Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1590: It's a pit, I also jump

In the face of Song Yan with a tough attitude, don't look at those guys clamoring, in fact, they have already recognized the strength of Song Yan, they have already seen Song Yan's strength, and the three holy seas are not his opponents.

Therefore, even if they went together, they would definitely not be able to beat him.

Therefore, in the end, the strength of these parties obediently took out the imperial rank technique and left.

As for the three Saint Sea Warriors captured by him, they have to pay more if they want to be free.

After half an hour.

Song Yan dispelled the excited pest team and other members, leaving only Shishi, Yueyue, and Wei Le.

Facing Wang Tianlong's solicitation before, he seemed to be moved by his heart, but from the bottom of his heart he believed that there was no good thing in the sky for nothing. Therefore, he believed that Wang Tianlong must still hide something from him.

Song Yan recounted the process of Wang Tianlong recruiting him, and then solicited the opinions of the three women:

"Guess what, does Wang Tianlong have another purpose? The gain is not proportional to the effort. I suspect that there is a trap in this!"

Shishi thought for a while.

Yue Yue followed closely:

"For the Wang family, the owner is always an outsider. I guess, even if they can help the owner become a demigod, they must have a way to control the owner!"

Song Yan felt that the analysis of the second daughter was more reasonable, so he looked at Wei Le and asked:

"Wei Le, what about you? What do you think?"

Wei Le was silent for a while before speaking slowly:

"The son, the servants think this is an opportunity. The Wang family dares to recruit the sons. They must think that there are enough ways to control the sons. We might as well take a plan. If they don't have other thoughts, it's fine. If they have other thoughts, the master can Take advantage of it and don’t do anything! Are you so confident in me? What if you don’t end up stealing the rice?"

Song Yan asked with a smile.

"The slave servant has confidence in the son! Hahaha!"

Song Yan laughed:

"Your son does have that ability!"

He didn't show his true strength today. If the Wang family thinks that he is forbidden, he will give them a big surprise at that time. He estimates that his true strength is already stronger than the average demigod.

What's more, there is also the perverted existence of Yueyue, her strength is already comparable to that of ordinary people in the middle stage, and this level is probably no weaker than those so-called gods.

No matter how strong the Wang family is, there can be no gods.

Therefore, the Wang family dared to harm him, he has the capital to directly turn his face.

However, in order not to arouse Wang Tianlong's suspicion, it was not until the third day that he found the opponent and expressed his willingness to join the Wang family.

Regarding this, Wang Tianlong was very happy. He left Longshou City and returned to Wang's house that day to inform the Patriarch of the incident, and Wang Teng was also with him.

He was defeated by Song Yan, and was arrested as a mount for several days, and staying in Longshou City would only lose face.

Using a secret transmission channel, Wang Tianlong took Wang Teng back to Wang's house after only half a day.

The Wang family is a super family in the Tianyang domain.

Their lair was built in a large city. More than half of the industry in this city is in the hands of the Wang family, and the royal family's clansman has reached a terrifying five million people.

If you count the collaterals, the total population exceeds 20 million.

The Patriarch of the Wang Family is called Wang Lingzhi, and his cultivation has reached the late demigod stage.

After listening to Wang Tianlong's report, Wang Lingzhi was a little surprised. The combat power of a Yang Shen late stage was actually comparable to the peak of the Holy Sea, and he was indeed regarded as a heavenly prodigy, but unfortunately, he was not a member of the Wang family.

Wang Tianlong asked:

"Patriarch, what do you think? This child's aptitude is so against the sky, as long as he reaches the holy sea state, the possibility of passing the gods is very high!"

After a long silence, Wang Lingzhi nodded:

"In that case, you can go to Longshou City again and bring that Chu Fan back to Wang's house! Yes, Patriarch!"

Wang Tianlong was overjoyed and left.

The next evening.

Song Yan was teaching the martial arts of Ning Qiangwei, Wei Suo, and Gao Hongying. Wei Le came to report and Wang Tianlong was here.

"So fast?"

Song Yan was a little surprised, but thought that the Wang family had tens of thousands of years of background and already possessed special means to quickly transmit.

Half a quarter of an hour later, welcome to the living room.

"Chu Fan, congratulations, the Patriarch has agreed to let you join the Wang Family!"

Wang Tianlong laughed and said to Song Yan.

"Patriarch agreed so soon?"

Song Yan deliberately showed a somewhat surprised, somewhat surprised expression.

Wang Tianlong smiled and said:

"Haha, naturally you have outstanding aptitudes and have been valued by the Patriarch. You can clean up as soon as possible and come back to Wang's house with me! So anxious?"

Song Yan pretended to be surprised.

Wang Tianlong explained:

"It has not been long since the assessment of the Ancestral Realm. If you go back to the Wang Family to practice with me as soon as possible, your strength will be stronger!"

Song Yan hesitated and said:

"But I still want to stay in Dragon Head City and destroy the goblins!"

Wang Tianlong said:

"You don't know. Goblin creatures are very lazy. They don't eat up the food they rob, and they will never go to war easily. Now, the goblin has seized more than ten large and small cities of the human race, enough for them to eat for a while , In the past six months, they shouldn’t have said anything! Okay, but I have a few entourages who must go with me!”

Song Yan said.


Wang Tianlong happily agreed.

Next, the two discussed and decided to leave tomorrow morning.

That night, Song Yan summoned everyone in the Pest Team and informed them that he was going to leave Dragon Head City temporarily.

Everyone was very surprised by this news, and at the same time, many people showed reluctance.

After speaking, Song Yan gave the blackmailed imperial grade exercises to everyone, and stated that he would return to Longshou City for as long as eight years and as few as three months, hoping that he would come back. Circumstances, their cultivation base has improved.

After dispelling the people from the pest team, Song Yan went to meet the three Saint Sea Warriors captured by him alone, directly enslaved them with puppet magic powers, and then released them.

In the early morning of the next day, Song Yan took Poems and Yueyue, Wei Le, Ning Qiangwei, Wei Suo, Gao Hongying, Zhou Yan'er and Wang Tianlong and Wang Tianfeng together on the road to Wang's house.

Sure enough, Song Yan did not expect it.

The Wang family built a small teleportation array in a nearby city, which can be directly teleported to a city a million miles away.

Then, everyone continued to rush thousands of miles to another teleportation location.

in this way.

It only took half a day to travel from Dragon Head City to True Dragon City tens of millions of miles away.

This is the old nest of the Wang family.

The Wang Family is the absolute ruler in the True Dragon City.

The extraordinary prosperity in True Dragon City, Dragon Tooth City, is far from it.

Finally, Wang Tianlong placed Song Yan and the others in a beautiful manor, and left in a hurry. There were dozens of servants in the manor. Song Yan and the others could ask them if they had any needs.

[Author's digression]: Two more

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