Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1557: Give me a gold or two

"team leader!"

"team leader!"

Seeing that Ning Qiangwei was hit and flying, Wei Suo and the female team member were both in a tight heart, could not help but exclaim, and his face was full of worries and anxieties.

While Ning Qiangwei in the air sensed that someone was behind her, she wanted to forcibly reverse her figure, but Wang Tiexin was chasing after him like a cheekbones, raising her hands into fists, killing her belly in succession.

Ning Qiangwei had no choice but to hold back the sting of her shoulder and kicked her feet one after another.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

After two consecutive collisions, a wave of powerful forces came one after another, making Ning Qiangwei more and more unable to control her body, and flew towards Song Kun at a faster speed.

In desperation, Ning Qiangwei only hurriedly shouted, "Hurry away."

After hearing that, Song Min paused her figure, and then raised her hand to slap a palm, which was Zhongning Qiangwei's vest, completely dissolving the power in her body, and then just listening to the crackling, her body fell completely into Song Min In the arms.

Suddenly Wen Xiang nephrite became pregnant, but Song Yan did not take the opportunity to take advantage and directly lifted the other side.

Just then, Wang Tiexin came after him again.

A sharp light flashed in his eyes, his fists turned into a shadow, the horror of energy exploded into the air, and the Ning Qiangwei was attacked from the ground. Secretly, Song Ye was enveloped in it. Under his punch.

"The boy flashes away!"

Ning Qiangwei whispered and rushed forward.

Because the right shoulder bone was almost completely broken, the right arm had lost its combat power, and it could only barely wave the left arm and shot out one after another.

Just then, a finger shot out.


Xiao Xiao slammed his fingers into Wang Tiexin's boxing shadows, but produced a miraculous reaction, which caused his boxing shadows to collapse instantly, and at the same time, the speed of his **** was not reduced.

Rush out ...


He pointed right at his chest, and then he let out a humming sound and fell out, smashing more than ten meters away, looking extremely embarrassed.

This change made everyone in the audience stunned.

Immediately, Wei Suo's excited voice sounded: "I knew, I knew that my brother was a master!"

But Li Kuangyu's face cooled down.

Wang Tiexin climbed up from the ground, trying to rush towards Song Yu.

"You are not his opponent, step down!"

Li Kuangyu's voice sounded.


Wang Tiexin breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly backed away. The opponent could shoot him with one finger. Even if he was caught off guard, he was much better than him. Mostly he was a rune martial artist. He was just pretending. As soon as he opened the stairs, he wouldn't be so stupid as to run and fight with a warrior who might be in the Rune Realm.

The next moment, Li Kuangyu stepped out, staring at Song Ye vigilantly, with coldness and a bit of anger in his eyes, and then hugged his fists towards Song Yan: "In the crazy fish sea team Li Kuangyu, who is your lord , Why should we intervene in the matter between us and the Rose Sea team? "

Faced with Li Kuangyu's questioning, Song Yong smiled, and said with a careless face: "How about getting involved? What about not getting involved?"

After hearing that, Li Kuangyu's face was a little colder again: "If you leave here, I will meet you as a friend if you leave. If you have to step in, hum, my team is not vegetarian! "



As soon as Li Kuangyu's words fell, everyone behind him pulled out his sword and stared at Song Yan with poor eyes.

When Wei Suo saw this, he couldn't help but scream in his heart, "Brother, as long as you help, we can take six pieces of Huo Jingjing as compensation!"

He would rather give Huo Jingjing to others rather than cheap Li Kuangyu.

Hearing Wei Suo's words, Li Kuangyu couldn't help but be angry and stared at the other side with a murderous look. He continued to look at Song Yi: "Although Huo Jingjing is good, he must also have his life. Although your Excellency is a poly symbol, but It's also a poly symbol, not to mention, there are so many masters of Yuandan on my side, please don't be blinded by a few pieces of flames! "

"You guys, let's go!"

Ning Qiangwei, who had slightly stabilized her injuries, flashed a struggle in her eyes, and then spoke to Song Yan. Although the other party was their last life-saving straw, she was unwilling to involve innocent people.

Wei Suo looked at Ning Qiangwei in puzzlement: "Captain you ...!"

Ning Qiangwei interrupted him: "This son has nothing to do with this matter, why should we get him involved!"


Wei Suo wanted to say more, but Ning Qiangwei glared at him, and he had to shut up.

