Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1451: Advent Heaven

"I'll let you see it again!"

While talking, Song took Han Sha's willow waist and came to a desert in Yanhuang Kingdom, and then punched ten miles away.


With a loud noise, a cloud of mushrooms rose and covered the sky.

This scene was captured by a satellite of the United States. After calculation by a supercomputer, the power of this explosion is comparable to tens of thousands of tons of nuclear weapons.

When the smoke dispersed, a large oval-shaped deep pit appeared, with a diameter of about 100 meters and a depth of more than 200 meters.

Song Yan took Han Sha to fly to the deep pit, and she was surprised to find that the wall of the deep pit was faintly glittering, and it seemed to have crystallized.

"Is this what you punched?"

Han Sha asked questions in shock.

Song Yi said: "I don't even use one percent of my strength. If I do my best, one blow can destroy an ordinary prefecture-level city!"

"Then don't you become a superman?" Han Sha became more and more shocked, her mouth opened wide enough to fit an apple.

"What a superman is, he dares to appear in front of me, and I teach him to be a man in minutes!" Song Yan sneered: "Now you believe it, I can be so powerful that I can get through other worlds, The proportion of time is different in each world. I have spent decades in another world, but the main world is only a few days! "

Han Sha was more and more surprised, she couldn't understand, and said after a while: "No wonder you would harm so many girls!"

"Let's go, I'll take you to see Li Tianluo and Tuoba Xianer!"

During the conversation, Song Ye took Han Sha directly to the villa of Yandu.

"Hello Tianluo, Hello Sister Xianer!"

After Song Yan referred for both parties, Han Sha took the initiative to greet the second daughter.

"Don't, you're the first woman of this guy. According to the rules, we should call your sister!" Tuoba Xianer said with a smile.

"Yes, Hansa, although we are all older than you, you can't afford to call our sister!" Li Tianluo laughed.

"Otherwise, let's call each other's names!" Han He smiled slightly, hesitating slightly.

"Okay, that's it!"

Both Li Tianluo and Tuoba Xianer compared Song Song's face and behaved very kindly.

At this moment, Song Ye's face changed slightly, and she said to the three women, "I have something to deal with, you talk first!"

As soon as he was in shape, Song Yan came to the Tianzhu of Kunlun Mountain.

In order to find out at any time whether there is an immortal descending in the heavenly court, Song Yong set an extremely hidden prohibition near Tianzhu. As long as there is an immortal descending, he can be informed of the prohibition.

Sure enough, in Tianzhu, a middle-aged man wearing silver and white armor stepped out, and it was Zhao Deyan, a general who was sent by Li Jing to investigate the situation in the world.

Seeing Song Yuan who was not far away, Zhao Deyan stunned a moment, then he cried, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

Song Yan stood up with his hand, and said lightly: "It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is who you are. Whatever you do, rush it to the truth, so as not to suffer!"


Zhao Deyan was angry, and no matter how he was a general, he was threatened by a mortal just after falling into a horror, who dared to offend Tianwei and had to give him some hardships!

Thinking of this, Zhao Deyan stepped out one step, approached Song Yong instantly, and then punched his chest with a fist.

Fearing that he would be killed with a punch, Zhao Deyan used only a small amount of power.


Song Zheng still stood up against his hands, but a layer of golden light appeared in the body three centimeters away. Zhao Deyan's fist bombarded the golden light, and instead of failing to break it, he was bombarded by a shock.

Zhao Deyan was startled and stared at Song Yan vigilantly: "No wonder you dare to challenge Ben, who turned out to be a practitioner as well. In this case, don't blame Ben!

Between words, Zhao Deyan threw his fist again.

The power attached to the fist has been increased to 30%!


A stronger rebound force struck again, once again flying Zhao Deyan.


Zhao Deyan was really angry.

He had a crimson long knife in his hands, which was burning with flames, and burst into a drink, with a hefty layer of waves breaking back towards Song Yong.

"When! Hey!"

Just as Zhao Deyan's sword slashed in front of Song Yan, the golden light in front of him suddenly flashed, and then, Zhao Deyan's body flew down at a very fast speed, smashing into a snowy peak.


The Xuefeng smashed his waist in white.

After a while, Zhao Deyan flew from under the collapsed snow mountain and looked at Song Yong again. He was already full of vigilance. He did not expect that there was such a powerful practitioner in the world.

His cultivation is not the best in the generals, and he can also be ranked in the top ten, but now, in the presence of this monk, he has been in a daunting situation. If he really does, he may even be Can't stop one move.

"Give you another chance and tell me your purpose!"

Song Yan's eyes narrowed for a moment, and he asked.

"Don't think!"

As soon as Zhao Deyan twisted, he turned into a streamer radiating in the opposite direction.

"Can you escape?"

Song Zheng grabbed toward the void, and suddenly, Zhao Deyan, who escaped several kilometers, felt an invisible force to imprison his body. Even if he urged the divine power in his body, he could not break free. Then, he could not help himself. Fly upside down and fell not far from Song Yong.


Song Kun broke into Zhao Deyan's eyebrows with a magical power, and soon received the message that the other party was enslaved.

"Zhao Deyan sees the master!"

After a brief confusion, Zhao Deyan suddenly fell to his knees, saluting Song Ye.

"Are you holding any position in heaven?" Song Yan asked.

"Back to the master, his subordinate in Tianting is a general under the command of Lieutenant General Marshal Li Jing!"

"So what do you do?"

"Subordinates are sent by the King to investigate the situation in the world!"

"Do you know why Li Jing asked you to investigate the situation in the world?"

"Subordinates are humble, I don't know!"

Song Kun frowned, and secretly said: Is this a sign of heaven wanting to intervene in all things?

After explaining to Zhao Deyan, Song Zheng let him continue to complete the investigation task, and he decided to go to the heaven court again to see what the heaven court was thinking.

As soon as his body shook, Song Yan entered Tianzhu and quickly moved up.

With the breaking of the bounds on the light road, Song Zheng once again stepped on the ground of heaven.

Through the Rainbow Bridge, Song Yong once again came near Nantianmen.

This time the general who guarded Nantianmen was no longer the King of the Kingdom, but the King of Growth.

Just as Song Min considered how to mix into Nantianmen, a beautiful woman in a blue fairy dress suddenly flew out of Nantianmen.

"Meet the Six Princesses!"

The King of Growth and the heavenly soldiers guarding the Nantianmen bowed in salute.

"Heaven and his elder brothers don't need to be polite."

The six princesses spoke to everyone in a gentle manner, and then flew in one direction.

"Six princesses? Is it Lao Liu Laner, one of the Seven Fairies?" Song Yan secretly said, with a movement in his heart, he was quietly hiding behind, and followed.

[Author off topic]: Two more, thanks [云淡风轻 _ 心] [Xu Song Vae] [Drunk Breeze] Three great rewards

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