Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1589: You didn't discuss it

Listening to Wang Tianlong's words earnestly speaking so much, Song Yan seemed to be quite emotional and asked:

"Tell me more about the situation in the central domain!"

Seeing Song Yan's heart moved, Wang Tianlong became more enthusiastic:

"The Central Region is the origin of the Human Race. Its area exceeds the sum of the other nine regions. It should be said that the other nine regions guard the Central Region.

All the cultivating inheritances are passed down from there, so the various cultivation civilizations in the Central Region are extremely prosperous, beyond your imagination. Take the semi-divine warrior as an example, in the other nine regions, they are all top existences. But it's nothing in the central domain. You can imagine how powerful the central domain is! In addition, the vitality of the heaven and earth in the Central Region is extremely strong, hundreds of times more than the other nine regions. The vitality of the heaven and the earth is so strong that even people with stupid aptitudes like pigs can easily cultivate to the original core realm.

In fact, this is not the most important thing, but the heaven and earth secrets of the Central Region are becoming more and more active. Breakthroughs there are dozens of times easier than in other places. This is the real reason why the Central Region is called the Holy Land for cultivation.

Of course, another reason everyone wants to go to the Central Region is that there are so many ancient ruins and ancient caves there. As long as one can be opened, a certain family can benefit infinitely! What kind of test will you experience if you want to enter the central domain? "

Song Yan asked again.

Wang Tianlong said:

"Although the Central Region is large, it is in a unified situation. The power that governs the Central Region is called the Central Empire. The Central Empire stipulates that any force that wants to enter the Central Region needs to send one to three young demigods into the Ancestral World to test. Those who pass the training will be eligible to enter the central domain. If they fail, they will not be allowed to participate in the assessment again within a hundred years.

A hundred years ago, our Wang family spent countless costs to cultivate three young demigods. As a result, all died in that trial. This made our Wang family's vitality severely injured, even after a hundred years, we could not recover! The three demigods are all dead. So, isn't that ancestral world very dangerous? "

Song Yan said.

Wang Tianlong shook his head:

"That's not the case. The reason why we failed that time was because one of the three of them offended a certain force in the Central Region, making them hold their grudges, and deliberately sent people into the Ancestral Realm to attack us! What if this Did they deliberately send someone to kill you again?"

Song Yan pretended to be worried.

Wang Tianlong said:

"You don’t have to worry about this. After all, it’s been a hundred years. Besides, we have already died of three demigods. It can be said that we have paid a sufficient price. We will not hold on to it anymore. The most important thing is that the offending one People have fallen accidentally, and the forces will not continue to target us for the sake of a dead person! That way, I'm thinking about it!"

Song Yan said.

"Yes, I will give you three days, I hope you can make a decision as soon as possible!"

Wang Tianlong nodded and emphasized:

"After all, this matter is beneficial but not harmful to you. If you miss this opportunity, you will have to work dozens or even a hundred times more if you want to advance to Mid-Levels."

Song Yan nodded:

"Well, because you are so sincere, Wang Teng will let you take it away! Thank you!"

Wang Tianlong hugged Song Yan's fist, and with a wave of his hand, the energy that isolated the void disappeared.

Then we saw that the two sides fell back to their respective camps.

"How is this going?"

Everyone felt very puzzled and sought answers on the faces of Wang Tianlong and Song Yan.

Song Yan played several seal tactics one after another, and then, Guanghua flashed, Wang Teng recovered from the state of a fire unicorn to a human form, but unfortunately, he is now in a state of nakedness.

Song Yan threw him a long gown:

"Put it on!"

Wang Teng took the gown and put it on, and took a deep look at Song Yan:

"Chu Fan, I can't expect what you have given me, and there will be rewards in the future!"

Song Yan laughed disapprovingly:

"Hahaha, it looks like you are not convinced by the little unicorn, it doesn't matter, you can challenge me at any time when you feel that your strength surpasses me, but I have to say that if you lose again in my hands, it will be difficult to be a human again! "

Wang Teng's pupils suddenly shrank, and he said in a deep voice:

"Next time, I will defeat you!"

Hearing this, Song Yan's face appeared impatient:

"Okay, don't compare here! Believe it or not, I'll catch you again!"

Suddenly, Wang Teng's expression changed drastically, and he turned around and left, but he greeted a lot of laughter from the pest team.

"Hey, Master Chu, you have let Wang Teng go, can you let me go too?"

Zhou Yan'er said to Song Yan with an incomparable tone.

"No way!"

Song Yan directly refused.

"why not?"

Zhou Yaner felt extremely wronged.

Song Yan deliberately said loudly:

"Naturally, it is because the people of the Wang family have given me enough benefits, but you, no one will help you! I can ask my uncle to give it!"

Zhou Yan'er's eyes lit up and she said excitedly.

"Your uncle?"

Song Yan glanced at Tang Gongqing who was repaired by his seal, and said with a smile:

"He is my captive now, and he needs someone to redeem him, how can he redeem you! Young Master Chu, what do you want, as long as you are willing to let me and Yan'er free, we will definitely send you a ransom that satisfies you of!"

Tang Gongqing said suddenly.

"Does your family have an emperor scripture?"

Song Yan asked.


Tang Gongqing shook his head directly.

"Then there is an imperial grade technique!"

Song Yan asked again.

"Yes! Ten imperial grade exercises can exchange your freedom! Impossible!"

Tang Gongqing exclaimed:

"My Tang family doesn't have so many imperial rank techniques at all. Even if there is, it is impossible to redeem the two of us with so much!"

Song Yan said coldly:

"In that case, stay by my side and be a servant!"

Then, his eyes fell on Cheng Baishan and Situ Yu Liang:

"You two, as long as the forces behind you are willing to redeem people with five imperial grades, I will let you go! It's not fair, why they only give five, we want ten!"

Zhou Yaner shouted.

"You are two people, don't you think you are not worth the five imperial rank techniques?"

Song Yan looked at Zhou Yan'er's question with a bit of teasing in his tone.

"Of course I am worth it!"

Zhou Yaner stammered.

"That's it!"

Song Yan gave him an angry look, then looked at the others and said:

"And you, apart from the Wang family, one of the other forces is considered a family, and I will let you go if I leave a royal grade technique, otherwise! Master Chu Chu is too much?"

Someone spoke.

"I let you go just now and you didn't go. If you want to go now, what can you do without paying a price!"

Song Yan said with a sullen face. When he said this, murderous intent flashed in his eyes:

"Give you half an hour to consider. If you don't want to hand in the exercises, I will kill him. By the way, Senior Poison Dragon Yinfeng, you can go!"

For a while, everyone else looked at the poisonous dragon and Yinfeng with strange eyes, and even wondered if the Wang Family and Chu Fan deliberately came here to cheat them.

Upon seeing this, Dulong and Yinfeng only smiled bitterly. This Chu Fan was so bad that he actually calculated them.

[Author's digression]: One more, thank you [Classic never ends] this great reward

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