Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1563: Sorrowful Song Yan

Ten days!

It only took ten days.

Dozens of cities and territories that had just been recovered were retaken by the Zerg, because the time was too short, and the ordinary people who returned would have no time to evacuate, all reduced to Zerg rations.

Heishan City, on the wall, looking at the dense Zerg army below, as the commander in chief, Zhao Zicheng had no confidence at all.

In the past ten days, he has taken an army and fought and retreated. Even so, the losses have been extremely serious. With more than 100,000 troops, only 100,000 are left.

However, after the Zerg mother embezzled a large number of human races, she created countless zerg races. Therefore, the number of zerg races has now exceeded 30 billion.

In addition, there are no less than two hundred zombie-like zerglings hidden in the 30 billion zerg army.

This group of worms is very cunning, specializing in hunting and killing masters of human race.

Zhao Zicheng's rune martial arts soldiers were arrested and killed during this period, but the casualties were quite severe.

"Master, it's better to withdraw. Our reinforcements will take at least three days to come. With our strength, we can't stop it!" Said a general with a worried expression.

"How many residents have been evacuated?"

Zhao Zicheng asked.

"70% have been withdrawn, and the rest are old, weak and sick!" The other general answered.

"One day, we will give them another day!" Finally, Zhao Zicheng gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"One day, can you stick to one day?"

A general smiled suddenly, you know, they are facing 30 billion zerg, and there are tens of thousands of people on their side, what can they resist?

Soon, the Zerg began to siege again, still the old routine, and the flying beetle first opened the road.

Looking at the billions of flying beetles spreading, everyone's face became extremely ugly, because in this ten-day battle, the cloud burst arrows had been used up, and ordinary arrows could not cause flying beetles How much hurt.


After only two hours, after losing 20,000 soldiers, Zhao Zicheng had to order the withdrawal from Heishan City.

As soon as the army withdrew, the residents in the city who had not had time to withdraw had become the rations of the Zerg.

And the zerg speed is extremely fast.

It took only one day to kill Hunjiang City.

Hunjiang City is the last line of defense on the border. Under the reckless attack of the Zerg, only half a day later, Hunjiang City broke down and the entire city was reduced to hell.

In the First World War in Hunjiang City, Commander Zhao Zicheng was attacked by more than ten Zunyang people, and eventually died after killing five Zongren people.

After the capture of Hunjiang City, the Zerg suspended his attack.

Five days later, the Zerg soldiers were divided into three paths, with 15 billion Zerg soldiers in each army, heading in three directions.

When this news came out, there was a great earthquake in Xuanyang, and people's hearts panicked.

Song Zheng, who was on the sea, did not know about the Zerg's comeback. According to the judgment on the map, it would take up to one month to reach the sea area where the Tianhai Sect was.

This day.

Song Yong was basking in the sun on the deck, and suddenly a finger of water exclaimed.

Song Yan looked up and found a moving gray land hundreds of meters away.

When he thought about it, he opened the perspective magic power and found that the moving land was a very huge turtle, and the land exposed on the sea was only a third of its shell.

For a moment, he couldn't help but stand up and let the sailor turn around immediately.

Because he couldn't figure out what level this turtle was.

Fortunately, the turtle didn't mean to find trouble, and didn't hunt them down.

After backing up 10,000 meters, Song Yan let the sailor go around again, and he moved to the top of the turtle.

How big is this turtle?

He calculated that it could be at least as large as a hundred ordinary school playgrounds.

The turtle didn't seem to sense Song Ye's arrival, perhaps the other party didn't even care about his arrival. After all, Song Ye's body was in his eyes, not even the flies and mosquitoes. It was too small and still leisurely. Slowly swimming in the sea ...

As soon as he thought, Song Yan landed on the turtle's back.

The turtle still didn't respond.

For a moment, Song Ye was hesitant. Should he provoke this guy who doesn't know the depth?

In the end, he decided to use his opponent to try his martial arts strength.

The next moment, his body exploded, Jieyin punched a punch, and slammed heavily on the turtle shell.


With a bang, the stones on the surface of the tortoise shell splattered under his punch, but the tortoise shell was intact.

His fist only used the power cultivated by the Jade Emperor's Scriptures. Generally, the peak of the Yangshen can't reach this level, but it can't cause a little damage to the turtle shell. It can be seen how abnormal the defense of this turtle is.

What makes Song Yan even more annoying is that the turtle still didn't react at all, and still swam with his eyes closed.

"Nima, look down on people!"

Song Yong directly used all the martial arts forces, and again punched out!


The vigor shot, the stones flew across, and at the same time, a huge seismic force directly flew Song Yan bombs into the air.

On the other hand, the turtle shell underneath was still intact.

"Wipe, this is too abnormal!"

Song Yan could not help but vomit, all his martial arts powers have surpassed the ordinary law, even without using any martial arts, it is enough to hit the general law and kill the gods in seconds.

"Would you like to use the power of Xiandao?"

Song Zheng looked at the turtle that was still unresponsive under him, somewhat aggrieved.

Although his Xiandao cultivation is only in the late stage of integration, he can exert his strength in the late stage of crossing the robbery. If he uses the nine stars to change, he can even be compared to the immortal.

In the end, Song Yan decided to try the depth of this turtle. Suddenly, Song Yan's breath changed, and the martial arts power receded and replaced with the strength of Xiandao.

"Break it for Lao Tzu!"

With a burst of drink, Song Kun looked like a big day, and a golden beam of light shot out from his fist, pounding under the turtle shell under him.


Radiance shot, powerful force instantly collapsed the void near the turtle into a black hole.

However, the turtle was still motionless, not even opening its eyes.

"Nima, look down on people!"

Song Yan was dumbfounded, but he didn't plan to continue the temptation. Even the Holy Sea Martial Arts couldn't bear his fist, but the turtles didn't have any fart, and they didn't bother to bother him.

If he had all his cards, he might be able to hurt it, but it was not necessary, because the turtle didn't provoke him and couldn't commit it.

As soon as he was in shape, Song Yan returned to the boat.

"Son, are you okay?"

Ning Qiangwei, who heard the news coming to the deck, asked with concern, and the scene of Song Quan's full force just now made her feel even across a distance of tens of thousands of meters.

She had a feeling that under that power, maybe in an instant, she would turn into powder.

"It's okay!" Song Yan shook his head depressedly, but his heart was severely hit.

Song Zheng didn't know. After he left, the closed-eyed turtle opened his eyes, looked deeply towards the sea boat, and then closed his eyes again.

[Digression by the author]: The third update is completed. Thank you [Wu Wang] [Deng treats a purple chess track] The two great rewards.

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