Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1564: arrival

"finally reached!"

Standing on the deck, looking at the huge island a few kilometers away, Song Yong who sailed on the sea for five months couldn't help but sigh.

The three of Ning Qiang Wei, Wei Suo, and Gao Ying who were behind him were more or less worried. After all, six disciples of Tianhai Jianzong died in their hands. If the people of Tianhai Jianzong learned the news, they went to Tianhaijian. Zong Ke has been trapped.

The entire island is wrapped in large arrays, but is now half-open.

A small arrow-like boat came blasting and stopped in front of the sea boat. There were two disciples of Tianhai Jianzong on it, one of them yelled at Song Ye and others on the bow:

"Who are you?"

Song Yan said hurriedly: "I am Chu Fan. Come to visit the two lords of Guizong. Please inform them!"

Hearing Song Yong ’s name, the two disciples of Tianhai Jianzong did n’t show the slightest difference. Tianhai Jianzong hangs overseas. Although the name of “Chu Fan” is loud, most of the disciples of Tianhai Jianzong may not have heard of him. Name.

Therefore, these two Yuandan disciples did not know that he was normal.

"Wait a minute, let's go to report and remember, don't approach it without our permission, so as not to be attacked by the large array!" As a reminder, the two disciples of Tianhai Jianzong left the arrow boat.

"Son, these two seem to have never heard of your name!" Wei Suo said with regret.

"Soon after the rise of the son, Tianhai Jianzong lived overseas, and it is normal to not know it," Ning Qiangwei explained.

Song Yan smiled but said nothing.

Tianhai Jianzong's large island protection array is still well arranged. With this large array, the fierce beasts below the sun **** have almost no possibility of breaking into it.

It didn't take long for the arrow ship to return.

The former disciple said in a cold tone: "Chu Fan, we have reported your request to see the suzerain, but your request has been rejected. Please leave immediately and do not stay here for no reason!"

Song Kun shook his head. It seemed that honestly seeking this way would not work. In this case, the name ...

The next moment, he took a breath and said loudly, "In Xia Chufan, come and meet the two lords of Tianhai Jianzong, please come out and see!"

His voice was not loud, but at this instant it reached the ears of every gatekeeper of Tianhai Jianzong.

On the arrow boat, hearing the words of Song Yan, the two Yuandan disciples changed their faces, and one of them was even furious:

"Asshole, who made you yell arrogantly? Get out of me right away, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

"It's rude!"

Suddenly, the figure flashed, and suddenly there was an old man in Tsing Yi in the air.

"The disciples have met Elder Luo."

The two disciples on the arrow boat were all in a frown, and bent over to the old man in the air to give a big gift.

The elder Luo is in charge of the penal punishment and has a high status. Almost all disciples will be in awe of him.

Elder Luo nodded, then raised his hand, signaled that the two did not need to be polite, and then smiled and said to Song Yi: "Chu Gongzi came from afar, and he missed him.

As the so-called stretched out his hands and did not smile at people, Song Yong also responded with a smile: "Elder Luo is polite, but he came to visit Zongzong in trouble."

Seeing Song Ye, who was talking and laughing with Elder Luo, and his peers, both disciples were a little skeptical, what exactly is this young man.

After a quarter of an hour.

A welcoming living room in Tianhai Jianzong.

Elder Luo and Song Yan sat side by side, talking to each other and drinking tea, while the three Ning Qiangwei stood behind him.

About half an hour later.

A disciple came to spread the word and asked Elder Luo to bring Song Yong to the Yangjian Hall.

Hearing that, Elder Luo was a little surprised, but did not expect that the two suzerains actually opened the Yang Jian Hall to meet this Chu Fan.

Tianhai Jianzong is established with swords. There are nine halls in their gates. Generally, when noble guests arrive, one of them will be opened to welcome them. And Tianjian Temple.

After a while.

In a hall filled with swords of all kinds, Song Yuan saw two lords Qi Tianhai and Zhang Mingyu of the Sect of the Heavenly Sword.

Qi Tianhai was in her early forties, wearing a gold robe, with a wide face and thick earlobe, and looked very kind. Zhang Mingyu was in her early 30s, with a beautiful appearance, but a colder look.

At the same time, in addition to the presence of two suzerains, five elders of the Tianhai Jianzong also came to five, which is more for the face.

After some non-nutritive polite words, Qi Tianhai mentioned the matter and asked Song Ye's intention.

"I want to take a look at Guizong's" Sun Moon and Moon Classic "!" Song Zheng stared at Qi Tianhai.

Tianhai Jianzong's strongest method is called "Sun and Moon", which is the top-level method of emperor's product, even more brilliant than Jade Emperor's "Jade Emperor's Book", but "Sun, Moon, and Classic" The upper and lower parts of the menstrual cycle can only be practiced by men, and the lower menstrual cycle can only be practiced by women.

As soon as Song Yong's words were out, the air in the Yangjian Hall was frozen, and the smile on Qi Tianhai's face disappeared. Zhang Mingyu's cold cheek was getting colder.

"It's such a courage to dare to slap my sect's treasure, I don't know if I live or die!"

After a long while, an elder suddenly opened his mouth, and his words were full of disdain and anger.

"Boy, although you have some fame, it is not enough to want to come to my Tianhai Jianzong Sanye!" Another elder followed.

"Dare to fight the idea of" Sun Moon and Moon Classic ", be a prostitute, two suzerains, old advice, win this one!"

The third elder also spoke, but the meaning revealed in the words was even worse.

Then, the fourth elder also spoke, meaning the same.

Finally, Elder Luo, who is in charge of punishment, said, "Chu Gongzi, I hope this is just a joke!"

"No!" Song Yan shook his head: "How could this be a joke? I came here for the" Sun and Moon ", and please complete, of course ...!"

"Stop!" Qi Tianhai finally spoke, interrupting Song Yan's words, and his voice was full of anger: "Chu Fan, the deity treats you as a noble guest, but you hide the misfortune, really disappoint the deity!"

"Disappointing your sister, let me finish my words!" Song Yan said indignantly: "Although I hit your idea of ​​the Sun, Moon, and Heaven Classics, but I'm not asking for nothing, I can take three imperial techniques. exchange!"

In the transactions with Wanxing Wuzong and Jade Emperor Sects, Song Yuan sent Hanling Dan, but he was not willing to give them Hanling Dan when treating Taitian Jianzong. Therefore, he would rather have an extra Emperor's Method.

Tian Hai Jianzong, who was full of anger, had a look of embarrassment when he heard that Song Kun actually exchanged three imperial techniques.

Without waiting for them to speak, Song Xuan continued: "It is definitely not a joke to exchange three emperor skills."

During his speech, he took three exercises from the storage ring, namely the Jade Emperor's Jade Emperor's Book, Wanxing Wu Zong's Manchu God, and the emperor's method from Wei Yuan.

What even surprised Qi Tianhai and others was that Song Yan directly threw three exercises to him for examination.

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