think that sending a **** to assist the real life emperor may not be possible, but after getting a preliminary understanding of the world, he feels that there is no way.

Regardless of the current mortal world, people do n’t know how many times their lives are better than before. It ’s impossible to get off the ground. In addition, today ’s people have received various patriotic education since childhood and have agreed with the current system. There are still poor families in Yanhuang, but most people are not worried about food and clothing.

If you really want to rebel, I'm afraid you will be reported before you get off the ground.

Therefore, Li Tianwang's proposal is too taken for granted. The times are different, and the previous methods have fallen behind. It can be said that there is no holdability at all.

"What do other fairy families think?" The Jade Emperor asked again.

It was said that although the Yixian family had their own ideas, they all showed an eye-to-nose and nose-to-heart look.

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor could not help but be a little dissatisfied, looking at Taishang Laojun: "Laojun, you have good opinions!"

Taishang Laojun arched his hand: "Jade Emperor forgive me, Lao Chai is thinking about refining a new pot of elixir recently, and dare not make false claims!"

Then, Jade Emperor ordered a few people to ask for opinions.

The other side used various excuses to evade, which made Jade Emperor very uncomfortable.

Although his jade emperor is only the spokesperson of the heavenly rules, anyway, he is also the master of heaven, and your ministers are too shameless.

Thinking of this, Jade Emperor's face was even more ugly.

"Mother Queen has an opinion?"

The Jade Emperor surrendered his eyes to the queen mother who sat with him.

The queen mother said lightly: "There will be a new Peach Peach Festival in March, and this palace will be busy with Peach Peach Festival. If anyone cares about these things, Jade Emperor will be the master!"

"I am the master, be the master of the fart!" Jade Emperor growled in his heart, and then said coldly, "Li Tianwang, leave this to you to operate, I am tired, retreat!"

"The obedience to the order will not disappoint the Jade Emperor!" Li Jing was overjoyed and worshipped at the Jade Emperor, but when he struck straight, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother had already left.

As soon as Li Jing returned to the palace of the King of Heaven, he happily summoned his three sons, Jin Maomu and Nezha, to discuss.

Li Jingdao: "My son, the Jade Emperor so trusts his father, and naturally he cannot let the Jade Emperor be disappointed. You talk about this time, who should be sent to assist the true emperor?"

"Father, it is the so-called self-knowledge and victory. We don't know too much about the world, otherwise, how about sending someone to inquire and make a decision?" Jin Min suggested.

Li Jing nodded: "Yes, although Taibai Venus has gone to the world, it is too general and not necessarily exaggerated. It is the person who should be sent to go. Who do you say should go?"

"Father, why don't your son go to the world!" Nezha took the initiative, but his eyes were flickering. It would be too boring in the heavens. If it is really like platinum, there must be many fun places on earth.


Li Tianwang looked at Nezha very suspiciously. Although this youngest son was the most powerful of the three sons, but because it was Lian Zhenzhen who could not grow up, he kept his mentality between seven and eight years old and sent him I'm afraid it will cause trouble.

"Father rest assured that the baby will not get wrong this time!" Nezha promised.

"It's a different person!" Li Jing shook his head. He couldn't be trusted. The boy was too noisy.

"Maybe send someday to go!"

Suddenly Mu Mu said without a word.

"Huh!" Li Jing nodded: "One of the generals, Zhao Deyan, is honest and honest. He has also been working in the Tianbing camp for many years. Send him here, come and let Zhao Deyan come to see the handsome!"

Li Jing is called King Tota Li, but in the Tianting post he is the Marshal of the Heavenly Army, commanding a million heavenly soldiers.

Fragrant City, inside the villa.

After some clouds and rain, Han Sha clung to Song Yan's body and said quietly, "When will you take me to meet them?"

"It's okay at any time, or go now!" Song Kun said.

"Ah, so urgent, no, I haven't bought them gifts yet!" Han Sha quickly shook her head.

"It's okay, why don't our family see each other!" Song Yan smiled and stretched out his hand and gently scratched Han Shaqiong's nose.

"It's not for the whole family. Besides, how can you go empty-handed for the first time, or you can introduce them to me!"

With a little groaning, Song Yan decided to tell Han Sha what happened to him. Although he could not be invincible in the main world, it was still no problem to protect his own woman, so he said, "Sasa, there is a very important thing I want to tell you! "

Seeing his solemn look, Han Sha was very nervous: "You won't tell me, more than eleven!"

"Where did you think of it?" Song Xuan was crying and laughing, and then she could travel to other worlds, and the eleven girls were brought back from another world.

Then he told about what happened in each world.

"Are you sure you are not writing a story?"

Although she thought that Song Ye would not lie to her, she still felt unacceptable. It was too mysterious to cross this incident.

"Every word and every word I say is true. If you don't believe it, I can prove it to you!"

"how to prove!"

"Suit up!"

Soon, Han Sha got dressed, and when she lost her mind, Song Xuan took her to ten thousand meters high.

"God, this is in heaven!"

Han Sha exclaimed, watching the scene shrunk many times under her feet.

Immediately afterwards, Song Yan took Hansa directly to the summit of Mount Everest, and then he took him to the sea, and then to the Statue of Liberty, the Leaning Tower in Europe, and the African Pyramid, then went ...

In just half an hour, Song Ye took her to tour the whole world.

[Digression by the author]: One more, thanks for [fragrance fragrance] [dream handsome pot] [Deng treats a purple chess trace] [lonely peak] Four big rewards

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