Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1500: Scramble method

"How did such incompetent people mix in? I'm disappointed with Daxia Auction House!"

Song Zheng ignored the Lei Bing, but instead walked towards Xia Qiandan on the auction table.

Originally, Xia Qian was very dissatisfied with Lei Bing's actions and blatantly threatened the auctioneers. This is no longer taking Da Xia auction house into consideration. Now that she heard Song Kun's doubts, she couldn't help but be cold "Lei Gongzi, please come back to the box. If you have any dissatisfaction with my Daxia auction house, Da Ke raised it afterwards, and it is now being auctioned. Please follow the rules of the auction!"

Hearing Xia Qian's words, Lei Bing immediately recovered his sobriety. The Lei family was extraordinary in Tianpeng City, but it was far worse than the Daxia auction house, which opened the auction house throughout the ten territories of the human race.

So he stared resentfully at Song Yan, saying fiercely: "Boy, my son remembers you, if you have the skill, you should not leave the auction house, otherwise ...!"

Hearing the threat of Lei Bing, Song Yan smiled disapprovingly. Although his strength was sealed by the system, he could not even catch up with the Yangshen's power in terms of escape effort. .

However, the others present looked at Song Kun with a strange look, and secretly said that this son had offended Lei Bing so badly that he couldn't leave Tianpeng City alive.

In particular, the boy behind Jin Yi looked at Song Ye with gloating eyes, secretly, and thought that with a few stink money, he could not put Lei Bing in his eyes, he was just seeking his own way.

"The auction continues!" Xia Qian said: "This boy is bidding one million two, is anyone still raising the price?"

No one responded. Although Yan Dan was precious, but at most 200,000 gold, instead of buying one million dollars, it would be better to use one million dollars to buy a good soldier.

"Congratulations to this boy, Zhan Yandan belongs to you!"

After announcing the return of Zhu Dan, the third lot was invited to the auction floor. Song Ye suddenly felt in his heart because the third lot was one of the three Wang Pin exercises today.

"The complete Wang Pingong method of" Tianyang Jue ", the starting price, one million two gold, the price increase must not be less than fifty thousand two!"

As soon as Xia Qian's voice fell, some people couldn't help but start quoting.

"One million!"

"1.2 million!"



In a short while, the price of this Wang Pin Gong Fa reached three million two, but there are still many outcryers.

After half a quarter of an hour, the price of "Tianyang Jue" has reached 10 million two.

There are only a few people left, all from VIP boxes.

"11 million!"

"11.5 million!"

"Fifteen million!"

Suddenly, a clear woman's voice came from a box.

"Twenty million!"

Song Yan shouted immediately.

Suddenly, everyone's attention was focused on Song Yan. Twenty million yuan of gold was not a small amount, and it was already equivalent to the average family's assets.

"Is this kid from a big family or a big door?" Someone doubted.

Inside Lei Bing's box.

Lei Bing couldn't help but hesitated when he heard Song's quotation. Immediately, a strange mang appeared in his eyes. The richer the kid, the better.

After a brief silence.

The clear woman's voice before it sounded again: "21 million!"

"22 million!" Song Yan still followed the offer.

Suddenly, the box fell silent.

There were three women in that box. The first woman sitting was a woman in red, about twenty-six years old, but she had a feeling of being uninvited.

Around her are two beautiful girls who are seventeen or eighteen years old. At this moment, there are worries and anxieties on their faces. One girl said:

"Master, what should we do, our gold is almost running out!"

The woman in red, known as the head sister, sighed gently: "Anyway, aren't there two more, anyway, this" Tianyang Decision "is not suitable for us to cultivate!"

With the woman's silence, no one competed with Song Yong for this Wangpin exercise, and successfully won.

"Where do you get so much gold?"

The masked girl stared at him in wonder.

You know, she is highly valued in Wanhua Valley, and all her net worth is only tens of thousands of gold. Twenty-two million gold is also an astronomical figure for her.

"I'll lighten the stone into gold!" Song Yan smiled.


The masked girl was dissatisfied.

The fourth lot was a defensive martial arts weapon, with a starting price of 100,000 yuan, and was eventually photographed by a middle-aged martial artist at a price of 300,000 yuan.

Fifth ...

The sixth ...

Finally, at the seventh piece, another Wang Pin exercise was called "Jiu Yang Jue" and the starting price was one million.

As soon as Xia Qian's voice fell, Song Yan's voice sounded: "30 million!"


"I wipe!"

"Who the **** is this guy and why is there so much gold?"

The box in which the woman in red was located, she couldn't help flashing disappointment in Song Yan's offer.

The gold she brought was just over 22 million, and now Song Ye directly quotes 30 million, and she has no qualifications for quoting.

"That guy is so abominable!" The **** the left said with a fist.

"That is, he has already filmed a Wang Pin Gong Fa, and even came to grab us!" Another girl echoed, filled with indignation.

Even Xia Qian took a deep look at Song Yan, and then announced that "Jiu Yang Jue" was taken by Song Yan.

"The eighth lot is made by Qingxin jade pendant. It is made by the immortal refiner. It has the magical effect of being pure and concentrating. Wearing practice can reduce the risk of getting out of the way.

"Three hundred thousand!"

Song Yan shouted at Chu Xue, Chu Xue practiced the practice of Xianxian, this innocent jade is just right for her to wear.

Others who just wanted to bargain and shut up when they heard Song Ye's offer.

Xia Qian smiled and said, "This son is bidding 300,000, is there any other price increase?"

"Three thousand and one thousand!"

Lei Bing's voice sounded, he was not interested in this pure-hearted jade pendant, the reason for the quotation was merely to want the disgusting Song Kun.

"Four hundred thousand!"

Song Yan shouted lazily.

"Forty-one thousand!" Lei Bing continued to raise prices.

"One million!" Song Yan shouted again.

For a while, Lei Bing hesitated, but finally shouted a price of 1.01 million.

"Haha, Prince Lei is so proud, if you want it, I'll give it to you!"

Song Yong smiled suddenly.

"Asshole, you pit me?" Lei Bing was furious.

"Do I have a pit for you? It's just someone who insults him!" Song Yan said in a whisper.


In the VIP box, Lei Bing smashed the tea cup directly. Although he was a child of Lei's family, one million yuan of gold was not a small amount for him.

The guy who wanted to be disgusted, was pitted once.

In the end, Lei Bing of Qingxin Yupei was photographed at a price of 10.1 million.

Next, three more items were auctioned, and then the last lot to be sold today, an intermediate Wang Gong method, named "Ming Yan Jue".

"Forty million!"

Song Yan directly bargained.

But this time, others were not intimidated by him. It should be said that several of the VIP boxes were not intimidated by him.

41 million!

46 million!

48 million!

"Huh!" Song Yan snorted softly, "Sixty million!"

The gold in the temple is piled up in mountains, and it is calculated in tons. Sixty million gold is a fart.

[Author's off-topic]: The third update has been updated. There was a small problem when the second update was uploaded, and it will be released tomorrow when it is being reviewed. You can read Chapter 3 first and then Chapter 2 tomorrow.

Thank [cloud light wind_heart] [autumn wind_ 风] [Shi Xidong] [Xing Xing Xing Xing] these big rewards

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