Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1501: Side mission completed

In the end, this middle-ranked Wang Pin's "Ming Yan Jue" was also photographed by Song Yong. Today, the three Wang Pin exercises are fully embraced at the auction today, which makes others look at him more or less badly.

"My son, please follow us."

After the auction, an auction house manager came to ask for it, and asked Song Ye to pay the gold to collect the lot.

Today Song Kun shot five times and bought four lots.

Two million in Yandan.

"Tianyang Decision" 22 million two.

"Nine Yang Jue" 30 million two.

"Ming Yan Jue" 60 million two.

So, the gold he needed to pay to the auction was 114 million two.

In response, one side of the auction house had to attach importance to it and sent a manager to invite it, on the one hand, to show respect for Song Yong, and on the other, because he was worried that he could not pay so much gold to run away.

In fact, don't say that the auction will worry about Song Ye running away, even the masked girl and Chu Xue who are companions are very doubtful whether he can bring out so much gold.

"Lead the way!"

Song Ye waved his hands in disapproval.

Soon, under the leadership of the auction house manager, Song Yan and his three men came to a room with a luxurious decoration, and Xia Qian, an auctioneer, was already waiting there.

"I've seen the boy, I don't know what the boy is called?" Xia Qian asked with a smile.

"Just call me son Chu." Song Yan said very calmly, seeing more beautiful women, even if Xia Qian was a big beauty, he also seemed very calm, which made Xia Qian feel a little surprised, and even doubted his charm. Whether to decline.

"What about my stuff?"

Song Yan glanced around the room and did not see the exercises and Zhu Yandan.


Xia Qian patted his hand gently, and then four maids rushed in, each holding a lot.

"Is Chu Gongzi paying by gold ticket or Lingjing?" Xia Qian asked with a smile.

One hundred and twenty thousand gold is equal to a sublime Lingjing.

"Why, you can't pay with cash?" Song Yan asked rhetorically.

"Of course!" Xia Qian froze, then nodded.

Then, when Song Yan waved his hand, several Jinshan appeared in the room.

All of a sudden, the people present were shocked.

After a long while, Xia Qian returned to God and looked at Song Yan with a deep heart: "I can't think that the son of Chu actually brought so much gold on him."

Song Yan smiled, and with a wave of his hand, he put away the three exercises and Zhan Yandan: "Two money and goods, leave!"

"and many more!"

Xia Qian shouted suddenly, and then she had a special black card on her hand, which was engraved with ancient runes, faintly revealing a huge breath.

"Gongzi, this is my VIP card for the Daxia Auction House. With this card, you can enjoy VIP treatment when you go to the Daxia Auction House in any city, and you can also pay 10% off the lot. "

"So good? Then I'm welcome." Song Yan took the black card with a smile. Suddenly, his heart moved: "I don't know if your auction house still sells Wang Pingong, I can buy it at a high price!"

"This?" Xia Qian showed hesitation.

"I can buy it for $ 50 million, as long as it is complete, even if it is the first stage!"

After hearing the words, Xia Qian could not help showing his heart, looking at Song Yan and asking, "How many units do you need?"

Song Kun suddenly felt a door, and he couldn't help but be happy: "Five is enough!"

Xia Qian could not help but roll his eyes, five can be, you think Wang Pin Gong Fa is Chinese cabbage, and then said: "It can be, but it takes time, and the little girl has a request!"

"any request?"

"Hope the son can pay with Lingjing!"

"When will the transaction take place?"

"How about ten days?"

"No!" Song Yan frowned and waved, "It's too long. If you trade in three days, I will give you 2,600 Lingjings. If you trade in one day, I will give you 3000 Lingjings!"

"it is good!"

Xia Qianyi Liang, if calculated according to the three thousand Lingjing, then the average price of the five parts of the method can reach 60 million two gold, is definitely a very cost-effective transaction, you know, Daxia Auction House has a deep foundation, The auctions are spread across the ten domains of the human race, and there are at least hundreds of Wangpin exercises.

The few books sold were worth nothing, and all the copies sold were still in their hands, and they could still be auctioned in the future.

"Chu Gongzi, we will assemble the exercises as quickly as possible. If you don't mind, we can arrange a rest place for you. What do you think?"

"That way, I'll trouble you!" Song Yan nodded and answered. Song Yan thought that he had to rob a few sects to get together the ten Wang Pingong exercises. Now he can get the required skills by giving a little Lingjing Law, really a surprise.

Led by a steward, the three of them were living in a quiet courtyard.

Song Yan then threw Zhu Yandan directly to the masked girl.

"Thank you."

The masked girl whispered softly.

"What are you talking about?" Song Yan asked playfully.

"Just forget it."

The masked girl glared at him and pulled Chu Xue back to the room.

Song Yan smiled, and motioned to the maid in the yard to make him a pot of tea to drink leisurely.

He was drinking tea leisurely at the auction house, but it made the Lei Bing who had taken him outside blocked him a little anxious, secretly, why didn't the boy come out? Couldn't it afford the gold to be held up by the auction.

At the same time, many people with strange minds are watching the door of the auction secretly, waiting for Song Yi to come out.

But until dark, they didn't see each other.

"Mom, don't you think this kid can't take him when he hides in the auction, you guys keep an eye on me, if the kid comes out, immediately grab someone!"

Lei Bing finally couldn't hold back, leaving the charming girl to leave, and let his men watch here.

No words overnight.

In the early morning of the next morning, after having breakfast from the maid, Xia Qian came together with a majestic middle-aged man.

"Girl Xia, but the exercises have arrived?"

Song Yan asked lazily.

"The son of Chu really looks like a god!" Xia Qian smiled lightly.

The transaction was very smooth. After paying 3,000 subordinates Lingjing, the five parts of the method fell into Song Yi's hands. At the same time, a familiar but cold system sounded in my mind: "Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the collection The branch task of the law rewards the first emperor's skill. "

As soon as the words fell, a mass of information poured into his sense of the sea, making him feel a bit swollen.

"Girl Xia, can you borrow your yard to live for a while? I plan to retreat here!" Suddenly Song Ji said that with the system of imperial gifts, he planned to upgrade to Yuandan period.

"Of course, you can live as long as Chu Gongzi loves!" Xia Qian laughed.

"Thank you girl Xia!"


"Uncle Nineteen, what do you think?"

In the side hall of the auction, Xia Qian looked at the middle-aged man who had traded with her before and asked.

"It's hard to say!" The middle-aged man shook his head: "According to the information we investigated, this son is just the head of a small family!"

"Impossible, right?" Xia Qian's face was incredible.

"It's really impossible. Most of this is a false identity, which is used to cover up his true identity. He can lightly take out the three thousand spirit crystals, I'm afraid he is a child from the hidden world family!

"Since he is a child of the Hidden Family, why do we need to buy Wang Pingong from us?" Xia Qian questioned.

"This is where I wonder, but let's not take too much action first, just hand him in!"

Xia Qian nodded.

[Off-topic by the author]: One more, thanks [殇 怅] for the great reward

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