Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1558: Kill the enemy

This day.

Song Kun was having a meal in the boat, and Ning Qiangwei, Wei Suo, and Gao Hongying were at the same table.

Gao Hongying is the female player with a normal appearance. She is 27 or eighteen years old. She was repaired in the early days of Yuandan. Before that, she had so much interest in Weisuo in the Qianghai Sea team. A few days ago, the ship was hit by a group A fierce beast attacked in the sea, and Wei Suo was slightly injured in order to save her.

Since then, Gao Hongying no longer covers her inner thoughts.

As the so-called men chase women across the mountain, and women chase men across the veil, in the days of Wei Suo's injury, Gao Hongying has been caring for him personally, and once and for all, the dogs and men are openly linked together.

Often show affectionate dog food in front of Song Yan and others.

"Son, where are we going?" Wei Suo asked Song Yun in a deep voice, and after getting together for more than ten days, they found that Song Yun did not have the kind of incomparable masterpiece of a peerless master, but was very easygoing.

Otherwise, they will not dine with their followers.

Of course, the main reason for Wei Suo's questioning was that with the deepening, the fierce beasts encountered in the sea became more and more fierce, especially in the past two days, without Song Yan's shot, they already felt very strenuous.

"Tianhai Jianzong!" Song Yan said.

After hearing the words "Tianhai Jianzong", Ning Qiangwei, who had been eating in silence, suddenly changed her face, and Wei Suo and Gao Hongying's expressions also changed slightly.

The next moment, Ning Qiangwei gritted her teeth, "Dare to ask my son, what is your relationship with Tianhai Jianzong?"

Noting the changes in the three men's looks, Song Yan asked, "What? You have grudges with Tianhai Jianzong?"

"It's more than just grudges, the boss is dead in the hands of the disciples of Tianhai Jianzong!" Wei Suo said with gritted teeth, his face full of anger and hatred, and a little helpless.

To them, Tianhai Jianzong is so powerful that they can only look up.

In a chat, Song Ye had heard Wei Suo mention that their former captain was called Long Ao, who was also the husband of Ning Qiangwei, and it seemed that he died unexpectedly in an operation.

Song Yong thought for a while and thought, "If it is convenient, you might as well talk about what is going on here?"

"Let's do it!" Ning Qiangwei gave a complicated look to Song Yan, and then told the whole story.

The matter is not complicated. A few months ago, Long Ao took everyone from the Qianghai team to an island in the deep sea to collect a special elixir. I did not expect to meet a few disciples of Tianhai Jianzong on that island. .

One of the disciples rose in love, but using a dirty language to play Ning Qiangwei angered Long Ao.

Long Ao took a lesson from them.

Although Long Ao never worshiped the ancestral gate, his strength was extraordinary, and his strength had reached the peak of the early period of Jufu.

But in the end, because the other person was a jealous person of Tianhai Jianzong, he only taught the other person a meal and did not go overboard.

Where can I find it, I have been hated by those disciples.

Finally, on the way back, was intercepted by the reinforcements brought by Tianhai Jianzong.

The opponent has a lot of adults, but in desperation, Long Ao proposed to fight with the opponent's aggressor.

If he wins, they can no longer embarrass them for convenience.

If he loses, he will let the other party deal with it, but it cannot be difficult for the others in the Rosewood team.

The other party agreed.

With only three moves, the opponent pierced Long Ao's Dan Tian with a long sword and abolished his cultivation. Although this situation did not die, it was more uncomfortable than death.

On the way back, Long Ao died dead, mainly because he had lost his desire to survive.

After Long Ao's death, Qiangweihai team followed suit, but it was barely supported by Ning Qiangwei.

After telling the whole thing, Ning Qiangwei looked at Song Yang indignantly: "Chu Gongzi, you have a life-saving grace to us, but the revenge of killing the husband must not be reported. If you are from Tianhai Jianzong or with Tianhaijian Zong has a close relationship and kills me. I just hope you don't embarrass Weisuo and Hongying. "

After hearing Ning Qiangwei's words, Wei Suo and Gao Hongying both mentioned their throats, staring nervously at Song Yan.

Song Yan smiled: "You think too much. I have nothing to do with Tianhai Jianzong. This time I went to Tianhai Jianzong just to get something from them!"

Hearing Song Yong's words, Wei Suo and Gao Hongying were relieved.

Ning Qiangwei's face flashed a bit of embarrassment, and she quickly stood up and said, "Sorry, I'm Rose ...!"

Song Yi waved her hand and interrupted her: "Anyway, I didn't take this little thing to heart, just keep eating!"

A small misunderstanding disappeared, and the relationship between them seemed to get closer again.

Have eaten.

Song Yan called the three to his room and groaned, "You are all doing your best during this time, when your strength is still weak!"

Upon hearing that, all three bowed their heads in shame.

A short while later, Wei Suo patted his chest and said, "My son is assured that I will definitely improve my strength as soon as possible."

"How are you going to improve?" Song Yan looked at him and asked.

"This ...!" Wei Suo said dumbly, and then thought something loudly: "I used to practice only two hours a day, and from now on, I practice four hours a day!"

Song Kun shook his head and said calmly: "If you want to improve your cultivation, you can't improve quickly if you practice for a long time. Otherwise, the older the warrior in this world, the stronger the strength?"

If you practice for a long time, Song Yang will simply hide into the temple and open it thousands of times. After decades of retreat, the world will be invincible.

Therefore, time does not represent everything. The improvement of cultivation mainly depends on exercises, qualifications, opportunities, and resources.

Take Song Yong, for example, if he doesn't have the system, even if his talent is good, he can only be an ordinary person in his life, so sometimes, adventure is higher than everything else.

Of course, it can't be said that if you have an adventure, you cannot help but work hard.

Take the people who were taken away by the system in the future world before Song Ye. They also got adventures and integrated the system, but because of lack of initiative, they finally became ordinary people again.

Listening to Song Yan's words, Wei Suo's face was bitter: "What shall we do?"

"Please also ask for advice."

Ning Qiangwei suddenly spoke.

Hearing Ning Qiangwei's words, Wei Suo could not help but brighten his eyes, and worshiped Song Yan: "Please ask the son to give us a pointer or two."

"As my followers, naturally I will not treat you badly, take it!"

In his speech, Song Yong threw three elixir to three people and explained: "This is the pill of washing the pill, it has the magic effect of cutting hair and pill!"

Hearing the words, the three of them were overjoyed and thanked them all the time. Wei Suo couldn't wait to throw the elixir into his stomach.

Suddenly, Song Yong frowned slightly, and quickly hooded Wei Suo with an air hood, so as not to make his room extremely foul.

Then he said: "Many impurities are excreted in the process of cutting hair and washing the pulp. You can take them in your own room!"

Ning Qiangwei and Gao Hongying suddenly showed a stunned color.

On the second day, Song Kun gave the three of them a cold spirit, each stimulated by this cold spirit, Ning Qiang was about to make a breakthrough, but was forcibly suppressed by Song Qian.

Then she personally helped her to refine the medicine in her body, and then let her take two cold spirits one after another, and then taught her the "Mandy God Magic" from Wanxing Wuzong.

PS: A reminder from a reader reminded that "Wan Xing Shen Jue" is the protagonist's method, so the emperor's skill from Wanxing Wuzong was changed to "Wan Xun Shen Jue".

[Author off topic]: One more, thank you [caijinpai] [procrastin] [wool?] [Wisdom life] four great rewards.

I wish you all happy holidays.

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