Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1588: Unexpected solicitation

Facing the siege of the three holy sea warriors, Song Yan did not have much fluctuation on his face, and saw that he swiped his hands and became vigorous, easily blocking the attack of the three.

.. At the same time, one step can catch up with the strongest Tang Gongqing.

"Boom bang bang!"

Song Yan's double fists hit one after another, each of them carried thousands of kilograms of vigorous force, hitting Tang Gongqing back and forth again and again, extremely bored.

At this moment, Cheng Baishan and Situ Yu Liang came to kill from the side.

"Go away!"

Song Yan slapped the two with two palms like a fly.

However, after such a buffer, Tang Gongqing, who was almost out of breath beaten by Song Yan, got such a breath, and then he had a long sword in his hand.

Ecstasy sword! ! ! Confused! ! ! I saw Tang Gongqing displaying a set of soft swordsmanship with a sword in one hand, and once again displaying a magical sword with the other hand, pointing at Song Yan to kill.

The sword silk is like jade, lingering and moist, but it is full of murderous intent everywhere.

Confused and pointed at Song Yan's chest, but his real target was the center of his eyebrows.

"Use swordsmanship against me?"

Song Yan smiled contemptuously, his figure flashed, and he easily avoided the secret drizzle sword formation laid by Tang Gongqing, and then suddenly crashed into his arms.


Tang Gongqing flew upside down, coughing up blood, the collision almost smashed his internal organs.

And Cheng Baishan and Situ Yu Liang killed them again.

But Song Yan's figure shook, and their attacks all fell through. They reappeared, but Song Yan caught up with Tang Gongqing.

"not good!"

Tang Gongqing's expression changed drastically, and her aura suddenly soared, but Song Yan was faster, slapped him on the chest one after another, and threw his soaring aura back down.

Then he fainted at the center of his eyebrows with a pointing, and threw it to the Pest Squad. Then, he flew out extremely fast, like a peerless dragon.

"Boom bang bang!"

An explosive roar came from the sky. After three breaths, the sky returned to tranquility, and Cheng Baishan and Situ Yuliang fell into Song Yan's hands.

After throwing them to the pest team, Song Yan took aim at the poisonous dragon king Tianlong and the Yinfeng king Tianfeng:

"I heard that you two are very good, so you might as well make a shot together, so I can see it!"

When other people saw Song Yan's ease of capturing the three holy seas alive, they were a little bit at a loss as to how to describe their feelings at the moment, especially Cheng Hao, with a face full of loss and a bit more panic in his eyes.

Hearing the provocation from Song Yan, everyone turned their eyes to the poisonous dragon Yinfeng.

If the poisonous dragon Yinfeng is not Chu Fan’s opponent either

"The younger generation is terrible, I never thought that Xuanyang Domain had such a powerful junior as you!"

Wang Tianlong's pupils shrank slightly, and then stepped up into the air, confronting Song Yan with tens of meters in mid-air. Yin Feng followed closely behind, a little half a step behind Wang Tianlong.

Song Yan smiled and said:

"Thank you for the compliment, it is indeed so much better than your Heavenly Sun Domain!"

Wang Tianlong:


Wang Tianfeng:


At the next moment, Wang Tianlong spoke again:

"Chu Fan, you and my Wang family have no feud. There is a woman named Wang Yufeng in my Wang family. She is 20 years old and she is extremely beautiful. Her martial arts talents are also quite good. Now she has entered the middle stage of Yangshen. In my royal family, I can take charge of marrying Yufeng to you. At the same time, my royal family can also train you with all your strength. Your talent and strength are not weaker than Teng'er. If you enter my royal family, it will be like a tiger with wings. The possibility of a demigod!"

Song Yan was taken aback, but he didn't expect that Wang Tianlong would recruit himself and marry him a Wang family girl named Yufeng.

Subconsciously, he thought of one in the main world, also called

"Jade Phoenix"

The internet celebrity of Wang suddenly felt a chill in my heart.

"Forget it, I understand your kindness, you should marry that Yufeng to someone else!"

Wang Tianlong said again:

"It's okay, there are countless outstanding daughters of my Wang family. You can choose them at will. At the same time, I can also ask the Patriarch to lend you the Emperor Jing!"

The emperor scripture is the imperial grade technique, it is extremely precious, only the super family that has been passed down for many years and has a profound heritage is qualified to own it.

Take the Xuanyang domain as an example, the strongest technique is also the highest rank of the emperor rank.

Although the Heavenly Sun Region is stronger than the Xuanyang Region, there are only a handful of forces that can possess the Emperor Jing.

Wang Tianlong's ability to bring out the emperor scriptures to recruit him also shows that the other party is sincere and not false. For a while, Song Yan was a little moved. You must know that the system gave him the reward of extermination of the zerg. Ping gong method shows the preciousness of Emperor Ping gong method.

Seeing Song Yan seemed to be fascinated.

Wang Tianlong added:

"As far as I know, anyone who can step into the semi-god state has practiced the emperor scripture, or watched the emperor scripture. Although you have good talents, it is difficult to compete with the real human Tianjiao.

This is an opportunity. If you miss it, it will be difficult to get another chance to watch the Imperial Scriptures. As the saying goes, one step behind, one step behind, do you want to be completely left behind by the real genius of the human race? "

Wang Tianlong's tone was very sincere, and he couldn't see any falsehood.

"How strong is the real Human Race Tianjiao?"

Song Yan asked.

Wang Tianlong said:

"You should know that the center of the human race is the Central Region. Both the Xuanyang Region and the Heavenly Sun Region are only remote areas. In the Central Region, you can only be called a Tianjiao when you become a Yang God at the age of ten. Yang Tianyang is king among the younger generation, but it doesn’t matter if you go to the Central Region! So perverted?"

Song Yan was very skeptical.

"I have no need to lie to you!"

Wang Tianlong said sincerely.

"There must be no purpose for you to solicit me into the Wang family so eagerly?"

Song Yan stared at Wang Tianlong with a smile.

"Not bad!"

Wang Tianlong nodded, then waved his hand to isolate the void, and said solemnly:

"The Central Region is the center of the human race. There is a holy ground for cultivation, not to mention that the heavens and the earth are extremely vigorous, and it is easier to enlighten the way by practicing there.

Therefore, all cultivators in the world yearn for the Central Territory, but the Central Territory is not so easy to go to. It is even more difficult for a force to gain a foothold in the Central Territory.

My king’s development in the Heavenly Sun Region has reached a bottleneck, so we want to enter the Central Region, but the Central Region has a rigid requirement for the forces that enter it. That force must have more than two demi-divine warriors, and one of them The age of the demigod can not be more than thirty years old. The most important thing is that the young demigod must pass a special test before they can successfully enter the central region.

There is no shortage of demigods in my royal family, but a young demigod, with Teng'er's qualifications, using our royal family's special methods, he barely became a demigod before he was thirty.

But our Wang family has made too many preparations. If we only bet on him, it may fall short. Therefore, I want to invite you to the Wang family. With your joining, the possibility of our Wang family staying in the Central Region will again This is also a lot. Patriarch, I believe that the Patriarch is willing to give you a view of the Emperor. If you wait for this matter to be over, even if your talent is ten times better, the Patriarch will not agree to lend the Emperor. Therefore, I hope You can seize this opportunity! "

[Author's digression]: The three changes have been updated, thank you for your reward

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