Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1544: Kill the Empress

Send high-quality elixir and emperor to future enemies

About an hour later, Zhao Zicheng suddenly came to visit with his guard.

After some compliments, Zhao Zicheng made his intentions, but wanted to get a batch of Yanbing armor from Song Yan.

At that time, Song Kun made more than 3,000 sets of Yanbing armor from the cut Yanbing.

So, there is still a lot of inventory.

Because Zhao Zicheng used the Yanbing armor to deal with the Zerg, his task was to exterminate the Zerg, and he could use Zhao Zicheng's place in the future, so he directly promised him 300 sets.

Hearing that Song Huan was able to come up with three hundred sets of Yanbing armor, Zhao Zicheng couldn't help overjoying. Although Yanbing armor was simple, his defense was much stronger than the top-level **** armor.

The top-level **** armor is difficult for even masters like Yang Shen, so he came to Song Ye just to try it.

But in the end, Song Yan gave him a big surprise.

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

"Anyway!" Song Zheng waved his hand: "All to deal with the Zerg!"

After chatting for a while, Zhao Zicheng left with joy, Song Yan promised him to deliver Yan Bing armor to him within three days.

Zhao Zicheng left less than a quarter of an hour.

Xingtian Invincible is here again, his purpose is still Yanbing armor.

Most of the people in the Pest Team in the battle yesterday were too conspicuous. None of the 108 people were injured. Unlike the criminal team, all of them were wounded.

After promising the twenty-one sets of Xingbing Armor of Xingtian Invincible, the other party also left with a happy face. However, these twenty-one sets of Yingbing Armor were not given away, but they needed to be replaced by Xingtian Invincible.

In this regard, Xingtian Invincible was not dissatisfied, but believed that it took advantage of Tianda.

Then, the people of the Xianjian team came again.

The same is for the Yanbing Battlegear.

This time, Song Yan also promised them twenty-one sets.

Then the people from the Wanhua team also came. This time Song Yan directly promised fifty sets.

This surprised the people of the Wanhua team.

Before the other party went, Song Ye suddenly said, "Elder Wu, show me greetings to Ouyang Weiwei!"

Wu Meiyu, the elder of the gods of Wanhua Valley, is also the leader of the Wanhua team.

Before, Wu Meiyu was still wondering why Song Yan gave them so many Yanbing War armors. Now it seems that it is this Chu Fan who knows Ouyang Weiwei, and they have a close relationship.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly said: "In fact, Wei Wei also mentioned Chu Gongzi in front of me, but she was worried that Chu Gongzi would not be here. Why not wait for me to let her visit Chu Gongzi?"

Song Yan did not expose Wu Meiyu's lies, but nodded with a smile.

Seeing Song Ye nodded, Wu Meiyu was overjoyed and said a few words of thanks before leaving. At the same time, she secretly said that she must let Ouyang Weiwei have a good relationship with Chufan.

Upon returning to the station in Wanhua Valley, Wu Meiyu asked Ouyang Weiwei to come over.

"I've seen Uncle Wu." Ouyang Weiwei bowed in salute.

Wu Meiyu said with a soft smile: "Slightly, do n’t have to sit down and be polite. Right, I ’ll tell you the good news. Chu Fan promised us 50 sets of Fire Ice Armor in Wanhua Valley, and two more in the Xingtian and Xianjian teams Nineteen sets! "

Hearing that, Ouyang Weiwei secretly said that the guy was still savvy and knew that taking care of our Wanhua Valley, and at the same time a little more joy.

Upon seeing Ouyang Weiwei's expression, Wu Meiyu secretly said, but her smile was softer: "I heard that you and Chu Fan know each other?"

"Um. I know." Ouyang Weiwei nodded slightly.

Wu Meiyu complained a little: "Why don't you say it earlier if you know you, then, if you have time to see him!"

"Well, the disciples know."

Ouyang Weiwei nodded, but thought to herself, why did you want me to meet that guy, didn't he come to see me?

Song Yan's side.

Soon after Wu Meiyu's departure, the people of the Bright Gods team also came. Song Ye may have promised them twenty-one sets. Anyway, there are a lot of hot ice in his temple. Even if more than three thousand sets are used up, they can be refined.

A few days passed by.

The city of Heishan has been much more peaceful for a few days, and after several defeats, the Zerg seems to have not calmed down.

In fact, to destroy the Zerg, the main thing is to destroy their mother emperor.

It is still difficult to find the mother emperor without repairing Xiandao Xiu as Song Yi, but now his cultivation has been restored, and when the Zerg army comes again, he happens to solve the group of mother emperors together.

Judging from the voice made by the mother emperor, there are about eighteen mother emperors of the Zerg tribe attacking the human race.

at last.

On the ninth day after the war, the Zerg army struck again.

This time, the number of Zerg is more horrible, and it has doubled directly at first.

There are at least 6 billion flying beetles, and the number of zerg on the ground is even more than 10 billion.

Seeing such a large number of Zerg, except for Song Kun and the six monsters behind him, everyone's faces were a little pale.

"Song Chu, do you have any good ideas?"

Zhao Zicheng asked Song Ye.

Song Xun did not speak, but released the powerful divine thoughts, covering the whole thousand miles.

Soon, he found eighteen faint breaths in the nearby void. If not mistaken, it should be the eighteen Zerg mother emperors.

"How can we beat them all?"

After thinking about it, Song Yan made a decision.

With a stunned figure, Song Kun disappeared in place.

"Where did he go?"

Zhao Zicheng had doubts on his face.

But less than half a quarter of an hour, Song Yong returned, with more than a hundred people beside him.

All of these people converge in each breath, and even Zhao Zicheng is difficult to see through their cultivation.

Without waiting for Zhao Zicheng to speak, Song Yan said: "Master Zhao, I have found the hiding place of the Zerg mother emperor. As long as you kill them, the Zerg army will not break and break!

"Really? That's great!" Zhao Zicheng couldn't help exulting.

Song Kun directly sent the location of the seventeen mother emperors to the hundreds of fit monsters with divine thoughts.

"Do it!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Kun and the monsters disappeared directly into the city wall.

The next moment, they appeared several kilometers, or tens of thousands of meters away, and launched the strongest attack on the void at the same time.

And Song Yan moved a lot and came to a hundred miles away.

Then he went directly into the dimension space, threw out the Xuanhuang pagoda, and suppressed a disgusting meat mountain that was ten times larger and dozens of times larger.

Yes, this ugly and disgusting Roshan is the so-called Zerg mother emperor.

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