Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1721: rat

Huang Tianbao felt inexplicably happy to see Song Yi surrendering the fairy stone.

The village chief who got the storage ring looked inside, and it turned out that there were more than 70 million immortals in it. He reported to Song Ye an apologetic smile: "Song Ye, everyone will remember you!"

For the false performance of Changsun Tianya, Song Yan sneered secretly. In the matter of letting him hand over Xianshi, Changsun Tianya may not have contributed to the situation. His reputation in the village is too high, which has affected him. He, now having the opportunity, he did so without hesitation.

"It's still more than 20 million cents. I hope everyone can make it up!"

The King Tong said, "I donate 1.5 million cents on behalf of our hunting team!"

These 1.5 million celestial stones are almost all they have saved.

Then he looked at Huang Tianbao: "Huang Tianbao, you just shouted the best, how many fairy stones did you take out!"

"Our hunting team donated half a million!"

"You're embarrassed to hit half a million!" Tong Wang sneered.

Huang Tianbao said rightly: "Huh! We didn't hunt the fairy beasts with Song Yan at the beginning. These 500,000 immortal stones are already our limit!"


The King of the Child is angry.

"Brother Tong, don't be restless!" Song Yan advised.

Soon, 100 million immortal stones were gathered, and Changsun Tianya came to the village again.

"The three hundred million celestial stones that are in charge have been gathered together, I hope you can talk and count!"

Hearing that all three heads had bright eyes and flashed greed.

Immediately, the Aoki wolf laughed and said, "Haha, rest assured, we still have this reputation in Yinlangzhai, and quickly bring Xianshi!"

Changsun Tianya quickly hurled out the stored spirits.

The Green Timber Wolf grabbed the storage ring in his hand, and when he looked inside, his eyes narrowed into a line, and he put away the storage spirit ring, and said inscrutablely: "It took 100 million immortal stones so quickly, Looks like your Juye Village is rich! "

"What does it mean to be a master?"

Changsun Tianya's face changed drastically, with a vague feeling.

An extremely fierce expression appeared on the face of the Aoki wolf: "What do you mean, if you take out 50 million more, just let you go, otherwise the chicken and dog will not stay!"

"You're a big boss, you can't believe it!"

Chang Sun Tianya's face was ugly, and his heart regretted it. He should have heard Song Yan if he knew it.

The Green Wooden Wolf laughed disdainfully: "Ha ha! We are pirates, but you will be credible with us, so what use is our knife, but rest assured, as long as you bring out 50 million cents more, this time, we are really Let go of you! "

"Don't be fooled me, right?" Changsun Tianya said.

"Rest assured, this one is absolutely right, absolutely not to coax you!" Aoki wolf smiled.

"Well then, the old man is going back to make up!"

Changsun Tianya returned helplessly to the square.

"Village chief, don't you really believe that green wolf's gossip!"

The King Tong asked angrily.

Chang Sun Tianya said with shame: "There is no way, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Let's make up again, make up 50 million cents, maybe they will let us go!"

This time, all the villagers were bombed.

The 100 million immortal stones Song Song just made a big head, and the remaining 20 million were also made by various hunting teams. Now, the villagers are asked to gather by themselves, everyone is very dissatisfied, and some even shouted to fight with them.

Seeing this, Song Yan shook his head secretly: "Human nature is ugly!"

He already knew that the people in Yinlangzhai would not give up, so he also thought about saving this group of people, but they did not appreciate it, but thought that he was selfish and did not want to be a fairy.

Although at this step, he still has a powerful ability to turn the tide, but he does not want to help them, because this is basically a group of white-eyed wolves, this time to help them, maybe they will be hesitant to betray him next time .

Some trouble.

In the end, there were more than 10 million immortal stones, far from 50 million.

Changsun Tianya had no choice but to come to the village mouth: "Three heads, we barely collected more than 10 million immortal stones, we really can't come up with more immortal stones, please forgive us!"

"Come here!"

Aoki wolf reached out.

Changsun Tianya hurriedly presented another storage ring and thanked him, "Thank you very much!"

The Aoki wolf holding the storage ring in his hand gave a grin: "I haven't promised to spare you. Who told you that you didn't make up 50 million immortals?"

Hearing that, Chang Sun Tian Ya's face became extremely pale.

"You're the one to be good enough to spare us at Juye Village!"


The Aoki wolf laughed: "Long Sun Tianya, right? This time, it's not that this seat doesn't talk about credibility, but you didn't make up 50 million cents. So, here is a proposal here, as long as you hand over 10,000 people obedient As a slave, I will spare your village! "


The hesitation of Changsun Tianya appeared on the face. We must know that the end of the slave is terrible, either sent to mine for life or not free, or it is reduced to other things, worse than death.

Just then, a figure suddenly passed through the formation and fell outside, and then knelt down in front of the green wolf and others: "The big master, the villain Huang Tianbao, is willing to lead my men to join your team, also Please stay in charge! "

"Why does this seat keep you!"

Said Aoki.

The others looked at this scene in shock, but did not expect that Huang Tianbao actually turned to the enemy at this time.

"The villain knows a secret!" Huang Tianbao said charmingly.

"Oh, tell me, if this secret is worth your money, this seat will accept you!"

"Thank you for being the master!" Huang Tianbao's busy hoe.

"OK, hurry up and tell the secret!" Aoki urged impatiently.

Huang Tianbao replied: "Did you not think about being a big master? How did an ordinary village like Juye Village get so many fairy beasts?"

"Hmm!" Aoki wolf's eyes lit up. "Keep talking!"

Huang Tianbao continued: "A few months ago, our village came to a fairy named Song Yan. This person is proficient in array formation. It is with his help that we have captured so many fairy beasts. Get up and let him help the big master hunt the fairy beast. I believe that the big master can quickly kill millions of fairy beasts! "

Listening to Huang Tianbao's words, the Aoki wolf was so excited that he shouted, "Who is Song Yan, get out of this seat!"


Seeing Huang Tianbao selling Song Yan, Tong Wang and others waited to unload the guy.

"Brother Tong doesn't have to be angry, look at me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Song Yan's body flickered, and he went outside through the formation method, calmly saying, "I am Song Yan!"

"I heard you are proficient in arrays?" Aoki asked.

"Good!" Song Zheng nodded.

"Join us at Silver Wolf Village, or die!"

"You can join, but I have a condition!" During the conversation, Song Ye looked at Huang Tianbao: "Kill him, I will join you!"

Huang Tianbao, who had always been complacent, heard Song Yan's words, and his face became extremely ugly.

[Author off topic]: Two more, thanks for the reward of [Dark War]

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