Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1543: Want revenge

Chapter 154: Want Revenge?

Everyone joined forces to kill and kill at least 500 million Zerg.

It's not that you don't want to continue to kill, but that everyone's energy is almost exhausted.

What's more, the fleeing Zerg started a counterattack under the command of the Emperor of the Void, and then pursued it, fearing that it would cause many casualties.

Anyway, this time the harvest is great, and more than 3 billion Zerg have been eliminated. It can be said that the Zerg invaded in a big way, the most brilliant victory, so seeing good harvest is the most wise choice.

That night.

The main city of the former Black Mountain City was cleaned up and used to celebrate the feast.

In addition to the invitation of more than a dozen team members, there are a group of generals, and the organizer of this celebration party is the commander-in-chief Zhao Zicheng.

And in a camp at this moment.

Chu Lei, whose armor had been removed, looked a little sluggish. Today at the city wall, he saw with his own eyes the horrible power shown by the man. From his appearance, he had a 90% certainty that the other party was his unconvinced cousin.

Judging by his temperament and strength, however, this Chu Fan was far from his impression of that sister-in-law.

After the celebration party.

Zhao Zicheng personally raised the wine glass to respect the crowd, and then came to Song Ye alone for two drinks.

Next, the generals headed by Jiang Shouyang also came to Song Ye to drink wine glasses and wine bottles.

Since the confrontation with the Zerg, the Terran has been retreating, it can be said to be at an absolute disadvantage. To this day, the emergence of Song Kun, let the race finally occupy a wind, can be said to be quite exultant.

For these generals who toasted, Song Ye was the one who refused to come.

However, the amount of alcohol in these generals is quite abnormal. Even if he is advanced, the effect of martial arts energy to dissolve the wine is worse. Therefore, he was drunk and could not remember how he left in the end.

Early the next morning.

Winging for a long time, Song Yongyou rubbed his still heavy head, and he turned over and sat up, and found that the place where he was is not the warrior camp anymore, but changed to a separate courtyard.

"Captain, are you awake? Exactly, I boiled the congee. How do you taste it?" Yan Ru, wearing a white dress and plain face, held a bowl of black hair with a strap. The steaming porridge came in.

"How are you here?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

Yan Ru said angrily: "You were drunk drunk last night, and those guys were drunk one by one, so in the end, I and Mingyue brought you back."

"Oh, that's troublesome for you." Song Yan took the porridge and sipped it, feeling that it was not bad, and asked casually: "What about Mingyue?"

Yan Ru casually said: "She went back, you are drunk and unconscious, and need to be taken care of, so I stay!"

"Well, that's really troublesome."

"It's okay, who made you our captain." Yan Ru said with a smile.

After drinking a bowl of gruel, Song Yan felt much more comfortable.

When he walked out of the room, he unfolded his posture and fisted a boxing punch. He was sweaty, and his slightly dim head became clear again.

"Damn, if it wasn't for the system sealing my practice, I would be drunk and unconscious!"

You know, whether it is Xianyuanli or the Star God body, the resistance to alcohol is quite high.

Suddenly, he moved his heart and said to the system: "System, although my martial art practice is not as good as the immortal practice, it won't be long before I can chase it. When will you unlock my seal?"

"Anytime!" The cold system sounded.

Hearing the sound of the system, Song Yong could not help but hesitate. When did the system become so good? In fact, he also tried to ask, and did not think that the system would answer him.

So he asked again, "System, do you want to seal my fairy-path cultivation as you want me to practice martial arts in this world?"


"No? It's not!" Song Xuan felt like a dog, "What's the reason?"

"The stronger the energy to cross the barriers of the world, the more it consumes, the seal host repairs, just to reduce the difficulty of crossing!"

"So, as long as I asked you to resume my practice, you can unlock the seal!"



Hearing the system's answer, Song Yan could not help yelling, but he thought the system had sealed his repairs with no intention. Now it seems that he is doing his own wisdom.

Scolded for a long time, Song Yan directly said to the system: "Release the seal and restore my cultivation!"

The voice fell.

Song Xuan felt that his body had undergone tremendous changes. Instantly, he sensed that his star body had recovered to the third level, and at the same time, the body had undergone drastic changes.

Yixiandao Xiuwei also came back.

At the same time, the seal of the Yuanshen also appeared in the sea of ​​knowledge, and the emperor who was one with the Yuanshen could be released again.

"Haha, Xiuwei feels so good back!"

Song Yan couldn't help laughing.

His immortal path was repaired as a fairy, and with the exquisite pagoda, the average fairy could not help him.

I don't know if there is any fairy in the world.

"Captain, you!"

When Yan Ru saw Song Ye again, she found that Song Ye's temperament actually changed a lot.

Seeing Yan Ru with an astonished complexion, Song Ye quickly condensed the breath of Xiandao, so Yan Ru looked again and found that Song Ye had recovered.

"what's up?"

"Oh, I mean, if you're okay, I'll go back first!"

"That line, you go back!"

Song Zheng nodded, and a familiar figure flashed in his mind.

To be precise, yesterday, he saw his cousin Chu Lei at the city wall. He had to deal with the Zerg at that time, and he did not recognize him. Now that the war has ended, he can go to see him.

With a glance of consciousness, he found Chu Lei's location, his figure flickered, and appeared outside his camp.

At the sight of Song Yan, Chu Lei seemed a little surprised, and he was right there.

With a wave of his hand, Song Zheng took Chu Lei back to his yard.

For a moment, Chu Lei became more and more suspicious: "You ... you are Chu Fan."

Song Yan grinned, revealing two rows of white teeth: "Cousin, long time no see."

"Yeah ... yeah! It's been a long time!"

After being acknowledged by Song Yan, Chu Lei finally believed that the person in front of him was his cousin, but what he didn't understand was that he only knew how to eat, drink, and play, and how the sudden low-ups became like this incredible.

"sit down!"

Song Yan came to the stone table and sat down, pointing to another stone bench, and then he told the story of the Chu family without any concealment.

"Are you going to cut the grass and eradicate the roots?" He couldn't help staring at Song Ye when he heard that his father and brother had been killed.

"Yeah!" Song Ye smiled. "You are too deserving of yourself. You are now in my eyes almost like an ant. Where do you need to cut the grass!"

"That being the case, why are you looking for me? Is it to show off your strength?" Chu Lei Leng asked in a voice.

"Want to get revenge?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

"miss you!"

"Give you a chance!" Song Zheng put out a exercise book and a bottle of elixir on the table: "A pill washing can help you cut hair and pill, and a cold spirit can improve your qualifications. As for This exercise is the emperor's practice. If you want revenge, you take all these things! "

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