Seeing this, Li Kuangyu's face looked a lot better: "Yes, sir, you don't need your help, you should hurry up!"

"You asked me to come and let me go, wouldn't it be very shameless!" Song Yan shrugged, then looked at Ning Qiangwei, "Do you have gold on you?"

Ning Qiangwei froze, then nodded puzzled: "Yes!"

Song Yi said: "Give me a gold or two, I will help you learn these bastards!"

Ning Qiangwei: "..."

Li Kuangyu: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Immediately, Zhou Lei suddenly stepped on the first two steps in succession, pointing at Song and cursing: "Are you a little white face trying to find death, what are you ..."


A crisp slap sounded, and then saw Zhou Lei screaming and flew out. When the person was in the air, he opened his mouth and spit out blood, and there were a few apricot teeth in it.

Everyone looked at Song Yan subconsciously, but found that the other party was standing still.

Ning Qiangwei, who was standing beside him, seemed to see his body shake slightly, and his heart shook inexplicably. He secretly said, "If it was really he who shot Zhou Lei to fly, the speed would be terrible!"

"How, would you like to spend one or two gold for me to help you out?" Song Yan asked again.

"Okay! Don't talk about one or two gold, even if it's 10,000!" Ning Qiangwei didn't hesitate this time, because she concluded that the seemingly weak young man in front of him was a peerless master.

"Do you really want to fight me?"

The sound of "Booming", Li Kuangyu broke out in full force, and a faint shadow of a mad fish was formed behind him. Everyone present felt a strong pressure.

"Right?" Song Yan shook his head: "You look at yourself too high!"

Speaking, I saw Song Yi step out.

As Song Yan stepped out, the momentum that came on his face suddenly rolled back.

"Puff puff!"

Encountered by his own Qi machine, the energy in Li Kuangyu's body instantly became uncontrollable and rammed into him. Even if he suppressed it with all his strength, he could not suppress the energy of the riot. At last, he spit out several blood, and the whole person followed Stunned.

For a moment, he stared at Song Yan's eyes full of horror, knowing that he might have hit the iron plate. Where is the other party in the early period of Jufu, I am afraid that the late period of Jufu is not as scary as him.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said: "Sir, I'll wait to admit defeat, just ask us to let us go!"

"It's boring!"

Song Shu said his mouth silently, and then said, "Each of you fan ten mouths, and I will spare you."

Hearing Song Yan's words, Li Kuangyu suddenly became angry and spit out blood again: "Is your Excellency too bullying!"

"You're right, I just bully you!"

Li Kuangyu: "... you ...!"

Song Yi smiled and said: "Give you ten breaths to consider. If you don't slap yourself, then I will do it myself, but remind you that I will not do it myself!"

"Captain, we fight with him!"

One of the team members Yuan Dan shouted at the beginning.

"Yeah, fight with him!"

Hearing the words of these two men, Li Kuangyu couldn't wait to choke the two bastards, and the other party had not really taken any action, which caused him to almost lose his fighting power and fight for anything.

And Weisuo and the female player on the side looked so happy that this is the current world report. The mad fish and sea team that was still arrogant just now has become the meat of others.

"Time is up, can you fight?" Song Yan asked.

"I'll fight!"

Li Kuangyu almost bit his teeth, and his eyes were full of resentment, then he raised his hands and fanned his cheeks.

Seeing that their captains had hit each other, the others were unwilling to follow their slaps.

For a while, the sound of "Papapa" kept coming.

When Wei Suo saw this, he could not help clapping his hands and applauded: "Play well, push harder, harder!"

Soon, Li Kuangyu waited for ten slaps.

Song Zheng nodded with satisfaction: "Well, there is no sneaky trick!"

"His gift from today, I remember Li Kuangyu!" Li Kuangyu glanced at Song Yan with a resentful look, and then waved: "Let's go!"

"Who let you go?"

Just then, Song Yan's voice sounded.

"Does Your Excellency want to go back?" Li Kuangyu glared at Song Yan.

Song Yong said hurriedly: "I said just now that you slap yourself in ten slaps, and I forgive you. I forgive you, it does not mean that they forgive you!"

"Yes! That's it!"

Wei Suo quickly echoed.

For a time, the face of Li Kuangyu and others became extremely ugly.

