Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1595: Big wedding

"Forever to unite, please the bride and groom shed their blood and make a good relationship!"

As the master of ceremonies sang and drank, another maid was holding a tray covered with red cloth. When the red cloth tray was opened, there were two fine needles, one gold and one silver.

Wearing red bridal makeup, Wang Ying picked up the silver needle and gently pierced it on his index finger. A drop of blood slipped from between his fingers, dripping onto the light, and then looked at Song Yan.

Song Yan faintly felt bad.

The emcee smiled and urged:

"Master Chu, please drop your blood! Good!"

Song Yan hesitated slightly to pick up the golden needle and **** his finger, and then a drop of blood rolled down, splashing on the light, and then he saw the concentric light suddenly shining brilliantly, and the flame turned into a big big flame. Heart-shaped.

Suddenly, there was a burst of applause from the guests around.

The voice of the master of ceremonies sounded again:

"The connective concentric lamp is successful. This wedding ceremony is a perfect ceremony. Please send the bride into the bridal chamber!"

And the Patriarch Wang, who was sitting at a higher position than Gaotang, saw this scene, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help showing a deep smile.

Next is the banquet time.

The Wang family has a great reputation in the Tianyang domain, so there are many people who come to attend the wedding, and almost all the major sects and major forces have sent people to come.

People like this, Song Yan, the bridegroom, naturally wants to toast.

Therefore, it took a full hour and a half to finish a round of toasting.

"Auntie, Patriarch, please!"

Just after Song Yan finished the toast, a maid came and said to him.

Under the guidance of the maid, Song Yan entered a room.

There is also a banquet in this room. In addition to the head of the Wang family, there are six demigod elders from the Wang family.

"I have seen the Patriarch, I have seen all the elders!"

Song Yan bent over to salute.

"Get up!"

Patriarch Wang nodded:

"Xiao Fan, cherish the time for the next three days. After three days, you will enter my Wang Family Ancestral Land together with Wang Teng and Wang Yao to practice! Yes!"

Song Yan nodded.


Patriarch Wang waved his hand.

When Song Yan left the room, the head of the Wang family asked the six demigods with a smile:

"How do you elders feel about this? Very good!"

An elder said.

Another elder nodded in satisfaction:

"It's really good. The blood in his body is as strong as a rushing river, and his Yang God is cultivated by five imperial grade techniques. It's no wonder that his strength is comparable to the Holy Sea! Yes!"

The third elder also nodded, a look of regret flashed in his eyes:

"It's a pity that he is not a child of my Wang family. Otherwise, when we enter the Central Region and try our best to train him, he may become a ninth-level general!"

Regardless of the race, you are a demigod at the extreme level, and you can become a deity if you break through the demigod.

Demigods are also divided into strengths and weaknesses, and the gap between demigods between different races is still very large. Therefore, after the various races have discussed, they will determine the strength of the demigods in the future with the ninth-level god.

The first-level **** will be the weakest, and the ninth-level **** will be the strongest.

In general, as long as the cultivator of the human race reaches the mid-stage demigod, he will have the strength of a first-level god.

The ninth-level **** general is the strongest under the god, and the existence closest to the god.

In the Central Region, only powers with ninth-level generals can be called superpowers.

"People who are not from my race must have different hearts. In order for my Wang Family to enter the Central Region, he can only be sacrificed. Besides, although Wang Teng's qualifications are not as good as that of Chu Fan, he has the possibility of becoming a ninth-level general!

Patriarch Wang said lightly.

A sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of Song Yan's mouth not far from the room. As he expected, the Wang family was not at ease! It's just that in the end, who pits and who doesn't know.

The Wang family came forward to greet the guests. Song Yanjing was done with the wine, so he went straight to the new house.

"the host."

Shishihe Yueyue is waiting outside the new house.

"You two go and rest!"

Song Yan said to the second woman.

"Master's spring night is worth a thousand dollars, come on! Come on!"

The two women cheered on Song Yan, and then left with a smile.

Song Yan smiled, then opened the door and walked in.

At this moment, Wang Ying had changed her bridal attire and put on a set of plain white dress, sitting in front of the bronze mirror and combing her black hair. When she heard Song Yan enter the door, she did not look back, just said lightly:

"You're back.

Ok! "

Song Yan answered, strode up, reached out and took the wooden comb in Wang Ying's hand, and whispered:

"Let me do it."

Wang Ying did not speak.

Song Yan didn't care too much, picked up the wooden comb and combed it gently on her head.

Wang Ying's hair is very good and very supple. It was completely combed in just a while. After thinking about it, Song Yan took a strap and tied her hair up. He smiled and asked:

"How is it? Not bad!"

Wang Ying forced a smile.

Suddenly, Song Yan bent over and hugged Wang Ying from behind. Suddenly, her body became stiff, and her whole body seemed to collapse tightly.

"Don't be nervous, relax."

Feeling this, Song Yan whispered in her ear:

"We are now husband and wife.

Ok! "

Wang Ying nodded gently, and then her body slowly relaxed, but there was a slight pink halo on her cold cheeks.

At this moment, Song Yan suddenly hugged Wang Ying and greeted her with an exclamation:

"What do you want to do? Today is the night of our bridal chamber. Of course it is to do what the couple should do!"

Song Yan said with a smile.

"Coco, I'm not ready yet, or next time!"

Wang Ying's voice trembled a little, showing that her heart was very nervous.

Song Yan smiled coldly:

"It's better to choose a day than hit the sun. Sooner or later, there is no need to prepare for the things you will experience! But! Nothing!

Song Yan forcibly interrupted her, then lowered his head and kissed Wang Ying's little mouth. Suddenly, the other party's body became stiff again, and his eyes became even more round, staring at Song Yan incredulously.

But gradually, she felt Song Yan's tongue messing up between her lips and teeth, and her pretty face turned red from the brush, spreading to the base of her ears.

She subconsciously shouted:

"Don't hmm!"

Just as she was speaking, Song Yan's tongue took the opportunity to break through the teeth and capture the pink, fragrant tongue.

At the moment when her little fragrant tongue was captured, a tingling sensation spread all over her body in an instant, and her tight body slowly softened, and even her arms couldn't help but stretched out to hook Song Yan. Of the neck.

After kissing for a full quarter of an hour, Song Yan let go of Wang Ying. Once she was free, she opened her small mouth and gasped desperately, like a dehydrated fish.

"Like it?"

Song Yan whispered in her ear.

Suddenly, Wang Ying, who was already shy and intolerable, became more and more shy, and shook his head quickly:

"I don't know! Haha, since you don't know, let's start over again! Don't!"

In exclamation, Song Yan kissed Wang Ying again.

[The author's digression]: One more, thank you [Wu Dian Wang] [Long Xing Tian Xia 3366] for their great rewards.

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