Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1722: Death of Aoki

The next moment, Huang Tianbao hurriedly headed towards the Aoki wolf: "Master, the villain is loyal to you, don't listen to the words of others!"

A cruel smile flashed in the eyes of Aoki Wolf, and said to Huang Tianbao: "Since you are loyal to me, would you like to die for this seat?"


The yellow sky leopard stagnates.

"Huh, how dare you deceive me, **** it!"

As soon as the voice fell, a blade of light flew out like lightning, and with a bang, Huang Tianbao was split in half.

Seeing this scene, Changsun Tianya felt a cold heart and looked a little bit afraid in Song Yan's eyes. If Song Yan joined Yinlangzhai, would he remember that they forced him to surrender Xianshi, thus retaliating against them? ?

The green wooden wolf put away the fairy sword, and his eyes fell on Song Yan: "How? This kid has chopped the kid as you intended, should you worship me as a master?"

"I went to the cottage. What position do you give?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

The green wooden wolf's eyes narrowed, and a fierce light flickered: "As long as you have the ability, this seat can let you sit on the fifth spot of my silver wolf village! Of course, if you only have a sham name, then you will become the soul of this seat. ! "

"Do you have the ability, let's try it?" Song Yan said to himself.

"Oh, what do you want to try?" Aoki wolf became interested.

"The array I set up can be drowsy to the earth fairy!" Song Kun said proudly.

"Hey! Don't be afraid to blow the cowhide into the sky, I'll try your formation, if I can't trap Lao Tzu, I will chop you!" Duanmu Fei smiled strangely, his tone full of disdain and contempt.

"If you can't trap you, I don't need you to chop it, I'm going to hang myself!" Song Yan opposed.

"Huh! I'm waiting for you to brag!" Duanmu Fei sneered.

Song Yong smiled, and he had a few more arrays in his hands. His wrists trembled, and the arrays flew out and fell in the quartet. Then, he quickly played a series of arrays and tricks. Then, a matrix rose and glowed with colorful brilliance. .


Song Yan said to Duanmu Fei.

"What **** method, I'll see if I break it!"

As soon as the voice fell, Duanmu Feiyu flew into the battlefield. Then, the long knife in his hand waved out, and a dozen-kilometer-long knife flew down, and shouted, "Break for Laozi!"

But the result was that the light of the formation method flashed a little, and the powerful knife light was eliminated.

Seeing this, Aoki wolf laughed and said, "It's interesting!"

Then, Duanmu Fei's crazy attack in the formation, still can't shake half of the formation.

For a moment, the Green Timber Wolf couldn't help showing a hint of shock, and Changsun Tianya regretted it. He had known Song Jun's level of formation was so high. What he said was unwilling to offend him.

It's a pity it's too late to say anything now.

A quarter of an hour in the blink of an eye, Duanmu Feiyu, who was attacking frantically in the array, had already shown a strenuous situation.

Song Xuan looked at Sanming Beiming Amano: "Otherwise, this master is also going to try and see if the two of you can break up my formation!"


Beiming Amano did not immediately agree, but looked at the Aoki wolf.


Aoki nodded, and he was there, not afraid that the kid was cheating, he was very confident in his strength.

"it is good!"

After getting the approval of the Aoki wolf, Kitakami Amano also flew into the battle.

But the results shocked everyone. The two teamed up and still couldn't shake half of the formation.

"Would you like to go in too?"

Song Yan looked at the green wooden wolf.

I heard that Green Wood Wolf was a little more vigilant and said, "No need, you are eligible to sit in the fifth spot of Yinlangzhai, and remove the formation!"

Song Yan shook his head gently: "The fifth best chair is not enough with my skills!"

The green wolf's eyes narrowed again, and a fierce light flickered: "Then how many seats do you want to sit on!"

Song Yan smiled: "Be the big master when you are the master. If you are willing to give up the position of the master, I may consider joining your Silver Wolf Village!"

"Are you kidding me?"

The blue wolf's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and his eyes were more murderous.

"Haha, you just saw that I was playing with you, really anxious for your IQ!" Song Yan laughed.

"court death!"

The Aoki wolf was furious, and the long knife in his hand turned his anger into a shocking sword.


Song Kun smashed his fist, and Dao Mang shattered in response. Then, he stepped out and came to the Aoki wolf, kicking out his feet in a series.

With a series of explosions, a figure flew upside down and hit the ground heavily. It was the green wolf.

"Big boss!"

Five thousand elites couldn't believe it when they saw it. Dadangjia in the middle of Dixian was defeated.

The village chief Sun Tianya was dumbfounded when he saw this scene. He couldn't wait to give himself a hundred slaps in his heart. What he did, he actually offended someone who was stronger than the mid-earth fairy.

The villagers of Juye Village who saw this scene became dull, especially the faces of the people who forced Song Xuan to surrender Xianshi were a little bit more panic and anxiety.


The green wolf struggled to get up, but couldn't help spitting blood in his mouth. He stared resentfully at Song Yan: "Who the **** are you?"

"Does a dead person need to know so much?"

Song Yan smiled disapprovingly.

"Miscellaneous!" Aoki was furious, and immediately burst into drink: "I'll give it to Lao Tzu, kill this kid!"

Suddenly, the five thousand elite robbers moved in unison, urging their immortal horses to rush towards Song Yu.

"Good job!"

Seeing this crowd of people rushing forward, instead of showing his fear, Song Kun was very excited. He took a step forward, squeezed a punch, and then blasted out.


The shadow of the boxing came out like a mountain, and the bodies of more than 500 elite mountain thieves burst into blood mist in an instant.

"Oh my God! One-hundred-hundred-hundred cents immortal! Too scary!"

For a while, everyone who saw this scene was stunned and opened his mouth for a long time and couldn't close it.

"Come again!"

Song Zheng stepped up again, and the Indian seal in his hand changed for a while, and then bombarded again.


As if Huang Zhonglu's voice sounded loudly, hitting the soul directly, in an instant, more than 500 pirates fainted directly, and saw Song Ye waved at will, and all the 500 pirates disappeared in place.

Just two punches killed more than 500 people, and more than 500 people disappeared.

The remaining elite robbers were all frightened. In the next moment, they turned their horse heads and fled in the opposite direction. The green wolf also mixed with the elite burglars and planned to escape!


Song Yan's figure flew into the air and flew up. People were in the sky, and his right hand slammed down and pressed. All of the burglars within ten meters turned into blood mist and burst, but the green wolf was struggling to support it.

"Don't kill me! I'm from Jiuyang Jianxian! You kill him, Jiuyang Jianxian won't let you go!"

Shouted Aoki.

"What about Jiuyang Sword Fairy?"

Song Yan dismissed a smile and waved his fist again. Then, Aoki's body exploded, and a few hands caught him, and several storage rings fell into his hands.

[Author off topic]: Three updates have been completed, thanks [My Dream Flying] [cuikunlu] [云淡风轻 _ 心] [Dark Battle] Four big rewards

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