"I'll give you a suggestion!" Song Yan told the three of Ning Qiangwei and Wei Suo: "One is to ask me to kill them or abandon them directly, and the other is to let them leave all their possessions to compensate you for your losses. ! "

Hearing that Li Kuangyu's eyes narrowed, he felt terribly embarrassed.

"The captain, Lee Kuangyu, has done us a terrible job. Let's ask this brother to kill them!" Wei Suo suggested.

"Yes, Captain, they killed us so miserably, we can't let them go!" The female team member also followed, because she knew that if Li Kuangyu was released this time and he would be wounded, he would surely retaliate against them. .

Ning Qiangwei's eyes flashed with hesitation, and finally she gritted her teeth and said, "Master, please help us to abolish their cultivation!"

"Fighting, everyone kills with me!"

As soon as Ning Qiangwei's voice fell, Li Kuangyu's eyes flashed a fierce light, and his face was full of maggots. At the same time, the runes in his dantian burst into flames and turned into an afterglow.


"Ha ha!"

Song Yan smiled disdainfully, raising his hand and pointing out.

A flash of gold light directly crashed into Li Kuangyu Dantian, and then directly bombarded his runes. Suddenly, his runes exploded, blasting the entire Dantian sparsely.

The body of Li Kuangyu also fell from mid-air and passed out.

Immediately, Song Yong waved his hand, and dozens of energies seemed to be a little bit of starlight, radiating out, each of them accurately immersed in a martial artist's Dantian, and all of their Dantians were instantly penetrated.

For a while, the screams kept falling into my ears, one by one, and all rolled down.

Just staring at Ning Qiangwei, Wei Suo, and the female player, they were so stunned that they were so horrified that they raised one early amulet and dozens of Yuandan martial arts in the hands. What did this person have? Such a practice, is it possible that the **** of the sun cannot succeed?

After a long while.

Only Ning Qiangwei returned to God and worshiped deeply at Song Yan: "Thank you for your help."

"No need to be polite!"

Song Yan smiled and then lifted her up: "Let's be fair. Come on, it's time to give me that one or two pieces of gold. Don't tell me, you want to cheat!"

Hearing Song Ye's words, Ning Qiangwei couldn't help crying and laughing for a while, and the whole person was speechless.

Immediately, she took out the six pieces of fire crystals from the storage ring, and held up her hands: "Son, please accept these six pieces of fire crystals!"

But Song Yan did not reach out, but pulled his face: "What kind of person do you think of this boy? One or two gold, one or two, never overcharge!"

"But ..." Ning Qiangwei's face turned red.

Song Yan interrupted strongly: "No, but give gold quickly, otherwise, my son will be soaring!"

"okay then!"

Ning Qiangwei was speechless and had to take out one or two golds and hand them to Song Yan.

With a wave of his hand, Song Zheng put the gold ring into his storage ring, and smiled again on his face: "Okay, I've said goodbye to money and goods!"

Seeing that Song Kun was about to leave, Ning Qiangwei shouted, "My son and so on."

"Oh, what else?"

Ning Qiangwei knelt directly on one knee: "My son doesn't know if you're short of followers, so please ask him to give Rose a chance!"

After her husband Long Ao died, she just barely supported the Qianghai team, and she was very tired. Now Qianghai team has survived in name, and she has no plans to re-establish the team.

In fact, what she wants to do most is revenge for her husband. Unfortunately, those who killed her husband are too powerful and scary. Even if she wants revenge, she is powerless.

But after seeing Song Yun's strength, she had a faint idea. If she followed him, she might avenge her husband in his lifetime.

Seeing this, Wei Suo and the female team member hesitated slightly, and followed Ning Qiangwei on one knee, and said to Song Song: "My son, I also want to follow the son, and I hope the son will keep it!"

Song Zheng nodded slightly: "Come up, I promise! But I have to remind you that after you follow me, don't think about betrayal, otherwise I won't be merciful!"

"Thank you son!"

All three were overjoyed.

Immediately after, Wei Suo took the initiative to search all the valuables on Li Kuangyu and others, and even took the leather armor off of them.

The waking Li Kuangyu was fainted again.

Inadvertently, more than ten days passed.

Song Yan has been drifting on the sea for half a month, and during this period he has also been attacked by several waves of fierce beasts. However, the three Shenhai warriors led by Ning Qiang Weisuo did not need his own shot to fight them back.

[Author's off-topic]: The three updates have been updated, but this is a two-chapter integration, which can be regarded as a change.

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