Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1594: Concentric lights

In the early morning of the next day, Wang Tianlong came to the manor again and asked which girl Song Yan liked? Song Yan told him the answer.

Therefore, Wang Tianlong spread the letter with jade charms to make arrangements for people to meet the girl in half an hour.

Half an hour later, Wang Tianlong took Song Yan out of a garden and smiled and said to Song Yan:

"She is inside, you can go in! Good!"

Song Yan nodded and stepped in.

The garden is very large, and there is ingenuity everywhere. Walking in the garden makes people feel very comfortable, and the mood will become particularly beautiful. I have to say that this is a good place for dating.

Song Yan didn't deliberately look for the girl, but just wandered casually in the garden.

Unknowingly, he came to a sea of ​​flowers, beautiful and beautiful.

In the center of the sea of ​​flowers, there is a small colored glaze pavilion, and in the pavilion there is a woman in white standing with her back facing Song Yan.

Just looking at the back, you can feel the amazingly exquisite curve, and faintly, there is more dust radiating out.

With one step out, Song Yan appeared in the Liuli Pavilion over a distance of tens of feet.

The white-clothed woman slowly turned around, her eyes were as clear as well water, without the slightest ripples, she said lightly:

"Chu Fan? Hello Wang Ying, I am Chu Fan!"

Song Yan smiled and said, yes, the girl he chose is really Wang Ying.

"Oh, I see!"

The other party faintly responded, and there was still no reaction in the cold face and eyes, and then he turned his head directly and stared into the distance.

If you change to another person and encounter such a scene, you will definitely be embarrassed or even at a loss.

But Song Yan is a veteran driver who has experienced several worlds. He is so thick-skinned that he doesn't know how to describe it, so he takes a step forward and stands shoulder to shoulder with him:

"Wang Ying, are you treating your blind date like this, your future husband? How should you treat it?"

Wang Ying looked at him, his expression still calm.

"Don't you want to understand me?"

Song Yan looked at her and asked with a smile.

"After you and I get married, I will naturally understand.

hungry! "

Song Yan felt a little flat, and continued:

"Then are you satisfied with me? It's neither satisfaction nor disgust.

That being the case, why do you agree to this marriage! Family arrangements cannot be rejected, so they can only be accepted! Haha, you would think! I will marry sooner or later, and it is the same for everyone, because the family will not give me the right to choose, at least you still don't let me hate it! Ok! "

Song Yan said, feeling helpless to meet such a cold-tempered girl.

"The matter is settled in this way, I will leave first! Let's go!"

Wang Ying said lightly.

"how is it?"

Wang Tianlong did not leave, but waited outside the garden:

"Do you need another appointment? No, it's her!"

Song Yan said.

"Really don't think about it?"

Wang Tianlong stared at Song Yan.

"No need! Okay, I'll go report first, and then come to you!"

When Wang Tianlong left, Song Yan walked directly to the manor.

Back at the manor, Song Yan called in Shishi, Yueyue and Wei Le, took out a pair of mahjong from the storage ring, and made a table to play.

Didn't play for long.

Wang Yufeng brought in the two young men from yesterday again aggressively.

She seemed very angry, and when she saw Song Yan, she yelled in a questioning gesture:

"Why didn't you choose me? I can't compare to Wang Ying in any way?"

Song Yan was taken aback, staring at Wang Yufeng in surprise:

"Your brain is sick, I don't choose you, you should be happy, what are you doing this time?"

Wang Yufeng said angrily:

"I am the best among the young females of the Wang family. If you don't choose me, you just look down on me. In terms of cultivation, I am the late stage of Yang Shen. In terms of beauty, Wang Ying is not as good as me. You say, why don't you Choose me? You go tell Uncle Tianlong now that you have changed your mind and choose me!"

Song Yan asked:

"Why should I go? Give me a reason!"

Wang Yufeng said confidently:

"Only if you choose me, I can refuse you and let you know that toads will never eat swan meat!"

Upon hearing this, Song Yan's face suddenly turned black, and he slowly uttered a word:


Shishi and Yueyue couldn't help laughing when they heard this. Although Wei Le didn't laugh, he was holding back very hard.

"Bitch, you dare to laugh at me!"

Seeing the laughing poetry and Yueyue, Wang Yufeng was furious, and slapped two palms at them.


Song Yan was angry. With a wave of his hand, there was an unmatched force that rolled up Wang Yufeng and the three people, and then threw them directly into the manor. As for the two vigor that she played, she just approached the second woman's body by three feet. Collapsed.

Compared with Shishi and Yueyue, she is too far behind. With her cultivation base, even one of their hairs can't be moved.

"Come on, let's continue!"

After Song Yan said something, he continued to play mahjong, but Wang Yufeng, who was thrown out of the manor, couldn't help but yelled at him. He wanted to continue breaking into the manor and was worried that Song Yan would clean her up.

After scolding for a long time, no one responded, so I could only leave in anguish.

In the afternoon, Wang Tianlong came to inform Song Yan that his marriage with Wang Ying had been set, and he would get married directly in January.

Song Yan also had no objection to this.

In a blink of an eye, three days later, today, the head of the Wang family is about to summon him.

The head of the Wang family lives in a large palace deep in the True Dragon City.

After passing through corridors and gardens, he finally came to the place where the head of the Wang family met him.

The Wang Family Patriarch looks like he is in his thirties, wearing a moon white Confucian robe, with a faint smile on his face, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

"Junior Chu Fan has met Senior!"

Song Yan bent over to bow. The Wang Family Patriarch felt very strong to him. With all his strength, he might not be able to take him down. Of course, this also confirmed his guess that the demigod warrior was already comparable to an immortal.

"Don't be polite!"

Patriarch Wang nodded with appreciation, and raised his hand.

Next, the Patriarch Wang and Song Yan spoke for a while, and then signaled that he could leave. This made Song Yan a little confused. The other party asked him to come, is it just to see him? In the following days, Song Yan had a very leisurely life, either playing mahjong with the women in the manor, or wandering around the city with them.

At the same time, the news of his upcoming wedding was circulated quickly in all directions under the deliberate spread of the Wang family, followed by his defeat of Wang Teng.

at last.

One month has passed and Song Yan's wedding comes.

The place of the wedding was in the manor where Song Yan lived. This manor had already been transferred to his name a few days ago. At the same time, it became extremely festive under the arrangement of the servants.

At about eight o'clock in the morning, Song Yan brought the wedding party prepared by the Wang family to greet the bride.

At half past ten, welcome the return of Sina.

At eleven o'clock, we will formally worship under the witness of all the guests.

After the husband and wife bowed, the emcee sang:

"Please concentric lights!"

Then, a maid cautiously walked up with a copper lamp, and the flame on this copper lamp was actually true, and an inexplicable breath radiated from this concentric lamp, which made Song Yan more. Somewhat vigilant.

[Author's digression]: The third update is completed, thank you [Eagle in the sky] [Rough tea and light rice] Two great rewards

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